文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

"Rimbaud in Africa to read with the letter" Kazunari Suzumura 〈 The work 〉

2013年03月11日 10時16分33秒 | 日記
As for the intellect which is in Sunday edition, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan, when the world was eminent, Akutagawa referred.

Even if it sees that the highest peak of the newspaper in Japan is The Asahi from the quality of the staff, the number of the correspondents and so on, there is not a mistake.

From 2013/3/10,The Asahi reading column.

I was pleased in this critique.

It finds the reason in "The Turntables of Civilization" which Akutagawa publishes soon.

In the person all over the world which found Akutagawa.

Above-mentioned book is wonderful really.

Please, subscribe immediately.

"Rimbaud in Africa to read with the letter"
Kazunari Suzumura 〈 The work 〉

It asks a meaning in the latter half of life to have renounced a versification.

Two pieces of life when one man lived

Several years and about 10 years which lived as the explorer at the coffee trade merchant, in the arms merchant, the solitude in Africa after 5 year roam which run through as the poet to 20 years old.

This book is asking the meaning which this latter half of life to have renounced a versification in the beautiful neatness has.

The recent condition report to the family and the letter from Africa to seem “dry like the desert "(Hideo Kobayashi) only with the businesslike letter account for the half approximately at the complete works.

While deciphering this, the author says that Rimbaud was " the person who writes " until it leads to the floor of the death, " not keeping silence ".

When it should interpret as " the change of the letter author who used media, 〈 the letter 〉, " in two pieces of his life

Indeed, most of his poems were “written with the letter and delivered by the close friend with the letter “(From the bibliography of the individual translation complete works by the author).
Of the autobiography the address of which is Verlaine however, in “the hellish season ", to have been, poem itself was directed to someone.

“It writes “It is the book to make think of deeply about the meaning of the thing.

The critique: Kiyokazu Washida ( Otani University professor )

2520 yen Miraisha.

The translation is Akutagawa.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/10

2013年03月11日 09時53分13秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/10



3月9日のアクセス数 閲覧数:9,557PV    訪問者数:734IP

順位: 586位 / 1,691,988ブログ中 (前日比 ↑ )



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:957 訪問者数:623




1トップページ138 PV

2朝日新聞について語る。…2012/1/27の、冬の...76 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...46 PV

4プラズマ式の電子黒板 パナソニック…日経新...35 PV

5長年、購読している朝日・日経を毎日の様に...35 PV

6朝日新聞について語る。…2012/1/27の、冬の...35 PV

7が、若者たちよ、新聞や読むべき週刊誌等に...28 PV

82012/3/8、全くの曇天。午後3時前後。これ...28 PV

9機械の進歩と、人間の〈精神〉の進歩とは…。27 PV

10オードリー・ヘップバーン、全盛時代の映画...25 PV

11朝日新聞について語る。…2012/1/27の、冬の...24 PV

12新聞も、読むべし週刊誌も、ましてや本も読...24 PV

13朝日新聞について語る。…2012/1/27の、冬の...24 PV

14当の本人たちが、その事に全く気付いていな...23 PV

15朝日新聞について語る。…2012/1/27の、冬の...23 PV

16あなたが2,000年前のソクラテスより賢明で...22 PV

17だからこそ…。22 PV

18新聞も、読むべし週刊誌も、ましてや本も読...22 PV

19新聞も、読むべし週刊誌も、ましてや本も読...22 PV

20それこそ、お笑い、なのである。21 PV




Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

"The reverse of intellect" 〈 Work 〉 Yoshinari Mayumi "in addition to Jared diamond "

2013年03月11日 09時08分45秒 | 日記
As for the intellect which is in Sunday edition, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan, when the world was eminent, Akutagawa referred.

Even if it sees that the highest peak of the newspaper in Japan is The Asahi from the quality of the staff, the number of the correspondents and so on, there is not a mistake.

From 2013/3/10,The Asahi reading column.[The selling book]

"The reverse of intellect"
〈 Work 〉 Yoshinari Mayumi "in addition to Jared diamond "〈 The interview and the volume 〉

It comes close to the intellect which overruled common sense.

It is one luxurious and valuable.

The Japanese science writer interviews six to support intellect in today by.

At the same time as each research field and the basic point of view can be roughly grasped, it is possible to shine on the outlook on life, the weltanschauung with the heart.

“If becoming the book which becomes a footing to think of the vision in the future.
“ Oba Wataru of the taking charge editor

Tom Leighton of the mathematician who will shoulder future intellect with the leading figures such as Jared diamond of the evolution biologist, Avram Noam Chomsky of the philologist, Oliver Sacks of the neurologist, Marvin Minsky of the computer scientist, James Dewey Watson of the molecular biologist about appearing.

It is the megacorporation, the Akamai technologies Inc. co-founder which supports the infrastructure of the network.

By the implication in the title, “the people who overruled common sense to it”

There is a question which “education” “religion” “the net society " “the recommended book to the youngster “and so on are common to, too, in addition to the specialized field of the each person.

All is quite frank.

Diamond says that there is not “the meaning in the life ", and so on, decidedly.

Chomsky is criticizing studying for the test and the exam severely.

Minsky is skeptical with the set intelligence in the net and so on.

James Dewey Watson is rigid as when frank when becoming a story around his Nobel Prize …and so on.

By the voice such as “getting to want to attempt to read the other book of these people, too,” “the interviewer who cuts deeply and draws out a deep story is wonderful “from the reader.

"It seems that to know as the introduction for the reader who doesn't know the six has an interest as the interview to understand a man"saying Takano Chiaki in the sales department.

8 - 2, the sex ratio, people in their thirties and forties are Maine but will be permitted to be more read by the young person, too.

Of the university coop and so on however, after April when the new school term begins, it seems that there is a reaction.

( NHK出版 newly-published book 903 yen = 67,000 7 impressions )

The critic Takii Asayo (The writer)

This translation is Akutagawa.

Needless to say, the author is a woman.
She, too, is proving the right of Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization".
Akutagawa is asserting that had better be promptly completed in the century of the woman in the 21st century.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.