Reader's Digest 6月号の定番コラム All in a Day's Work中の一つの記事タイトルに使われていた単語が気になりました。
Classic Complisult
It's amazing how a person can compliment and insult you at the same time. Recently, when I greeted a colleague, she said, "You look so gorgeous. I didn't recognise you."
"complisult" の意味が "compliment and insult you at the same time" の意味であることは記事を読めばわかりますが、辞書にこの単語が出ているでしょうか?
・Urban Dictionary: A backhanded compliment.: "That's such a nice dress. It does wonders for your figure.": This person has just delievered a complisult.
"complisult" を普通の表現では "backhanded compliment" と言う様で、こちらは普通の辞書にも掲載されています。
・American Heritage Dictionary: Having derogatory or insulting implications: "Everyone...said how wonderful, how glamorous she looked, but even that was a sort of backhanded compliment, with the unspoken addendum, for your age"
・ roundabout or ambiguous: “attacks from that source amounted to a backhanded compliment to his integrity”: “a backhanded and dishonest way of reaching his goal”
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