English Collection



2023年04月14日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 2月号の記事 "Life in These United States" からの引用です。
Some baby on this plane is singing the ABCs all out of order and guy just shouted, "Yes, girl, remix!!"

"remix" に座布団1枚
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2023年04月13日 | 英単語
The Japan Times Mar.15の記事から引用します。

Japan OKs bill to reform sexual offense charge and raise age of consent
Among other things, the bill will make upskirting and producing images of genitalia without consent crimes punishable under the Penal Code.

"upskirt" を調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of a photo or video) showing under somebody's skirt or dress without their knowledge or permission: The man was caught taking upskirt photos in a supermarket.
・Wiktionary: Designating a voyeuristic image of the view up a woman's skirt.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the activity, illegal in some places, of taking a photograph or video from a position that allows someone to look up inside a woman's dress or skirt, without the woman's permission: The term "upskirting" refers to people using cell phones or any small camera to surreptitiously take pictures up women's skirts.
・Word Spy: A video, usually taken inside a crowded location such as a shopping mall, that is shot up a woman's skirt.

忘れていましたが、"upskirt" は9年近く前(6/10/2014)に取り上げていました。 この単語が使われるニュースは滅多にない方が良いです。
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2023年04月12日 | 英単語
太宰治の小説の "No Longer Human" を読んでいます。

"You seem to be just as cocksure of yourself as ever. Anyway, it's nothing importand. She asked me to tell you to visit her once in a while.

"cocksure" の意味を調べます。

・Collins Dictionary: Someone who is cocksure is so confident and sure of their abilities that they annoy other people.: She was cocksure that she was able to do the job better than anyone else
・Cambridge English Dictionary: too confident, in a way that is slightly unpleasant or rude: a cocksure young man

"cocksure" の語源については 'World Wide Words' に次の記述がありました(抜粋)。
It seems certain that the cock in cocksure is a euphemism for God. This appeared in a variety of medieval oaths down to the time of Shakespeare, including cocks bones, cocks passion, cocks wounds and cocks bodikins. So the original meaning of cocksure was that a person enjoyed a security or quality of rightfulness equivalent to that of God.
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2023年04月11日 | 英単語
太宰治の小説の "No Longer Human" を読んでいます。

At Shizuo's suggestion a conference took place attended by Flatfish, Horiki and herself at which it was concluded that all relations between me and my family were to be broken, and I was to live with Shizuko as man and wife. Thanks also to Shizuko's efforts, my cartoons began to produce a surprising amount of money. I bought liquor and cigarettes, as I had planned, with the proceeds, but my gloom and depression grew only the more intense.

動詞の "proceed" と名詞形の "process" は馴染みがありますが、名詞の "proceeds" は知りませんが、文脈からするとここでは漫画を描いて得た収入を示しているようです。

・Oxford English Dictionary: the money that you receive when you sell something or organize a performance, etc.; profits: She sold her car and bought a piano with the proceeds.
・Collins Dictionary: the profit or return derived from a commercial transaction, investment, etc: The proceeds from the deal were divided equally among us
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the amount of money received from a particular event or activity or when something is sold: The proceeds of today's festival will go to several local charities.
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2023年04月10日 | 英単語

読んだことはありませんが太宰治の有名な小説 "No Longer Human" を読むことにしました。 翻訳者は有名な文化勲章受章のDonald Keene氏です。

The second girl interested in me was a "comrade," a student in a teacher's training college. My activities in the movement obliged me, distasteful as it was, to see her every day. Even after the arrangements for the day's job had been completed, she doggedly tagged along after me. She brought me presents, seemingly at random, and offered them with the words, "I wish you would think of me as your real sister."
Wincing at the affectation I would answer, "I do," and force a sad little smile. I was afraid of angering her, and my only thought was to temporize somehow and put her off. As a result, I spent more and more time dancing attendance of the ugly, disagreeable girl.

"temporize" の意味を辞書で調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that someone is temporizing, you mean that they keep doing unimportant things in order to delay something important such as making a decision or stating their real opinion.: They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster. 
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to delay making a decision or stating your opinion in order to get an advantage: They are trying to temporize, to do little things to satisfy both sides.
・Vocabulary.com: The verb temporize describes stalling in order to gain time in the hopes of avoiding or preventing something. Your class might temporize so your teacher won't have time to give the pop quiz you all think she's going to give.


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2023年04月08日 | 英単語
Yu Miri の小説 "Tokyo Ueno Station" を読んでいます。

In the twenty or so plastic checkout bags tied to the railing separating the road and the pavement were someone's daily necessities, hung there for storage. The handle of a damp unbrella was hooked over the top of the rail, and a bamboo broom was stuck through as well. A blue tarp covered a trolley laden with blankets, clothes, pots, and more, and on the handhold of the cart, plastic shopping bags full of rope and work gloves and pastries were attached with laundry pegs.

"trolley" というと昔東京でも見かけたトロリーバスを連想します。 路面電車は今でも地方で見かけることもありますが、東京にもまだ荒川線が存在しています。 引用文の "trolley" はそんな乗り物ではなく、文脈からするとホームレスが自分の所有物の一切を運ぶカートのことでしょうね。 辞書で確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: a small vehicle with wheels that can be pushed or pulled along and is used for carrying things: a shopping/supermarket/luggage trolley
・Collins Dictionary: A trolley is an object with wheels that you use to transport heavy things such as shopping or luggage. [British]: A porter relieved her of the three large cases she had been pushing on a trolley.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a small vehicle with two or four wheels that you push or pull to transport large or heavy objects on: a shopping trolley

イギリス英語ですね。 翻訳者のMorgan Gilesさんはロンドン在住とありました。
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solar plexus

2023年04月06日 | 英単語
Yu Miri の小説 "Tokyo Ueno Station" を読んでいます。

No, someone is there. A man with a receding hairline, faceup on one of the three sarcophagus-like stone benches surrounding the area. Purple sweatshirt, beige trousers, newspapers spread underneath him, covered with a green sweater. His hands are crossed over his solar plexus, and his feet, clad in black shoes, are so perfectly close that they might as well be tied together.

"solar plexus" は身体の一部の名称のはずですが、ずいぶんと難しそうな単語です。 辞書を見ます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (informal) the part of the body at the top of the stomach, below the ribs: a painful punch in the solar plexus
・Collins Dictionary: Your solar plexus is the part of your stomach, below your ribs, where it is painful if you are hit hard.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: the front part of the body below the chest: a punch in the solar plexus

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double bill

2023年04月05日 | 英単語
Yu Miri の小説 "Tokyo Ueno Station" を読んでいます。

I saw some bright red coin lockers, and my eye caught the sign for Ueno Star Movie, known among the homeless as the little porno theater. In one building there were three theaters: Star Movie, which showed double bills of old films; Jaman Masterpiece Theater, which specialized in your average pornos, and World Masterpiece Theater, which specialized in gay porn.

"double bills" の意味を調べます。

・Oxford English Dictionary: two films, television programs, etc. that are shown one after the other: a cartoon double bill
・Collins Dictionary: A double bill is a theatre or cinema performance in which there are two shows on the program.: There was one cinema near us that did two double bills a week.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a performance at a cinema or theatre that consists of two main films or plays: The second and third episodes were shown together as a double bill.

二本立ての事ですね。最近映画を見に行かなくなったで分かりませんが、今でも "double bills" の上映があるのでしょうか?
"double bills" の "bill" は元々、以前(2/27/2012 )取り上げた、 "official bill" の "bill" から来ているのですね。 日本語のビラの語源でしょう。
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funeral pyres

2023年04月04日 | 英単語
Yu Miri の小説 "Tokyo Ueno Station" を読み始めました。

My father told me that his great-grandfather, the third generation of the Mori family since their move to Soma, still spoke the Kaga dialect. He said that in the old days the dead were placed sitting up in coffins that resembled palanquins and were taken to funeral pyres in the mountains, accompanied by all the people of the village reciting the nembutsu. The coffin was placed on the wooden pyre, then lit with wood or straw, the mourners taking turns to keep watch until all that was left were the bones.

以前宮部みゆきの 'Crossfire' を読んだ時に(5/30/2018)ステファン・キングの造語 "pyrokinesis"(the supposed ability to start fires by thought alone) を取り上げましたが、上記引用文の "funeral pyres" と "wooden pyre" の "funeral pyres" は文脈から火葬のために積み上げた薪と推測できます。 辞書で確認します。

・Cambridge English Dictionary: a large pile of wood on which a dead body is burned in some parts of the world: A traditional Hindu custom used to involve widows burning themselves alive on their husbands' funeral pyres.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a combustible heap for burning a dead body as a funeral rite: a pyre of dead leaves
・Wiktionary: A funeral pile; a combustible heap on which corpses are burned.: For nine long nights, through all the dusky air, The pyres thick flaming shot a dismal glare.

"pyr" / "B>pyro" は火に関する接尾語ですね。
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2023年04月03日 | 英単語
BBC News Website (Feb.21)からの引用です。

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has criticised changes to Roald Dahl books, after the removal of some references to things like characters' appearance and weight sparked a fierce debate.
Dahl's estate and publisher said works including The BFG and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had been updated to be more suitable for modern audiences.
Some said they approved of the changes.
But Mr Sunak's spokesman said works of fiction should be "preserved and not airbrushed".

一種のpolitically correctの様ですが、Roald Dahlの作品の表現が一部変更されたと言う話題ですね。 "airbrushed" だと文字より落書きなどの絵を描いたり、消すのに使用する事を連想します。 辞書にこの様な例があるか見ます。

・Collins Dictionary: To airbrush a photograph or other image means to change it using an airbrush, especially to make it more beautiful or perfect.: ...bits of photographs cut, pasted and then airbrushed to create a convincing whole.

やはり普通はイメージを変更したり消すのに使用されるのでしょうね。 イメージ以外に使われる例も以下の辞書にあることはありました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to represent something as being different from how it really is: It's almost as if the revolutionary leaders have been airbrushed out of history (= ignored by the official version of history ).
・Urban Dictionary: This is used when something is twisted slightly to make it sound better.: John told his mother he went to his mates house for dvd night, but realy he went to his mates house for a party with alchohol.
・Wiktionary: (by extension) Having had imperfections and blemishes removed through digital manipulation.
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