English Collection


be primed

2024年12月26日 | 英単語
五輪書 "The Book of Five Rings and Other Works" を読み終えて、やはり武蔵が書いた兵法三十五箇条 'Combat Strategy in 35 Articles' を読んでいます。第二十七箇条の 'About "Opportunity Knocks"' からの引用です。

"Opportunity Knocks" is when the enemy comes in close to attack you with his sword and you either slap it away with your own sword, parry the attack or hit. In all cases of slapping, parrying or hitting, the enemy's attack should be considered an opportunity. If actions of riding, evading or sticking to the enemy's sword are all executed with the intention of striking, your body, mind and sword will always be primed to deliver.
Carefully consider this.

だいぶ前(2/10/2008)に "prime" にユニークな意味 "introduce liquid into (a pump) to facilitate its working" を取り上げましたが、子供の頃、家にまだ手押しの井戸があり、たまに水がなくなり、水を "prime" した経験があるので直ぐに覚えられましたが、その意味での例はその後見聞きしたことがありません。上の引用文での "prime" の意味は何でしょうか?

・Oxford English Dictionary: to make something ready for use or action: The bomb was primed, ready to explode.
・Collins Dictionary: If someone primes a bomb or a gun, they prepare it so that it is ready to explode or fire.: He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time.
なるほど、準備する意味もあるのですね。 "prime" の他の意味も全て簡潔に説明している次の辞書も引用します。
・Vocabulary.com: If something is in its prime, it is at its best. The same goes for a person. If you are young and healthy and in the prime of your life, you are ready to take on the world.
Prime often means "main." The prime reason you go to concerts is to see your favorite groups perform. If your mother is angry that you came home late, tell her that this is a prime example of why you need a cell phone — so you can call her. It can also mean "of the highest quality" as in prime beef or flowers. As a verb, prime means to get ready. Hopefully you've primed yourself for your exams. Prime the pump and start the engine!

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