区民農園が借りれた時はいつも沢山取れて美味しいのでインゲン豆を栽培しました。最近は区民農園の抽選に当たらないので、ベランダと駐車場の脇のスペースでポットに絹さや、グリーンピース、スナップエンドウの種をまき、今は毎日収穫できているところです。(4月5月のことです。) ちょうどReader's Digest 3/4月合併号の 'FOOD for Thought' に豆の記事がありましたので一部を紹介します。
Peas are among the oldest crops in human history, though exactly what constitute a pea is a little hard to pin down. Just about aything we call a pea--whether a garden pea, snow pea, chickpea, or peanut--grows in a pod and is a member of the larger legume family called Favaceae (generally pronounced "fuh-'bay-see-ee"). That's the same family from which fava beans get their name. The peas we eat when fresh, green, and sweet--including garden peas, snap peas, and snow peas--are usually members of the Pisum genus. That also goes for green split peas, which tend to be sold dried rather than fresh, and are frequently cooked into soup and porridge. Other types of peas, such as chickpeas and peanuts, belong to different genera.
"fava beans" はどんな豆か調べます。 次のの辞書と辞典には写真も掲載されていたので引用します。
・Wiktionary: An edible bean (Vicia faba) native to Africa and Southwest Asia with a long tradition of cultivation.
・Wikipedia: Vicia faba, also known in the culinary sense as the broad bean, fava bean, or faba bean, is a species of vetch, a flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae.
Peas are among the oldest crops in human history, though exactly what constitute a pea is a little hard to pin down. Just about aything we call a pea--whether a garden pea, snow pea, chickpea, or peanut--grows in a pod and is a member of the larger legume family called Favaceae (generally pronounced "fuh-'bay-see-ee"). That's the same family from which fava beans get their name. The peas we eat when fresh, green, and sweet--including garden peas, snap peas, and snow peas--are usually members of the Pisum genus. That also goes for green split peas, which tend to be sold dried rather than fresh, and are frequently cooked into soup and porridge. Other types of peas, such as chickpeas and peanuts, belong to different genera.
"fava beans" はどんな豆か調べます。 次のの辞書と辞典には写真も掲載されていたので引用します。
・Wiktionary: An edible bean (Vicia faba) native to Africa and Southwest Asia with a long tradition of cultivation.
・Wikipedia: Vicia faba, also known in the culinary sense as the broad bean, fava bean, or faba bean, is a species of vetch, a flowering plant in the pea and bean family Fabaceae.