文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The spring this year is the spring when it should be surprised.

2013年03月21日 23時24分44秒 | 日記
The spring this year is the spring when it should be surprised.

In Kyoto Imperial Palace, the Japanese apricot, the peach and Sakura bloom together.

Therefore, Hawfinch ( Akutagawa knew the name for the first time today ) which will be appeared immediately, too.

2013/3/21,Kyoto Imperial Palace(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

when FRB took a monetary relaxation plan.

2013年03月21日 21時08分30秒 | 日記
There is an useless place of the mass media in Japan in the question of the newspaperman who was in the sequel of the interview article of the preceding chapter.

As for Akutagawa's calling the useless place false moralism, the reader is as you know.

It was 20 when this useless place caused the maladministration of the government and the Bank of Japan.

The preamble abbreviation

--Friction, too, is expected at the overdone weak yen.

It regards the part of the national assembly as being a problem, but as for most of the persons in authority of the U.S. policy, the deflation in 15 understands the fact which undermined Japanese economy and there is a basis of the enough ideally in the relaxation.

The omit the last part

*National assembly part the reason is, it will be members of Parliament with the kind which accepts lobbying of the Koreans who are in America.

It isn't more exaggerated even if it says that there is not one newspaperman who does such a question to the U.S. if it does such a thing.

There should not been one newspaperman who accomplished the question of such a condition when FRB took a monetary relaxation plan.

In 2010/7/16, Akutagawa did short and appeared on the world in the net in Japanese.

2013年03月21日 20時17分38秒 | 日記
In 2010/7/16, Akutagawa did short and appeared on the world in the net in Japanese.

Akutagawa, it is one that only was being called to be a standard with 1 dollar = 111 right yen these days.
Of the reader of writing { the answer } to return to this standard in the form of the news at 7 o'clock as you know

However, there were not an economic critic and one scholars who is saying such a thing at this point.

But being the thing when Akutagawa is seeing by the newspaper and on TV.

Nikkei today had the interview article which proves to do the terrible of Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization" by 100 %.

It is telling that it says that Akutagawa is anonymous so far and that the people who weren't subscribing should subscribe right now, too.

The telling person is Nathan sheet ( being an international economy taking charge person in charge in the economist of present City group ) who walked the nucleus of the U.S. monetary policy, serving as International Finance Bureau length in 4 in the FRB previous International Finance Bureau length... U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB).

The preamble abbreviation

ーThe formula lottery of the monetary relaxation to the deflation avoidance

To continue a yen below the considerable standard, e.g. 1 dollar = about 110 yen or it and to make fall become the powerful tractive force of the deflation avoidance.

The large-scale magnification of Bank of Japan's property is necessary for it.

When analyzing how much the quantitative relaxation of FRB and a property scale were connected with the dollar reduced price, to lead an enough yen fall and deflation avoidance to the success, the Bank of Japan must double a property scale.

The omit the last part

Referring, saying it was the discovery of the Nobel prize class doesn't have "The Turntable of Civilization" for show of referring.

You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.















2013年03月21日 19時14分38秒 | 日記
Today was a summation surely in the photo date in the blue sky where the heaven is high.

There was an occupation, but it put a camera in the bag when it found time and it let's take Sakura in Kyoto Imperial Palace and it headed for Kyoto.

Will Kyoto Imperial Palace have given Akutagawa who took a wonderful photograph a reward?

So far, the bird which has never been seen appeared.

It went home, it searched with the wildfowl in Kyoto Imperial Palace and it attempted to put a hit from its inside.

It seems that it is a brambling, this.

Haven't been different only slightly and the bill met Hawfinch if attempting to think that that bill is the bill which isn't forgot and so on.

The sure of it of being this is done by this.

It confirmed an image in the net.

It is this bird that there was in the immediateness of Akutagawa surely.

It was a female what is more.

It is the translation which was a belle actually .

2013/3/21,Kyoto Imperial Palace(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月21日 18時43分44秒 | 日記














シメ(鴲、学名:Coccothraustes coccothraustes)はスズメ目アトリ科に分類される鳥類の一種である。










2013年03月21日 12時12分33秒 | 日記








You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.















2013年03月21日 11時55分47秒 | 日記



朝日新聞、2011/11/22, 15面から。











須賀 千鶴さん

Weekly Asahi and the Newsweek magazine should subscribed to in 500,000. The last chapter

2013年03月21日 11時14分39秒 | 日記
The preceding chapter sequel

It concentrates on not looking back in its past because of it, deifying Mao Tse-tung to " the household altar " and denounce in the foreign country.

The estimate of the future by China of the author overlaps with the collapse of the former USSR.

It feels the same way completely.

The critic who walks whenever in Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China and so on in the investigation at the factory and so on thinks.

The general public in Association of Southeast Asian Nations is receiving a grown-up result surely.

However, when seeing the overwhelming poorness of the rural area compared with the gorgeousness of Shanghai and so on, as long as it is made, that it is artificial and that it is political, as for the failure of the contradiction, it cannot help estimating " a collapse ", " by the disturbance ".

It is one to know a neighboring country by the prince to have done long-range ranging over and to have continued to record China to it.

It is the understanding of “the ideology” and " the feelings” that is not important.

It is a fact that is important like this manual.

The critic:Nakazawa Takao= 1944, coming from Gunma Prefecture
" The manufacturing which is terrible Japanese style competitiveness is immortality " with the book is ( the Asahi newly-published book ), " the company where the person grows through the work " ( the PHP newly-published book )and so on.

Weekly Asahi and the Newsweek magazine should subscribed to in 500,000.

2013年03月21日 11時03分41秒 | 日記
The while ago chapter sequel

" Day when Mao Tse-tung gets off the household altar " Horie Yoshito

Heibonsha Ltd., Publishers

The critic: Fukui Prefectural University
The regional economic laboratory head of an office
Takao Nakazawa

It becomes “the impossible composition that Commissioner General is dominated over on the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office Public Prosecutor General and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court if being in Japan " and it may say that the mood to the citizen by the false charge and the power to the citizen are commonly.

In the human being who is supposed to have been killed, actually, even if it finds that it lives, it catches “a murderer " and it doesn't ask the responsibility of the human being who sent to the jail, too.

Also, the bond of the person who criticizes power and the ravishment by the police station and so on is commonly.

In China, every year, tens of thousands of riots occur in each place.

It may say that the mood which is systematic as the beginning and is artificial is in the corruption of the power, the differential of the poverty and wealth, the farm village census register system (the city cannot be freely moved from ) about it because it is commonplace.

This manual innumerably tells the fact as it isn't possible to believe including the human traffic episode of the child “to make a profit than breeding a cow and a pig about having a child “and so on.

The economic growth in China today is not the fact that it is bad in the technique of " the development principle " to choose from the top of the clarifying, boiling but the switchover to " the modal control " like Malaysia, Indonesia, Thai and so on is difficult for this country.

The modal control binds down a ruler, too, fairly.

All the members boil leaders in the Communist Party in the jail sending it and have become of course when becoming.

Hereinafter, it continues.

yesterday, to have been absolutely the 1st of the people who searched Akutagawa

2013年03月21日 10時52分44秒 | 日記
If seeing e-mail from goo, yesterday, to have been absolutely the 1st of the people who searched Akutagawa was the following chapter.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry medium content section assistant manager who doesn't wither and advises a policy

From The Asahi 2011/11/22, 15

It didn't think that it became a government official to the university 3 grader at all.

It is as much as the misunderstanding in case of being a trivial racial get-together when saying which it is.

It wanted to become an international lawyer and it was studying a bar examination.

However, it was different from the image if going to the tribunal and meeting a lawyer.

It met several bureaucrats when wavering.

The story was interesting and turned.

It chose the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

“Group to think that can change the world seriously “It is because it felt to be.

It is enriched from entering a Ministry.

The policy that will leave specific countries such as China and Mongolia which was proposed before in the emphasis of the diplomacy-on-resources became an arrangement in the government, too.

Now, it is taking charge of the cool Japan strategy.

The expectations are high from the home industry world, but there is sense of vigilance from the other party in the foreign countries to country's pushing cultural diplomacy and it feels difficult, too.

When hearing a story like recent “the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry dissolution theory” and “the non- important point discussion ", there is a pain to passing away, being expected.

What was the bureaucrat doing from the person in the world or it was difficult to link an image and we, too, could not be sound in the explanation of our work.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry does that it does the needle straw mat thought of that it is to return to the starting point of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to say " that the strange thing is strange " of without boiling and being made to sit but being discouraged to recover.

It is bad in case of not being “is it good in this” and the existence to ask to the whole policy in Kasumigaseki.

It thinks to have resigned from stopping official criticism honestly in recent years and withering and advising a structural problem in the whole country.

Whoever sees, the finance in the country is clumsy, the medical treatment is non- efficiency and the social security seems to be heading for the failure.

Rather than controlling its Ministry, too, the government office which complains of the true policy neatly is necessary.

It is because there was such problem consciousness that it specialized in the medical treatment management by the after American studying abroad after I entered a Ministry.

For example, more surely, as the government official in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, it does the work of the deregulation, it feels that old comes more and that the existence sense passes away in the regulation administration of the type.

It thinks that it aims at the world which gets for us not to be in a sense needed by the sense that the octopus is eating its leg and that it is working, too.

However, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is the positive group to think that can change the world.

Will that such “the multipara bureaucratic mind” has passed away not be negative for the country, too?

Suga Chizu(須賀千鶴)
Born in 80
After the working, it studies abroad in the U.S. in 03, the Agency of Natural Resources and Energy which enters the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and so on.
It is incumbent this year from July.

weekly Asahi and the Newsweek magazine should subscribed to in 500,000.

2013年03月21日 10時23分08秒 | 日記
The preceding chapter sequel

" Day when Mao Tse-tung gets off the household altar " Horie Yoshito

Horie Yoshito coming from Taipei in 1944
It joins The Asahi and it retires in 2004 via the editorialist, Beijing and Ulaanbaatar chief correspondent, the editorial member of the committee, Shanghai chief correspondent.
The freelancer

Also, it concerns " the self-criticism " of the failure and Mao Tse-tung causes " Cultural Revolution " ( from 1966 ) to ( 77 ) to bury all political opponent rivals and the dead person in this case, too, exceeds 1 piece of Chimato.

It is much more fearful of the disaster by the human being than of the natural disaster.

Next, that Deng Xiaoping which is Mao Tse-tung's next leader did was indiscriminate shooting with Tainanmen to the people who demand to democratize.

In addition to that such “history” isn't introduced by the people in China, it becomes a taboo.

Because, it is because it asks the responsibility of the Communist Party.

When reading a this manual, because " the control " ( the control of the best leader ) " of the party " doesn't have a canonicalness as well as " being anti-Japanese ", it brings the warp which isn't believed to the country.

Hereinafter, it continues.

If weekly Asahi and the Newsweek magazine were subscribed to in 500,000, as for Japan, Akutagawa continued the series to become never a fool already which returns to original.

There was many a article which proves the right of Akutagawa's reference in weekly Asahi of this week's issue, too.

The critique of the book which was the lead-off batter of the Nikkei reading column on Sunday was in the reading column in weekly Asahi, too.

Because there was leeway in the space in the advantage of the weekly magazine, there was the one which is better than the critique of Nikkei.