English Collection



2022年09月05日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 6月号の記事 'HOW TO Stop Losing Your Stuff' からの引用です。
Her angst is probably familiar to anyone whose phone is MIA a dozen times a day, or who can't find the TV remote until ten minutes after a favorite show has been.

略語 "MIA" を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: short for missing in action: the elderly mother of an MIA soldier
・Collins Dictionary: MIA is used to describe members of the armed forces who do not return from a military operation but who are not known to have been killed or captured. MIA is an abbreviation for 'missing in action'.: He was listed as MIA.
(military) Initialism of missing in action.: When his patrol didn't come back from the front, he and all his buddies were listed as MIA.
(by extension) to be absent for a long time.: My friends have been MIA today.

元々は行方不明の兵士を指していた言葉ですが、Reader's Digestの例は人ではなく携帯電話やリモコンですよ!

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