リーダーズダイジェスト5月号に朝食についての特集記事があり、その最初記事は日本のお相撲さんのチャンコ鍋について書かれていました。 次の文はその中の一文です。
Protocol demands that junior grapplers cook the dish daily for the champs, who get first dibs.
"dib" は初めて見る単語なので辞書を引きます。
・American Herritage Dictionary: (Slang)
1. A claim; rights: I have dibs on that last piece of pie.
2. Money, especially in small amounts.
この辞書には慣用句として "have dibs on" の説明も次のようにありました。 Have a first claim on something, as in If you don't want it, I have dibs on the next available apartment. This term was originally schoolyard slang. [c. 1930]
・Online Etymology Dictionary: children's word to express a claim on something, 1932, originally U.S., apparently a contraction of dibstone "a knucklebone or jack in a children's game" (1692), of unknown origin.
"dibs" は大人が実際の会話で口にする事はない単語のようですね。
Protocol demands that junior grapplers cook the dish daily for the champs, who get first dibs.
"dib" は初めて見る単語なので辞書を引きます。
・American Herritage Dictionary: (Slang)
1. A claim; rights: I have dibs on that last piece of pie.
2. Money, especially in small amounts.
この辞書には慣用句として "have dibs on" の説明も次のようにありました。 Have a first claim on something, as in If you don't want it, I have dibs on the next available apartment. This term was originally schoolyard slang. [c. 1930]
・Online Etymology Dictionary: children's word to express a claim on something, 1932, originally U.S., apparently a contraction of dibstone "a knucklebone or jack in a children's game" (1692), of unknown origin.
"dibs" は大人が実際の会話で口にする事はない単語のようですね。