文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It got to want to listen to ""Quando me n'vo soletta per la via"" suddenly tonight.

2013年03月09日 21時31分46秒 | 日記
It got to want to listen to ""Quando me n'vo soletta per la via"" suddenly tonight.

Even if there is a trio of the pollutant, will that the spring came anyway be because there is not a mistake?

Kyoto today had a 23 degree temperature.

Of the reader of Akutagawa's being the place to like plainly about Kitano-tenmangu, too, as you know.

When going to the other day, 探梅, it wrote that it thought that the best time this year would be next week, that it was 70 % of blooming today if confirming in the net but that it was best time at the whole precincts.

It thought that it does it but the full-blown time still re-recognized a Japanese apricot with the best.

Will it be because it was such the 1st or what are there not and Renata Tebaldi if getting to want to listen to the music of the beginning, searching and seeing YouTube?

It was in case of the high school 1 grader.

I who listened to NHKFM like every day bought with what little money I had to buy her starring " La Boheme " complete works.

Tebaldi's voice re-recognized when it was not the one to forget if listening in the once.

It was learning voice of the blinking repeatedly and her.

Tonight, YouTube sent the time of the paradise to Akutagawa.

Renata Tebaldi "Signore ascolta" Turandot 1955

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

"The timetable of the galaxytrain"2013/3/7

2013年03月09日 16時19分34秒 | 日記




1ナラ枯れから京の神木を守る 小林 正秀さ...289 PV

22012/3/7.44 PV

3日本とはけた違いに国家によって強力にバッ...35 PV

4それ以外に、貴方たちの役割はない。2012/3/7.34 PV

5アーカイブ34 PV

6トップページ32 PV

7from 2012/3/7. 231 PV

8that there was a chapter of 2011/9/24 in...31 PV

92012/3/730 PV

10from 2012/3/730 PV

11最後に、30 PV

12from 2012/3/7. 329 PV

13the high pay of them aren't decreas...27 PV

142012/3/6, 3 p.m. pass27 PV

15Ha-ha, it is a cheek, wa-ha-tu-ha, Akuta...27 PV

16from 2012/3/7. 426 PV

17that it is “the transistor diplomacy “it...26 PV

18whenever, Akutagawa thinks to it.26 PV

19It continued to be powerfully with the s...25 PV

20The thing except it doesn't have yo...23 PV



"The timetable of the galaxytrain"2013/3/8

2013年03月09日 16時15分39秒 | 日記



1ナラ枯れから京の神木を守る 小林 正秀さ...289 PV

22012/3/7.44 PV

3日本とはけた違いに国家によって強力にバッ...35 PV

4それ以外に、貴方たちの役割はない。2012/3/7.34 PV

5アーカイブ34 PV

6トップページ32 PV

7from 2012/3/7. 231 PV

8that there was a chapter of 2011/9/24 in...31 PV

92012/3/730 PV

10from 2012/3/730 PV

11最後に、30 PV

12from 2012/3/7. 329 PV

13the high pay of them aren't decreas...27 PV

142012/3/6, 3 p.m. pass27 PV

15Ha-ha, it is a cheek, wa-ha-tu-ha, Akuta...27 PV

16from 2012/3/7. 426 PV

17that it is “the transistor diplomacy “it...26 PV

18whenever, Akutagawa thinks to it.26 PV

19It continued to be powerfully with the s...25 PV

20The thing except it doesn't have yo...23 PV



" Fabricated history " Written by Ronald H.Fritze.

2013年03月09日 12時23分37秒 | 日記
" Fabricated history " Written by Ronald H.Fritze.

From the Nikkei 2012/3/4 reading column.

The fear of the desire which produces a pseudoscientific

The critic: The University of Tokyo professor Ikegami Toshiichi

It catches learning, a publishing world, the political world, a religious world and the country which is called America of which walk with a swagger by absurd suspected history's and pseudoscientific's using it unexpectedly has the reflection to be terrible almost.

In much which is great states, even as for the Darwinism, to teach if supposing that it contradicts a human creationism by the god is prohibited and it is possible to hold the massive weapon which doesn't exist in the country which has begun an Iraqi war in the refuge.

Fabricated history and then, it is arguing about the false nonscience but the this manual is not only it.

To revive always by whatever intention of the people it tries to eradicate that they are made and by the desire of them and to be reproduced are the work in topics which tries to make the state clear for some reason.

And then, the handled theme is " " black Athena " the arguing " in " the Atlantis continent " " the discovery and the settlement of the ancient American Continent " " the racism in the Creation opinion " " the extraordinary natural occurence which struck the ancient earth ".

Much example in America occurs at this manual, but the similar example is in the country anywhere and isn't unknown for the we Japanese, too, of course.

On the television, the radio, the magazine, the Internet above all, the inaccurate information is the discharged present which sings about the scientific verification, too.

" The environment having to do with cult " which is the hotbed of the suspected history and the pseudoscientific becomes gloomy feelings when it isn't increasingly spreading more.

Suspected history and a pseudoscientific are funnily accepted really by the people who don't believe, too.

Because it becomes a kind of amusement and a pleasant topic of conversation, too, it will not have to deny bluntly.

Surely, it is the role which the marvel in the western Middle Ages and the fantasy literature in the recent times accomplished.

However, it is only when the calm nous is standing by that it is enjoyed, it is politically used and isn't already enjoyed when the extreme relativism which becomes the implement of the racism and extreme nationalism means and the religion having to do with fanaticism or weakens the meaning of the sincere researchs has spread.

" Fearful " book however, there is a this manual to be introducing most of the serious cases to in addition to " funny ".

When will take time, being difficult how much, it will be when it should think of the education of the so far slighted critical-thinking seriously.

( Ozawa Kazuyuki translation, Hara Shobo 2800 yen )

▼ The author serves as the professor of the historical science in the U.S. the State of Alabama Athens state university.

“Kind evolution biologist “written by Oren Herman.

2013年03月09日 12時16分54秒 | 日記
“Kind evolution biologist “written by Oren Herman

From The Nikkei 2012/3/4, the reading column.

“Altruistic-behavior “The colorful research motive to travel around
<< Comment >>The Graduate University for Advanced Studies professor Mariko Hasegawa

If thinking that the human being is the human being to sometimes does a kind conduct to the strange others whereas for him not to have relation, it is possible to be indifferently coldly, too?

Will the one where the absolute goodness to the others becomes exist real?

The problem which the philosophers considered is rather the problem which is important likewise in the research of the biological evolution, too, than the ancient times.

The creature disappears if it doesn't leave the next generation a copy.

Is it is in what nature that the one which is made from hackberry left?

As far as the competition exists among the individuals, it should be the nature which is favorable to compete.
Will the altruistic-behavior which helps others be able to evolve as the nature which is favorable to compete?
The this manual is the one to have pursued the consideration of the evolution of the altruistic-behavior about the biology historically.
The characters are colorful and are many from Kropotkin in Russia the anarchist in it, to Hamilton of the leading figure of the present-day theory of evolution.

It is American George Cadle Price that becomes the center.

By the mathematician having to do with a genius, it migrated to London later, and it used a theory of game with John Maynard Smith of the evolution biologist and it rendered important services.

His main interest, too, was in the evolution of the altruistic-behavior.

However, by the terribly changing person, it wasn't fortunate domestically, too, in the last, it gave all things to the poor man, and it became homeless and it committed suicide.

As for the achievements of the price about the evolution of the altruistic-behavior, only the expert in the area may have an interest.

The purpose of the author of this manual is however not in the explanation.

The colorful characters such as the price write about the motive which is engaged in the research of the evolution of the altruistic-behavior.

The unconsciousness and the motive is false, the fact to be in the religious belief, the political ideal each has which, the discord in the home, the nature-views which come from the growth and so on is shown and is a purpose.

It will be as it.

The scientific research can not do purely only from the scientific interest.

However, the motive of the research of each scientist is rough at what, the result of the scientific research is judged by the validity, being final and a result is never influenced by the motive.

I want to want for the reader of this manual to put the distinction.

(Tarumi Yuuji translation, the Misuzu bookstore and 4200 yen)

▼ The author is Ball Iran big professor in Israel.
By it the Hebrew size and Harvard University, Oxford are big, it master historical science and biology and catch the teaching of the biology history and so on.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/7

2013年03月09日 11時58分14秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/7



3月6日のアクセス数 閲覧数:8,301PV    訪問者数:745IP

順位: 596位 / 1,690,842ブログ中 (前日比  ↓)



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:603 訪問者数:436




1トップページ88 PV

2理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...42 PV

3「芥川の写真館・大阪城公園・2012/3/4」を...36 PV

4「芥川の写真館・大阪城公園・2012/3/4」を…。29 PV

5続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...29 PV

6「芥川の写真館・大阪城公園・2012/3/4」を...27 PV

7例えば、後藤新平のような人間ではないこと...26 PV

8大阪城内、豊国神社にて…2012/3/6.25 PV

9ホテル・ニューオータニ・最上階のラウンジ...24 PV

10「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...24 PV

11一人、一人のあなたが、沢山になって、23 PV

12波紋を広げたのは誰?首都直下地震…朝日新...21 PV

13日本は変わる、と、芥川は確信しているから。18 PV

14所用の帰り、大阪城に向かった…2012/3/6、...18 PV

15そういう、あなたが一人、また一人と増えて…。17 PV

16「親切な進化生物学者」オレン・ハーマン著...16 PV

17悉く事実であった事が、1年も経った今、明...16 PV

18山ほどの写真を載せて、16 PV

19Ume trees at Osaka Castle Park in 2012/3...16 PV

20雨の日の梅は、実は、とても良いではないか...15 PV




Indeed, it is Yang-gui-fei.

2013年03月09日 11時43分44秒 | 日記
Indeed, it is Yang-gui-fei.

Plainly, a lot of honeybees that the honey will be sweet were gathered.

2012/3/6, three thirty p.m.

At the Osaka-jo Ume park.


Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

2012/3/8. ②

2013年03月09日 11時36分06秒 | 日記
Why does Akutagawa refer to the second-class economic-man severely?

Such a kind continues to produce a devil.

It isn't exaggerated even if it says that “the half price 8 tick " which is their business creed made this
super in 35, super in 20, Japan hopeless.

Such a tribe created “vulgarity " like the ugly extremity innumerably in the downtown or the space in the net.

In the evil, Akutagawa was about to remove even a life.

Therefore, as for Akutagawa, the meaning boiling which permits them doesn't go.

In case of not being the one where their sin, too, is permitted, Akutagawa convicts forever in this chapter.

In the second class, the false elitist makes all hopeless.

When making this world “vulgar”


Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月09日 11時10分56秒 | 日記
How many degree about this monstrous evil, will it understand if referring?

But they will have been brainwashed but all positions at the time of the super office worker president that person who acquired in the half price 8 tick in the Umeda north yard primary period minute is the mastermind in addition to them, too, twine.

They continued to state only the thing to be pessimistic about the Umeda and north yard.

It is while buying beforehand the fortune which the people are valuable to in the half price 8 tick.

This is called a second class.

It doesn't change at all with the opposition of the true elitist, the ugly mammon men and the devil.

The sin is deep really only about the one end, the part of posing a celebrity in the first-class.

This tribe prolongs Oosaka's stagnation how much.

Person and the readers who is associating with Akutagawa long for it, appearing manifoldly as the various -shaped evil are an affliction of doing rendering service difficulty being in the explanation which Akutagawa to know already covered up in the end of the business life.

The human beings of the second class that the hoodlums who brought this about made the ground and the stage which jumps in the romping around made this super office worker president the first on the list.

It is false elitists.

Then, it is editorialists in the major newspapers which spent super in 66, super in 100 in the incorrigible celebrity ill which took it.

Of the business plans which the tops of the wisdom... Osaka University president of and the Kansai Economic Federation chairman, the association chairman, the successive Osaka-shi length, the prefectural governor, respectively in the officials and the people in Oosaka men of business fixed by gathering, and hanging super in 20, too, and riding over the various many twists and turns, too.

The newspaper editorialist and the celebrities of the second-class economic-man, the second class and so on appear to rummage is outrageous.

It silently finds that Osaka Station City beats the visitor number of 100,000,000 pieces of super opening only away in the half year if it does a true elitist.

Only by the second-class economic-man, the second-class elitist of the mammon man and the egoists who is always seeing only now, their producing and only polluted mouth devil's and fools' not knowing that it referred, too.


Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.