Blog of SAKATE



2011-10-24 | Weblog

Where is “the final disposal site for nuclear waste”?

I went to observe Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory, in Gifu prefecture. It is regarded be the place to “research” “the final disposal site for nuclear waste”.
The depth of it will be 1000 meters in the near future, this time, I went to 300 meters deep under the ground using a construction lift with a capacity of 10 people. I went into a cave, which was made temporary. It was dark inorganically, with a fluorescent light. Finland movie, “The security after hundred and thousand years later” is recalled. Such a quiet corridor…It is natural, though. From the cave, I can see what’s going on 200 meters under that. It might be horrible for acrophobic and claustrophobic.
In Japan, a deep disposal ground is needed for 40 thousand nuclear wastes, which will be solidified into metal container or clay.
We have to start placing them from 2030s…
Thirty times as much nuclear fallout as an atomic bomb of Hiroshima type is contained in one vitrified waste. It has a high temperature, so it will take tens of thousands of years to cool it down. And hundred and thousand years later, its radiation levels become the same as uranium ore….
This laboratory is owned by the city and is going to be borrowed for twenty years from now. It will be returned after the research by being reburied. But if the city wants to continue to use the land after the research, seeking for grants, it will be considered how to be reused again. Then this place will be “the final disposal site” really.
They are repeating their research of the geological layer by digging the hole using rock drills and crushing the rocks by dynamites. I don’t know how many more meters they have to dig until there will be no water in it, but the ground water is overflowing from the gaps on the ground. It is very difficult to discharge water. When the container of “nuclear waste” is corroded and the inside of it is leaked out, contaminated water will definitely be above the ground. There will be nothing we can do if a big earthquake happens at Tokai areas….
I can’t finish describing what I felt, but I will show it in my theatre work.
I had a very valuable experience, given an explanation before and after the observation, by Mrs H .K, who has protested for more than 15 years on the spot.
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