文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

From " today last year " which reaches every day from goo. 2012/3/5

2013年03月06日 23時52分22秒 | 日記
From " today last year " which reaches every day from goo.


Today, it was rain but however, the attractiveness of this place didn't decrease at all.

As much as the part of being little, resort's being able to have been called to have been good, too, because it was rainy Sunday

Akutagawa very loves Kitano-tenmangu, too.

Akutagawa knows to do the excellently of the feast of weeping Japanese apricot in Jonangu shrine, too.

However, when not exaggerated even if it said that this place was the best of Japan, to do the terrible of this place in addition to the thing that the admission fee is free of charge had cheapness with carfare from Oosaka station and Shin-Osaka station, the so excellent and wonderful place by the reason for referring.

The possibility that the photograph of following Akutagawa shows the one end at once of :-


Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月06日 23時36分36秒 | 日記




Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

in 2000, it was 86 % of world Shear of the Sharp and Samsung was 0 % of levels.

2013年03月06日 23時24分54秒 | 日記
Now, Japan people who were seeing Tokyo Broadcasting System's news 23 should have known that the right of Akutagawa's article blinks repeatedly.

At the board which the program reflected about the share in the world of the liquid crystal panel in 2000, it was 86 % of world Shear of the Sharp and Samsung was 0 % of levels.

It is a situation like the news today now.

It believes this and the truth of the change of doing difficulty being is because there was extreme Wong poor policy which the Korean government continued to accomplish.

In other words, Korea continued to accomplish the support of Samsung strongly as the state.

Japanese Government of the successive generations which made a thing unnecessary and the mass media in Japan, or the economic critic and the speech people who did big moneymaking here are scandalous really.

Much more, the sharp, the economic critic, the speech person and the robber barons who said that the management of the electric appliance manufacturer in Japan was useless are outrageous really.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

The public order upkeep defense spendings exceed.

2013年03月06日 21時18分35秒 | 日記
It finds that it is the country where China is terrible actually from the following article, too.

This is a really small article and the subscriber of The Nikkei, too, thinks that the great part person skips.

From Nikkei today

The public order upkeep defense spendings exceed.

【 Beijing = the Shimada learning 】
The Chinese government made the public safe budget to allot the domestic peace maintenance in the budget in 2013 which was released on the 5th previous year's result ratio 8・ 7 % increase's 769,000,000,000 renminbi ( about 11,500,000,000,000 yen ).

It exceeded the national defense budget to have made 740,600,000,000 renminbi following last year.

It throws at the prevention and the suppression of the protest activity to the government, the reinforcement of the Internet management and so on.

The Wen Jiabao prime minister emphasizes, saying " being well equipped with the urgent control system to the outbreak event " by the governmental activity report on the 5th.

It sharpened a nerve to the reinforcement of the society management and the steadiness of the public order.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

applying drainage to the underground, digging a hole that factory

2013年03月06日 21時11分50秒 | 日記
From The Nikkei today

The environmental pollution
The dissatisfaction of the citizen who becomes big

【 Beijing = Moriyasu Ken 】
The environmental pollution is not only an atmosphere.

The eminent corrugated cardboard factory in China which is in the Tianjin city suburbs.

It tells” that the habitant in this place of being applying drainage to the underground, digging a hole that factory “the woman at the farmhouse who lives around ". is poor but that he drinks only mineral water ".

The omission

The damage to the image in Beijing by the air pollution is conspicuous.

The foreigner who that works in Beijing is eager according to Beijing office on U.S. talent consulting company Hudson says “it is decreasing remarkably".

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

However, only the man of the matter is different.

2013年03月06日 13時11分58秒 | 日記
When Kiichi Miyazawa was a prime minister formerly, he thought of the thing like the Bernanke chairman of present FRB.

In other words, to process the back debt which the phenomenon which was called only bubble in Japan brought about, it is necessary to equal to or more than 10,000,000,000,000 yen invest a tax.

It noticed that this was different from usual economic cycle.

There was a man who gave that the bank, the real estate business, the construction firm and so on did selfishly at this time the flagman of the big chorus of the sense of justice not to become if bent in the investing in national heavy tax at what in the mass media.

The result became a deflation in the first time extended period of the advanced history.

As a result, within only 20 years, Japan increased a 450,000,000,000,000 yen deficit.

It compares GDP in the U.S. that time and GDP in Japan and then a condition in now and of... which lost 400,000,000,000,000 yen which should grow like the U.S., too, since then, 1 yen of GDP in Japan aren't increasing but Japan is falling.

On the other hand, to correspond to Riemann shock, the successive Secretary of the Treasury in the U.S. and the chairman of FRB gave direct opposition with Japan.

It prevented making the U.S. suffer from the deflation like Japan.

It made Abe prime minister to appear now and to take a right policy barely and it began to recover the power strength which is suitable for Japan that the stock price which continued to do the sagging of 80 percent in this 20 is the country which to be the first time, The Turntable of Civilization took effect in.

That it should accomplish now continue to increase some GDP every year almost.

As the best example of this thing, it is possible to learn to the style which the all over Japan economic critic continued to say from Korea, and it sees Samsung and it is.

Why did Samsung who was on the verge of the failure 15 years before become the present status within only 10 years?

It is because there was support of the state.

It is the article which makes purpose of the reason except it.

That Microsoft is Microsoft in now is because it ruined Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution by the support of Washington.

In other words, the capitalism is the principle which needs the support of the state actually.

It doesn't know the thing, the country which is being called a market, and so on, stagnates and the market is consequential, being ruined.

With AERA with this week's issue's being weekly, the man of the matter is incorrigible and this time, he casts a pessimism to the Avenomics.

By the get-together of the fund manager in the investment company in the world where the basis of the article was open secretly in Tokyo, someone of the participant depends on remarking that it slumped what time about the government bonds in Japan.

Akutagawa is amazed and the thing, too, cannot say.

If there is danger to say so, to attempt economic growth as the country while preventing it thoroughly as the state, the people will be consequential.

Why do they accomplish the article to make such Japan sink into only?

It is because only their income and status are in peace.

The actuality that the misery of them to have been brandishing false moralism but for one for every four persons to have become an un- regular employment to these 20 years is done.

It is because it is consequential that, if saying why Akutagawa calls this miserable actuality, as for the persons who moved around to the side of one for every these four persons, the marriage, too, is doubtful.

To have headed for this 20, the declining birth rates are consequential.

However, only the man of the matter is different.

The income and the status are in peace only about them.

However, in former deflation, if continuing, saying there was only a thing that the management of The Asahi is in peace not by all means, Akutagawa is more convinced.

Probably, it will crush.

Deflation the reason is, if saying easily, it isn't exaggerated even if it says that good money is expelled by the bad money.

If saying in the different form, the democracy fails and only as for the robber barons, the lifetime section is the times which gain the money which cannot use up.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/5

2013年03月06日 00時25分01秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/5



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1トップページ89 PV

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4夕佳亭…金閣寺・冬の完全版。2012/2/19.34 PV

5駅舎を出ると…。31 PV

6後ろの池と供養塔………金閣寺・冬の完全版。2...30 PV

7私の履歴書 新婚旅行ワガママ同士 佐久間...30 PV

8Saints would recognize saints, greatest ...29 PV

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11それから…。23 PV

12私の履歴書 佐久間良子 心の流転、全身全...23 PV

13桃山人の感覚が…。22 PV

14Saints would recognize saints, greatest ...21 PV

15夕佳亭 続き…金閣寺・冬の完全版。2012/2/...21 PV

16芥川を迎えた、JR大阪城駅。21 PV

17続き…金閣寺・冬の完全版。2012/2/19.19 PV

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20債券や金への投資偏重に喝 バフェット氏が...17 PV


