English Collection



2010年08月03日 | 英語学習
"cogent" はBushidoの中で次ぎの文でたった一度使われているだけですが覚えておきた単語です。
the most cogent precept in the code of the samurai. Nothing is more loathsome to him than underhand dealings and crooked undertakings.
"cogent" の意味を辞書で早速調べます。
・OneLook Quick Definitions: a. having the power to influence or convince ("A cogent analysis of the problem") b. powerfully persuasive ("A cogent argument")
・V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionary: convincing enough to compel belief or agreement--forceful and convincing
Tips: Cogent carries a connotation of rationality and is often used to describe arguments or analysis. Cogent is derived from the Latin cogere, which means "to drive" or "to force." Thus, the clarity and logic of a cogent argument are strong enough to virtually force belief. Cogent is a great word to describe an argument or an idea that is very well thought out and convincing.
Usage Examples:
You will receive an "A" if you make a clear, cogent argument in your essay. (persuasive, compelling)
His cogent presentation led me to sign up for the complete seminar immediately. (convincing, compelling)
V2 Vocabulary Building Dictionaryに掲載の語数は多くはないのですが、解説が丁寧なので これから多用したいと思います。
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