英語でマーケティングを勉強する会のBizComでは現在テキストとして "Kotler on Marketing" を使っております。
普段余り予習はしないのですが、前回は欠席したので前回までの分と今週読むはずの分先まで読んでいたら、マーケティング特有の専門用語らしき表現が二つありました。 一つは "Go-NoGo" で次ぎのように使われていました。
These companies have routinized the process of innovation, with a Go-NoGo system which supports potential winners while cutting short the life of potential losers.
"Go-NoGo" のスペルでは辞書にはありませんでしたが "go/no-go", "go-no-go" と "go or no-go" が普通使われるスペルのようです。
Dictionary.com: being or relating to a decision as to whether or not to proceed as planned or to the time at which such a decision must be made.
In general go/no go testing refers to a pass/fail test (or check) principle utilizing two boundary conditions. The test is passed only when both the Go condition is met and the No go condition fails.
The test gives no information as to the degree of conformance to, or deviation from the boundary conditions. These tests can be used for statistical process control purposes. There are specific SPC tools that utilize parameter based measurements (e.g., P-charts) for determining the stability of a process.
説明はまだ続き "SPC tools" とか "P-charts" など専門用語が更に出てきたのでこれ以上深追いはしないことにします。
普段余り予習はしないのですが、前回は欠席したので前回までの分と今週読むはずの分先まで読んでいたら、マーケティング特有の専門用語らしき表現が二つありました。 一つは "Go-NoGo" で次ぎのように使われていました。
These companies have routinized the process of innovation, with a Go-NoGo system which supports potential winners while cutting short the life of potential losers.
"Go-NoGo" のスペルでは辞書にはありませんでしたが "go/no-go", "go-no-go" と "go or no-go" が普通使われるスペルのようです。
Dictionary.com: being or relating to a decision as to whether or not to proceed as planned or to the time at which such a decision must be made.
In general go/no go testing refers to a pass/fail test (or check) principle utilizing two boundary conditions. The test is passed only when both the Go condition is met and the No go condition fails.
The test gives no information as to the degree of conformance to, or deviation from the boundary conditions. These tests can be used for statistical process control purposes. There are specific SPC tools that utilize parameter based measurements (e.g., P-charts) for determining the stability of a process.
説明はまだ続き "SPC tools" とか "P-charts" など専門用語が更に出てきたのでこれ以上深追いはしないことにします。