English Collection



2014年02月17日 | 英語学習
日本語でも怒りが爆発することを切れると言いますが、Reader's Digest 12月号の記事、WHY SO ANGRY? に出てきた英語の表現は日本語の切れると発想は同じです。
Short-fused drivers experience more anger, anxiety and act impulsively.
They are more likely to get in the car angry - perhaps from work or home stress.
"Short-fused" は「切れ易い」、「短気な」の意味だと直ぐに分かりますが、辞書で確認します。
辞書の項目として "Short-fused" は見つかりませんが、名詞の "short fuse" の説明はありました。
・Collins Dictionary: (informal) a quick temper: Ernest had a short fuse and a very nasty temper she was careful not to inflame.
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic) The personality trait of being quick to anger. Be careful of what you say; he has a short fuse.
・Oxford English Dictionary: have (or be on) a short fuse: have a tendency to lose one’s temper quickly: ‘watch your tongue--he’s got a very short fuse
また動詞的な表現としては "blow a fuse" の慣用句で日本語の「切れる」と同じ使い方になるようです。
have a short fuse, Informal. to anger easily; have a quick temper.
blow a fuse, Informal. to lose one's temper; become enraged: If I'm late again, they'll blow a fuse.
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