Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 "Terrified of Turtles" からの引用です。
Then, in my 20s, some friends convinced me to join them in jumping into a lake from a bridge. On the way down, all I could think of was snapping turtles swarming me when I landed. I flailed my arms and legs midair in a futile attempt to stop myself, totally muffing the jump and doing a painful belly flop into the water.
"muffing" を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: If you muff something, you do it badly or you make a mistake while you are doing it, so that it is not successful.: He muffed his opening speech.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to spoil an opportunity or do something badly: I only had two lines in the whole play and I muffed them.
Then, in my 20s, some friends convinced me to join them in jumping into a lake from a bridge. On the way down, all I could think of was snapping turtles swarming me when I landed. I flailed my arms and legs midair in a futile attempt to stop myself, totally muffing the jump and doing a painful belly flop into the water.
"muffing" を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: If you muff something, you do it badly or you make a mistake while you are doing it, so that it is not successful.: He muffed his opening speech.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to spoil an opportunity or do something badly: I only had two lines in the whole play and I muffed them.