'Chicken Soup for the Soul' を読んでいます。
One character in the movie, Knox Overstreet, has a terminal crush on a gorgeous girl. The only problem is that she is the girl friend of a famous jock.
"terminal crush on a gorgeous girl" の個所ですが、"crush on a gorgeous girl" は分かるのですが、"terminal" が "terminal ill" を連想させるので、ピンときません。 "terminal" を辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: A terminal illness or disease causes death, often slowly, and cannot be cured.: His illness was terminal.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: causing something to end or fail: He doesn't believe their problems are terminal.
・Infoplease Dictionary: utterly beyond hope, rescue, or saving: The undercapitalized project is a terminal problem.
分かりました。 叶わぬ恋と言うか、見込みの無い片思いですね。
One character in the movie, Knox Overstreet, has a terminal crush on a gorgeous girl. The only problem is that she is the girl friend of a famous jock.
"terminal crush on a gorgeous girl" の個所ですが、"crush on a gorgeous girl" は分かるのですが、"terminal" が "terminal ill" を連想させるので、ピンときません。 "terminal" を辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: A terminal illness or disease causes death, often slowly, and cannot be cured.: His illness was terminal.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: causing something to end or fail: He doesn't believe their problems are terminal.
・Infoplease Dictionary: utterly beyond hope, rescue, or saving: The undercapitalized project is a terminal problem.
分かりました。 叶わぬ恋と言うか、見込みの無い片思いですね。