English Collection


hung jury

2024年11月11日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 9月号の記事 "Fathers of the Bride" からの引用です。

While still in high school, Ivy testified against her father in court. After that trial resulted in a hung jury, she faced him from the witness stand in a second trial, with the same result. After she testified in a third trial, in the summer of 2013, her abuser was finally convicted and sentenced to almost 16 years in prison.

"hung jury" は陪審人が関係する裁判のことの様ですが、意味を辞書で調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: a jury that is unable to reach a decision: George's first trial ended in a hung jury.
・Merriam-Webster: a jury whose members cannot agree about what the verdict should be: The trial ended with a hung jury and the judge declared a mistrial.
・Wikctionary: A jury in a legal trial that is unable to reach or come to a verdict because the jurors cannot agree on a decision.: The prosecution re-filed charges after a mistrial was declared due to a hung jury.

素人が参加する裁判の是非が良く分かりませんが、RDの記事の事件は父親が娘を虐待、強姦したのに、陪審員裁判で2度も "hung jury" になったと聞くと、陪審員裁判が信用できませんね。

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