文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Today last year

2013年03月17日 22時53分32秒 | 日記
Today last year

Akutagawa showed the ≪ answer ≫ which it isn't possible to have written which no one wrote formerly especially as " the news at 7 o'clock ".

Yesterday, Takaaki Yoshimoto died and the television was pouring his interview in the sunset.

It should have noticed that it does some thing which he was telling in it if being the reader who is wise and is excellent about " the impossibility of new thing's being a good thing is done " which Akutagawa wrote and the actually completely together thing yesterday.

7時のニュース / きよしこの夜

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/16

2013年03月17日 18時16分02秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/16



3月15日のアクセス数  閲覧数:12,052 PV    訪問者数:682 IP

順位: 678位 / 1694555ブログ中 (前日比  ↑)


一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1095  訪問者数: 648




1トップページ134 PV

2今朝の朝日は一面で読売巨人軍の新人契約金...58 PV

3貴方がたも、金閣寺にも負けないスーパース...45 PV

4理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...44 PV

5梅田からは歩いて10分以内の中之島公園とも...36 PV

6それ以外に、為すべき何があるというのだ。32 PV

7三日連続訪れても良いなんて場所は大阪城公...30 PV

81円でも高く売却して、国民の貴重な血税を1...29 PV

9昨夜のNHKのニュースで、株価が上がると...28 PV

10財政再建の大きな柱と為して、日夜、市民・...26 PV

11未来永劫に渡って莫大な固定資産税収入が見...25 PV

12流転の子 本岡 典子著…日経読書欄から。23 PV

13最高値で落札する企業が規定に則り行うテナ...23 PV

14簡単に言えば…。23 PV

15ましてや、貴方がたの様な梅田の地力、梅田...23 PV

16第二期分については…。22 PV

17大手門から入ったのも、そのためだった…。22 PV

18落札する企業は全て…。22 PV

19せいぜい所属する会社の花見宴会や、有名人...21 PV

20関西経済界の名士と称して第二期分譲分につ...21 PV




to take a bush warbler with Japanese apricot

2013年03月17日 10時39分19秒 | 日記
Today last year

Yesterday, it is... to take a bush warbler with Japanese apricot because there was a conviction that the bush warbler always appears.

2012/3/15,Osaka-Jo,(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Today last year… the Japanese apricot in Osaka-Jo.

2013年03月17日 10時26分24秒 | 日記
Today last year

As it wrote that would get to go to the Osaka-jo steadily now, Akutagawa went to the Osaka-jo in the Japanese apricot letter and four times yesterday.

...It begins to bloom and it is blooming in 50%, the early blooming kind best time and then yesterday of beginning to bloom

2012/3/15,Osaka-Jo,(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月17日 10時02分37秒 | 日記
Today last year

It was reporting the plainly proper special story that all of the... economy becomes good about how it became when the stock price rose by the news of NHK last night.

It made concise and it was proving an absolute answer to be the right of Akutagawa's 〈 answer 〉.

Akutagawa thinks but if saying the work of the president in the country which is choosing the work... capitalism of the American president concisely, he has run out to giving a stock price.

It is to raise the value in the market in the... own country if saying whether or not to say that it gives a stock price is how thing and it is to raise the value of the major company group which represents an own country.

With the thing except it, the politician and the speech person aren't exaggerated even if it says that it should never accomplish.

Every day, every day, as for 20 percent, the inhabiting hoodlums accomplish " the vulgar evil " to the this world.

To say that each Inc. of the mass communication which was centered on the Tokyo 1 pole reports it in completely the same style with the television and the magazine and so on, and so on, is called a true folly.

Where of such a situation will there be intellect?

The kind to say so never lets out to the general public if supposing that the detention facility sends it in the place where... Akutagawa referred about all if it causes an event.

In case of being a true figure in the... one to make live in Panopticon to say that Bentham advocated a lifetime about, Akutagawa thinks.

If there is time which is reporting the conduct of such persons with each Inc. gathered and doing a serious face every day, it should use a head to give a stock price in the stock market seriously every day.

Then, Akutagawa is the following.

It should know that it was the thing that the ≪ answer ≫ which was shown with my book is terrible how much silently.

You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


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To Understand Both Japan And The World.














The titmouse…from wikipedeia.

2013年03月17日 09時44分39秒 | 日記
The titmouse (the Japanese great tit, the scientific name Parus minor) is one kind of the bird passerine titmouse department titmouse genera.

The distribution

Japan, East Asia, the Far East of Russia

Parus major of the related species inhabits the Eurasia central part, the western part and North Africa.

On the Amur river basin, two kinds coexist without the crossing.

4 subspecies inhabit Japan by the anniversary (The resident bird).

The form

Full length 13- 16.5 cm

The specific name minor is " a small " mind but in the titmouse department, it is a large-sized seed.

A surface is covered in the gray and the blackish brown to be bluish and an underside is covered with the ecru feather.

A vertex is covered with the black feather.

It enters, but it is cut off by the black spot from the throat to the chest and the white spot doesn't connect with the bright color part of the chest from the cheek to the rear neck.

The black vertical stripes enter from the throat to the underside (the crissa) in the rectrix bottom.
The wing color is ashy black.

At the tip (the end of the feather) of the big rain cover, it enters and when stationary, the white spot seems to be one white linear pattern (the wing bar).

The color of the bill is black.

The color of the hind limb is ecru.

As for the male, the vertical stripes from the throat to the crissa are thicker.

The abdomen is yellow but P. major in the Eurasia central part and the western part is a titmouse P. The abdomen of minor is white.

Also, there is not yellow with height in the subspecies which inhabits in the south of Japan such as the Ishigaki titmouse.

The black spot from the throat to the chest is blackish with generally compared with the other subspecies as thick, and so on.

The ecology

It inhabits a forest and an everglade and so on.

To be general sometimes does a ferry when there are few individuals and foods not to do a ferry but to be distributed over the cold district, too.

In the non- breeding season, it forms the small-scale mixed group who included the other kind of the titmouse department, too.

The Japanese name derives from the bleat (the place singing).

The bleat is the shrill voice to pass well and repeats “twippy twippy twippy ".

The feeding-habit eats a fruit, a seed, and an insect and so on by being omnivorous.

However, of the surface of the earth however, it does a meal on the tree.

The propagation form is oviparous.

Japan produces moss to tree Horanai, building a plate -shape nest which laid a combination animal hair and a feather and so on and dividing 7 - 10 eggs into 1 - twice the year in 4 - in July.

Only the female does a brooding of egg and the brooding of egg period is the 13-14th.

The chick leaves the nest on the 16-22th after it hatches.

The relation with the human being

It uses a birdhouse, too, to nest to the buildings such as the cracks such as Ishikaki and the house, too, and to build a nest on the tree cave.

In the United Kingdom, it is a related species P. major However, the action which pursues the back of the car of the milk delivery, and breaks open the lid of distributed milk and swallows milk is reported.

The translation is Akutagawa.

2012/3/15,Osaka-Jo,(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.