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category killer

2008年07月23日 | 英語学習
原則として第一週を除く毎水曜日の夜東京の京橋に集まって開かれているマーケティング・ビジネス英語の勉強会BizComの第4期が6月17日から始まりました。 第4期のテキストはKotler on Marketingでまだ第一章を読み始めたばかりですがアメリカのテキストに共通する読み易い英文で書かれていて、単語も余り難しい単語は出てきません。(単語レベルで言うと、10代向けのジュニア小説の方が10倍以上難しい、あるいは馴染みのない単語が使われています。)
難しい単語はほとんど出てきませんが、マーケティングに特有な単語はもちろん良く出てきます。 あいにく6月23日は都合が悪く欠席しますのでその日に読まれるだろうと思われる個所を連休の間に読みましたが知っているようで知らない、あるいは明確には説明できないマーケティング用語が一つありました。それは "category killer" です。早速Dictionary.comを見ると "a retail store that specializes in one kind of discounted merchandise and which dominates the competition Example: Microsoft was once thought of as a category killer.
とありましたが、例にあるマイクロソフトはretail storeではないので余り適切な例には思えません。"category killer" で引くと普通の辞書は出てきませんが専門語辞書のInvestopediaがOneLookの検索でリストされたのでそちらも見てみると:
Large companies that put less efficient and highly specialized merchants out of business. One of the best examples of a category killer is WAL-MART, their chain has put smaller stores in a wide range of specialized categories out of business.
Category killer is a term used in marketing and strategic management to describe a product, service, brand, or company that has such a distinct sustainable competitive advantage that competing firms find it almost impossible to operate profitably in that industry. The existence of a category killer will eliminate almost all market entities, whether real or virtual. Many existing firms will leave the industry, thereby increasing the industry's concentration ratio.
An example of a category killer business is eBay. eBay as an online auction site has a natural monopoly, as buyers and sellers will naturally gravitate to the largest, most liquid market. As a result, their business has almost no competition and has forced similar auction sites like the ones run by Yahoo! into a very small portion of the market. Jupiter Communications has estimated that eBay earned 90% of all revenues in the consumer-to-consumer auction market in the year 2000.
Another type of category killer, and the definition most associated with the term, is a big box retail chain such as Best Buy or Toys "R" Us which is focused on one or few categories of merchandise and offers a wide selection of merchandise in these categories at relatively low prices. The emergence of such stores has taken a toll on many department stores.
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