English Collection



2020年09月08日 | 英単語
Jane Austenの "pride and prejudice" を読んでいます。
“Lizzy, you must not do so. You must not suspect me. It mortifies me. I assure you that I have now learnt to enjoy his conversation as an agreeable and sensible young man, without having a wish beyond it. I am perfectly satisfied, from what his manners now are, that he never had any design of engaging my affection. It is only that he is blessed with greater sweetness of address, and a stronger desire of generally pleasing, than any other man.”
"address" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: archaic A person's manner of speaking to someone else.: his address was abrupt and unceremonious

・Collins Dictionary: archaic manner or style of speaking or conversation

Merriam-Websterに次の様な "address" の説明と、Jane Austenのどの小説か分かりませんが("pride and prejudice"では無いようだ)引用文を掲載しています。
address: dutiful and courteous attention especially in courtship —usually used in plural: "Here is a young man wishing to pay his addresses to you, with everything to recommend him." — Jane Austen
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2020年09月07日 | 英単語
Jane Austenの "pride and prejudice" を読んでいます。

Neither Jane nor Elizabeth were comfortable on this subject. Day after day passed away without bringing any other tidings of him than the report which shortly prevailed in Meryton of his coming no more to Netherfield the whole winter; a report which highly incensed Mrs. Bennet, and which she never failed to contradict as a most scandalous falsehood.
"report" は日本語でもレポートとして頻繁に使われますが、報告(書)あるいは官公庁や報道関係等のある程度公式な見解を含んだ知らせの意味を連想してしまいます。 "pride and prejudice" には "report" が上記の例の様に頻繁に出てきますが、何れも日本語で使っているレポートの意味ではないようです。そこで辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary:
 A piece of information that is unsupported by firm evidence and that the speaker feels may or may not be true.: reports were circulating that the chairman was about to resign
 dated Rumor.
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that there are reports that something has happened, you mean that some people say it has happened but you have no direct evidence of it.: There were unconfirmed reports of several arrests
"pride and prejudice" で使われている "report" は単なる噂に近い意味の様だ。
ところで "report" には "a sharp explosive sound" の意味もある事を8/8/2008 に取り上げています。
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2020年09月03日 | 英単語
Jane Austenの "pride and prejudice" を読んでいます。
“But my dear Elizabeth,” she added, “what sort of girl is Miss King? I should be sorry to think our friend mercenary.”
“Pray, my dear aunt, what is the difference in matrimonial affairs, between the mercenary and the prudent motive? Where does discretion end, and avarice begin? Last Christmas you were afraid of his marrying me, because it would be imprudent; and now, because he is trying to get a girl with only ten thousand pounds, you want to find out that he is mercenary.”
今日取り上げる "mercenary" も以前「(外国人の)雇い兵」の意味しか知らなかった時に出会い、なるほどそれで「雇い兵」の意味なったのだと知り、このブログで取り上げた記憶があるのですが、やはり記録には残っていないので(再度?)取り上げます。辞書の説明を引用します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of a person or their behavior) primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.: she's nothing but a mercenary little gold digger

・Collins Dictionary: If you describe someone as mercenary, you are criticizing them because you think that they are only interested in the money that they can get from a particular person or situation.: Instead, there is a management view that the players are mercenaries, people who are there to collect a cheque.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: interested only in the amount of money that you can get from a situation: He had some mercenary scheme to marry a wealthy widow.
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2020年09月01日 | 英単語
Jane Austenの "pride and prejudice" を読んでいます。
From that moment I observed my friend’s behaviour attentively; and I could then perceive that his partiality for Miss Bennet was beyond what I had ever witnessed in him. Your sister I also watched. Her look and manners were open, cheerful, and engaging as ever, but without any symptom of peculiar regard, and I remained convinced from the evening’s scrutiny, that though she received his attentions with pleasure, she did not invite them by any participation of sentiment.
ここに出てきた "engaging" は以前取り上げた気がするのですが、記録が見当たらないので取り上げますが、この "engaging" は他の箇所にも出てくるので、まずその内の二か所も引用します。

My father was not only fond of this young man’s society, whose manners were always engaging; he had also the highest opinion of him, and hoping the church would be his profession, intended to provide for him in it.
My brother admires her greatly already; he will have frequent opportunity now of seeing her on the most intimate footing; her relations all wish the connection as much as his own; and a sister’s partiality is not misleading me, I think, when I call Charles most capable of engaging any woman’s heart. With all these circumstances to favour an attachment, and nothing to prevent it, am I wrong, my dearest Jane, in indulging the hope of an event which will secure the happiness of so many?”

辞書で "engaging" の説明を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: Charming and attractive.: Sophie had a sunny personality that was very engaging

・Collins Dictionary: An engaging person or thing is pleasant, interesting, and entertaining.: ...one of her most engaging and least known novels.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: pleasant, attractive, and charming: an engaging smile/manner/person
"engaging" の原型 "engage" にも関連する意味があるのではと辞書で "engage" をよく見ると、
・Oxford English Dictionary: Occupy, attract, or involve (someone's interest or attention): he plowed on, trying to outline his plans and engage Sutton's attention

・Collins Dictionary: If something engages you or your attention or interest, it keeps you interested in it and thinking about it.: They never learned skills to engage the attention of the others.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it: The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.
"engage" には次の用法もあり、多義語ですね。
・(of fencers or swordsmen) bring (weapons) together preparatory to fighting.: Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.
・Enter into conflict or combat with (an enemy): tank and infantry units engaged the enemy
(Oxford English Dictionary)
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