English Collection


divided leaves

2020年03月20日 | 英語の原書を読む
Edward O. Wilsonの "The Creation" を読んでいます。
Subjects in choice tests prefer their havitation to be a retreat, with a wall, cliff, or something else solid to the rear. They want a view of fruitful terrain in front of the retreat. They like large animals scattered thereabout, either wild or domestic. Finally, they favor trees with low horizontal branches and divided leaves. It is probably not a coincidence that some poople, I among them, consider the Japanese maple the world's most beautiful tree.
" divided leaves" の表現は初めて見ますが、その後に続く文に日本のもみじが一番美しい木だとあるので、もみじの葉のような形状の葉を示している事が分かります。辞書の "divided" の項に次の説明があります。
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: of a leaf: cut into distinct parts by incisions extending to the base or to the midrib

・Collins Dictionary: botany another word for dissected
dissected: in the form of narrow lobes or segments: dissected leaves

・American Heritage Dictionary: Botany Having indentations extending to the midrib or base and forming distinct lobes: divided leaves.
"dissected leaves" とも言うのですね。
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