文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.6

2013年03月24日 23時41分07秒 | 日記
It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.6

It is the TV station in Japan that will anyway return, reflecting a thing in the feelings only of it not to be in the harm for the trouble not to stand about the feeblemindedness which is spreading to the television in Japan, and Korea of 〈 the false moralism 〉... which will be because of it and China.

Therefore, it is clear and it doesn't absolutely find whether or not Japan is really accepted in the Korean society while being near such boiling.

In the first place, where as for the Japanese culture, does it remove the ban or the picture in what Japan are the TV program in it and flowing through the living room in every day to the actuality?

It doesn't find such an essential thing at all.

But Minister of International Trade and Industry appeared in a newspaper, saying the saying of " is there pride as the country " by him to China as about 3 companies register a brand on Takashimaya Co., Ltd.

They were made to continue to take a strong exchange poor policy and it bankrupted Elpida which is one of the symbols of the semiconductor in Japan.

Five monopolies center on the Tokyo 1 pole and one corner of the big TV station which is forming public opinion in Japan is.

When it let's learn from Samsung who knocked the profit of each Inc. of the electric appliance manufacturer to be proud of in the world completely to the hell and so on, it is televising in the morning of the holiday.

In that there is not what pride in the television 〈 let's learn from Korea 〉 〈 let's learn from Samson 〉 and so on, and to be televising by engaging LDP president in the maximum opposition party as the guest, it will be obvious.

After 2005, it struck no hand and the big businesses to have supported a framework in Japan of each field that Korea targeted by continued to regard to be robbed by the Koreans as being a seat one after another in the seat at world Shear top.

Where of the party which has the human being who makes such vulgarity and is laughing carelessly from the morning by the feebleminded program to the president will there be pride as the national party?

It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.5

2013年03月24日 23時37分18秒 | 日記
It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.5

As that Akutagawa was repeating a Kyoto visit from several years before is previously mentioned

As the result, it encountered a Korean and a Chinese with much more various hierarchies than the ordinary Japanese.

The feelings which are sprouting up to the mind of them to call on the showplaces and the ruins such as the shrine Buddhist temple in Kyoto each place and to be walking are respect for Japan of any....

It is decency of the Japanese that goes through the showplace and the ruin in Kyoto especially.

It makes very realistic and it will should say about the concrete thing another to it.

However, in the place where, to be excellent more, it is rough how the colder day, it is rough at what and anyone should have admired by the clean lavatory.

Of the one which connects with the respect which doesn't become a word where this, too, is left in the heart however, will be.

They are to be consequential but thier country knows than anyone.

Doing increasing of the distortion, that to do the difficulty of to do the growing is done, the problem of... Korea which Akutagawa referred to.

It should know the distortion of the country which 5 big cliques are overrunning than anyone.

How will the Japanese who say to such them in 〈 it is possible to learn from Korea 〉, 〈 let's learn from Korea 〉 and so on and the straight face seem?

Or, does it see a program like Yomiuri television this morning and the way of the report and will they respect such Japanese?

Akutagawa does that it does the the thinking of that it is opposite.

These Japanese will get only not to think of that will to let's understand seriously and find thing what of Korea the truth is, and so on.

Even if the person sometimes respects the person who guesses the truth, the person who respects the human being of whom nothing is understood, and so on, is because it is not.

It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.4

2013年03月24日 22時51分00秒 | 日記
The television is about to become the setting sun with the newspaper.4

Compared with the coverage power of the Newsweek magazine of this week's issue and the intellect of television's being about to become the setting sun with the newspaper

...Surely, it became an excellent good example but it is....

Because the negligence and the intellect of the coverage of the gossip show that Jirou Shimbou of Yomiuri television this morning was moderating are too, too, horrible

Like... Akutagawa that the all over Japan persons with intellect began to leave a television, as for the kind of this few years, the gossip show and the variety, there should be person to have never seen innumerably ready.

It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.3

2013年03月24日 22時14分39秒 | 日記
It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.3

Yesterday, Japan which is the most fair country which equals the U.S. in the this world world and Akutagawa wrote but there is excellent proof of the thing in the action in Japan about the preceding chapter respectively.

Didn't it think as much as being painful if making wise and being person of the excellent reader?

Indecency in Asia always makes us the level of merely softy and there is not appreciating by the fact to have been helped, the fact to have become big in the divine protection in Japan and so on at all.

It provided the valuable technology which will have been in Samsung 25 years before even if Toshiba or Hitachi thought that it expiates in the times of the Heigou and it was repeating a capital offer, too.

Akutagawa who is present at the snack bar of the staff and Umeda of Samsung's in such times and has done a story.

It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.2

2013年03月24日 21時59分35秒 | 日記
It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.

From...Wikipedia about Korea at the time of the Asian currency crisis


It refers to “Korea’s International Monetary Fund relief ", too.

The fundamentals of the macroeconomics were enough for Korea but on the one hand, the banking sector had
had a back debt.

The surplus debt caused a big mistake in the management judgement and caused a management alternation.

An economic situation is aggravated to the beginning in the bankruptcy of Kia Motors Corp.

It became the situation to request International Monetary Fund's help from.

Moody's who noticed something unusual in the market in Asia dropped the ranking of Korea from A1 on A3 in
July, 1997 and in November of the same year, in the securities trading market in Korea which fell already in dropping status on Baa2, making be cold, he snared economy in Korea more to the slump.

Under the advanced cooperation, a finance support package to Korea was put together.

Japan, too, expressed the intention of the maximum support of 10,000,000,000 dollars as Second Industrial Revolution, but after all, as for the Second Industrial Revolution money, as for being used, to cry was never lent.

As for Seoul securities trading, 4 % depressed on same year November 7th and the next day, as the stock price change on the 1st, it recorded 7 maximum % of the history of falls.

The misgiving whether or not this rear International Monetary Fund does strong reconstruction, too, did disaster and in November 24th in 1997, it depressed more by 7.2 %.

Japan is supposed to have been 11,800,000,000 dollars, 4,200,000,000 dollars of the U.S. in 11,800,000,000 dollars, the whole Europe about the head of the creditor when the balance of the private foreign debt of to be short-term which Korea had at the time on December 12th was 32,000,000,000 dollars.

Then, in the same end of the year, Korea was driven into the situation of the default verge.

International Monetary Fund intervened in the economy in Korea with this, and did a pair to Hyundai Group and so on and dissolution of financial giants was done.

The success or failure of the debt service postponement (the rescheduling) until the private bank of previously stating Japan, U.S. and Europe surely held the key whether or not it is possible to avoid a state-bankruptcy in Korea.

Japanese Government busied oneself about the persuasion of the return postponement to the Japanese banks, got the agreement of the Japanese banks in the confused financial market, in January 29th in 1998, it postponed the current payables of the Japan, U.S. and Europe private bank party and led negotiation to the coming to terms.

This gave the market a big relieved sense and as for the exchange rate which was 1 dollar = 1,678 pieces of Wong on January 29th, in next January 30th, it returned 1,524 pieces of Wong a value.

Incidentally, International Monetary Fund set a frame to the side, the bond issue quantity which finances in the relief to Korea.

However, the central bank decided on doing the published of the bond actually in the name, " the currency stabilization bond ".

With this high interest payment, the central bank fell into the current account deficit.

After that, the regulation of the securities investment from the foreign countries was eased by Kim Dae Jung president and the inflow of the investment in foreign securities was promoted.

In this way, the balance of international payments in Korea retrieved steadiness.

In Korea, an economic crisis in 1997 is called “the national crisis which is the biggest since the Korean War ““the International Monetary Fund crisis ".

It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.

2013年03月24日 21時24分20秒 | 日記
It is “today last year " which reached by the e-mail from goo.

That the recentness, the U made a remote control a bundle was fortunate actually but there were satellite broadcasting, a surface where to see CS especially became troublesome.

Had it become mistaking the means for the end because it joined to see baseball and so on and a movie?

The idle talk interrupting

Even though, the television in Japan is horrible.
10 channels (Yomiuri television) appeared in the relation of this remote control.
To have made Tanigaki president in Liberal Democratic Party a guest seemed to have been sale but since leaving hospital last year to 12/16, it saw a gossip show in so-called morning of being the first time, the commercial broadcasting.

By the viewpoints such as Korea's progress, especially, as for Korea, Japan to be giving was amazed from station on the way for the report of the formula to have begun to the probation in Korea.

It is several days before that Newsweek came out.

But thinking that will never be without reading Newsweek, too, by the person who announces that it is approximately a speech person

As clear with the graph (the Great Leap graph of Samsung and so on) which was shown with the screen, too, 2005, that that Samsung and soon began to begin Great Leap began to be conspicuously completed were from in 2007.

Moreover, Korea which attacked by the wave of the Asian currency crisis like the knowing before this 2005 was driven into the substantial state failure.

For example, among such, the huge capital expenditure and the research and development investment for Samsung to outwit the electric appliance manufacturer which Japan is proud of in the world will not be able to be done.
So, once, because it is the country which was driven into the state failure, real, indecency in Asia will have been expedited.

If saying to Tora-san style, to give it continued to take the super exchange poor policy not to care about in the appearance which is end and improving if saying, and then, if saying, it pulled out an electric appliance manufacturer in Japan at a breath and left.

Jirou Shimbou who was saying target to the probation just like in Korea without touching there at all

Already, it should rather make to make tell politics to the tribe having to do with the person concerned of such a TV station an end.



2013年03月24日 19時15分13秒 | 日記
The people who are perusing The Nikkei by Akutagawa's reader read Nikkei “thinking on Sunday " today and should have re-recognized to do the terrible of Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization".

It should have been convinced that The Turntable of Civilization is read in the nucleus in Japan, too.

The writer is Takida Yoichi of the editorial member of the committee.
It is the column of the name which is called "verification".
2 % of price increase
Fighting Kuroda Bank of Japan
The untrodden challenge by the predecessor
The foreign countries, too, are an interest.
It breaks in the stagnation in the prolapse deflation.


FRBの金融緩和には、口には出さないがドル安による輸出後押しの含みがあった。米コロンビア大のスティグリッツ教授はそう明言する。欧州中央銀行 (ECB)や英イングランド銀行の事情も似ている。







芥川がThe Turntable of Civilizationで言ったのである。

The finance as the national-strategy 2010/7/24. from p36-p39.

The finance which I say is not a bank and a brokerage firm. 

It is finance as the national-strategy.




You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.














Akutagawa said in The Turntable of Civilization.

2013年03月24日 19時05分15秒 | 日記
The people who are perusing The Nikkei by Akutagawa's reader read Nikkei “thinking on Sunday " today and should have re-recognized to do the terrible of Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization".

It should have been convinced that The Turntable of Civilization is read in the nucleus in Japan, too.

The writer is Takida Yoichi of the editorial member of the committee.
It is the column of the name which is called "verification".
2 % of price increase
Fighting Kuroda Bank of Japan
The untrodden challenge by the predecessor
The foreign countries, too, are an interest.
It breaks in the stagnation in the prolapse deflation.

In the second half of the feature article to entitle, it was entitled " Shirakawa deflation the cause of the disease ".

The streamer is " the default of the currency diplomacy in the serious wound ".

The preamble abbreviation
t didn't show in the mouth but there was an implication of the exportation push by the low dollar rate in the monetary relaxation of FRB.

The Stiglitz professor in U.S. Columbia University affirms so.

European Central Bank The situation of (ECB) and English Bank of England, too, resembles.

Appreciation of yen moved ahead as the result and strengthened a deflationary-pressure.

Shirakawa president behaved like too much a gentleman, the Democratic Party administration was negligent of the dynamics with currency and lacked foreign strategy.

Yen selling intervention and addition relaxation, too, were reflected in the market only with the passive.

It declares a monetary relaxation and Abenomics can say that to have aimed at the overdone appreciation of yen correction “is consequential compatible” (Stiglitz) to the 1st arrow.

The monetary policy is the 1 annulus -of the national economy management persistently.

* So far, the speech people and the mass media in Japan didn't come so about saying.
Who did suggest being?

Akutagawa said in The Turntable of Civilization.

“The finance as the national-strategy” 2010/7/24.from p36-p39.
The finance which I say is not a bank and a brokerage firm.
It is finance as the national-strategy.
The omit the last part

The market began to think, saying Japan, too, took such consciousness out.

Now and it asks execution.

You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.














Akutagawa was doing great contribution to…

2013年03月24日 12時15分27秒 | 日記
The close friends know that this music, too, is a durability song in Akutagawa's durability song well.

The number of times that Akutagawa sang this song by the accompaniment by the pianist in that club is as not to be counted.

Akutagawa was doing great contribution to Kitashinchi only in it.

It says that there is a human being who sings this song in perfect English at the depth which is the same as John Lennon completely only and it is because it is consequential that it becomes Kitashinchi indeed.

John Lennon's and Akutagawa's soul reach to all over the world.

Across the Universe

You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

2013年03月24日 12時04分12秒 | 日記
You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.














by the people all over the world, the understanding of Japanese should deepen.

2013年03月24日 11時31分38秒 | 日記
The following is the critique which is carried on the reading column in The Asahi today.

If equal to or more than 10,000,000 are known be the reading people every week of such a critique with the Japanese by the people all over the world, the understanding of Japanese should deepen.

[Class " becoming extinct " society America]
The appearance of the new upper stream and the new lower reaches
Charles Murray 〈 The work 〉

It asks " the true elitist ".

Actually, it is a provocative American theory.

It is as much as the mountain if being a book about the poverty and the differential.

However, it uses the rich data which reaches in 50 years of the pasts and it is the desperate " becoming extinct " of the elitist class and the working class today which shares a behavior pattern and a value as the same American hardly no longer that the author draws.

It makes to maintain " the virtue of the foundation ", " diligent, honest, the marriage and the belief ", on it to be an elitist class and excellent about " the family, the work, the community and the belief " which forms a happy criterion, too.

It concludes that to be in the way and the counter-electrode and to undermine the traditional virtue of the U.S. society are the working class to trace back the only way of the increase to.

Of this only however, it is enough to cause controversy but the author who is a disputant in conservatists (libertarian) thoroughly criticizes the view of man which is in the presupposition of the European -type welfare state that the government intervenes for the correction and the view of the world is that should intervenes.

The value to consider liberal wing in Japan, too, is probable.

Question is left in the interpretation and the analysis of the author concerning " the tradition ".

It thinks that it should be careful with the quotation of the neurology and the biology, too.

However, as for the criticism to " the specious elitist " whom the author develops in the most last chapter, the implication is deep.

As the reason, its own good sence can not have confidence, the evil flows through the neutralism and it submits to the vulgar behavior pattern and the value.
…… which is close in the special world of itself and is increasingly isolated from the American as the citizen more whereas tries to use the bigger influence to fate in the country.

Then, in this point, the liberal and the conservatists say a same crime.

The intellectual attitude which tries to scoop the problem which is more structural than that the U.S. society has in these days with tendency when boiling eyes are robbed only about the ideological opposition and the political cutting-off on either side and is fundamental can have a good impression.

What of " the elitist with " being in today whether or not it is or to advance and " the true " is it to make differential society and a social bond a fragmentary passage and?

It is one sufficiently for the presses in Japan where the elitist theory tends to be avoided, too, challenging.

The comment: Watanabe Yasushi
Keio University professor the cultural anthropology

Tachibana Akemi translation, 草思社 and 3360 yen / Charles Murray Born in 43
The political scientist and the columnist in the U.S.

This translation is Akutagawa Kenji

However, all persons all over the world understand Beatles.

2013年03月24日 11時12分02秒 | 日記
The world is eminent like whenever about the reading column in Asahi today, too.

It is to say whenever but equal to or more than 60 are carried every week on Sunday when such a critique adjusts with Nikkei.

The people who exceed 10,000,000 are reading it every week.

Its only however, it is possible to say that that The Turntable of Civilization went around to Japan is consequential, too.

Tatsuru Uchida seems to have been giving a decision in the quality paper which dealt with a European and American small number highbrow at first.

However, saying the newspaper in Japan to think that it wants to get 100,000,000 readers while serving as the review member of the paper surface of the committee, or assumes 100,000,000 and for it to publish a newspaper seemed to be pretty, it was writing in the column of weekly AERA.


Akutagawa doesn't deny at all but in the making of a sharp newspaper for the intellectual elitist of the small number, the newspaper in Japan is greater.

Akutagawa is known have continued to say as follows for a long time by the people who were around Akutagawa.

Beatles is more awful than Sartre.

You and I understand Sartre.

However, all persons all over the world understand Beatles.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.