文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is " today last year " which reached from goo.

2013年03月26日 23時59分15秒 | 日記
It is " today last year " which reached from goo.

It is the story when Tokyo Broadcasting System is televising current event random talk in the morning of Sunday before super in 25.

It was and it wrote http://blog.goo.ne.jp/admin/editentry?eid=91c1f127130b4bf8ca00136cc59a23d1 but saying to have introduced Akutagawa to the director in Tokyo Broadcasting System when making a story our company's senior managing director by the other day, the business and being was someone of the following person, it thought of it suddenly.


As the true elitist training-up course in those days, the Hibiya high school - the University of Tokyo, it advanced towards the smooth sailing in the passage which was in the 1st.
...Blessed with the friend with a lot of true elitists such as the classmate and the senior, too

It is when he was doing a director in the noble family in the noble family which represents Japan that it appeared in front of some day, Akutagawa.

He thought that he who am a director must not be doing company house living forever.

It decided on that it is possible to grow and buying a house for the first time.

When the place which was an especially ordinary condominium, too, is the great place of him even if it is necessary, Akutagawa thinks.

He lived in Nishinomiya until then.
...it which was decided was us about the agency company when providing that it is permitted to be a Senri new community as the place and buying with the thing, too.

Saying that it did the investigation in the relation of the dealings and it seems that it wants to confirm that it is Akutagawa Kenji about the company to the big businesses which are the opportunity that... Akutagawa began real estate business.

We had the day to be it, a telephone.

2012/3/25、noon。at Horyuu-ji。(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

It thinks that this is good to study Spanish, too.4

2013年03月26日 20時36分16秒 | 日記
This song was flowing through the inside of store in Starbucks whenever.

Beautiful Boy - John Lennon (subtitulado)

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Therefore, John Lennon's soul, too, undoubtedly exists in Akutagawa's photograph.

Because, Akutagawa is because it lived with him.

It thinks that that this music was released was when Ringo Starr sold "the photograph".

2013年03月26日 20時04分22秒 | 日記
It thinks that that this music was released was when Ringo Starr sold " the photograph of the remembrance ".

In addition to John Lennon's participating in this album of Ringo Starr, it provided music, too.
but thinking that it recorded this then.

Was it when John Lennon did Harry Nilson's album in the produce?


It set up the photograph that he does the armband which was represented as people for peace with the photograph to occur in this and that he is singing for a long time for a long time to Akutagawa's room.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

for the reader of Akutagawa all over the world.2

2013年03月26日 13時37分59秒 | 日記
Maria Callas "Mon coeur s'ouvre a ta voix "

Mon Coeur s'ouvre a ta voix
comme s'ouvrent les fleurs
aux baisers de l'aurore!
Mais, o mon bien-aime,
pour mieux secher mes pleurs,
que ta voix parle encore!
Dis Moi qu'a Dalila tu reviens
pour jamais!
Redis a ma tendresse
Les serments d'autrefois,
Ces serments que j'aimais

Ah! responds a ma tendresse
Verse-moi, verse moi l'ivresse!

Responds a ma tenfresse, etc

Dalila, Dalila, je t'aime!

Ainsi qu'on voit des bles les
epis onduler
sous la brise legere,
ainsi fremis mon Coeur,
pret a se consler.
A ta voix qui m'est chere!

La fleche est moins rapise a porter le trepas,
que ne l'est ton amante a voler
dans tes bras!





for the reader of Akutagawa all over the world.

2013年03月26日 13時11分09秒 | 日記
It is again. for the reader of Akutagawa all over the world.

Maria Callas: Casta diva (1958)

Casta Diva, che inargenti
queste sacre antiche piante,
a noi volgi il bel sembiante
senza nube e senza vel...
Tempra, o Diva,
tempra tu de cori ardenti
tempra ancora lo zelo audace,
spargi in terra quella pace
che regnar tu fai nel ciel...

Fine al rito : e il sacro bosco
Sia disgombro dai profani.
Quando il Nume irato e fosco
Chiegga il sangue dei Romani,
[ From: http://www.metrolyrics.com/casta-diva-lyrics-maria-callas.html ]
Dal Druidico delubro
La mia voce tuoner .
Cadr ; punirlo io posso.
(Ma, punirlo, il cor non sa.
Ah! bello a me ritorna
Del fido amor primiero;
E contro il mondo intiero...
Difesa a te sar .
Ah! bello a me ritorna
Del raggio tuo sereno;
E vita nel tuo seno,
E patria e cielo avr .
Ah, riedi ancora qual eri allora,
Quando il cor ti diedi allora,
Ah, riedi a me.)

Casta Diva English Translation

Pure Goddess, whose silver covers
These sacred ancient plants,
we turn to your lovely face
unclouded and without veil...
Temper, oh Goddess,
the hardening of you ardent spirits
temper your bold zeal,
Scatter peace across the earth
Thou make reign in the sky...

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Her the first and probably the last voice is overflowing.

2013年03月26日 12時52分48秒 | 日記
This Casta diva (1958) is wonderful really.
Her the first and probably the last voice is overflowing.

All people in addition to Akutagawa who know Maria Callas will be moved.

Maria Callas: Casta diva (1958)

The preamble abbreviation

The the 1st act 1st place

Following the prelude, the stage is forest of the Druidism party.

It sacrifices the prayer that the gang which was led by オロヴェーゾ asks for the release from Rome and it leaves.

As for ポリオーネ who emerged from the cover, it tells that it loves young putting-on アダルジーサ in that the love to its quota disappeared now now and the quota shudders at accompanying Flavio, fearing, saying there will be a revenge if knowing it.

The Druidism parties are again led by the quota to give way and appear and hold a ceremony.

It is by the flagrant scena and cavatina " the pure goddess " that it is sung here.

The people are burning with the rage to Rome, but the quota doesn't permit revolt, itself loves Roman stadholder ポリオーネ secretly actually and soliloquizes in the hard chest which was made a profit on to two sons.

All leaves but young putting-on アダルジーサ that this, too, is worried with the love of the immoralities to the Roman is alone left.

Saying ポリオーネ appears there and will run away together to Rome, passionately, as for refused アダルジーサ, too, at last, it promises to follow in the persuasion, at first.

From Wikipedia

The translation is Akutagawa.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

To say anything to doing Maria Callas's wonderful therefore isn't necessary.

2013年03月26日 12時47分29秒 | 日記
To say anything to doing Maria Callas's wonderful therefore isn't necessary.

The mistake doesn't lie in her being the person of the first and probably the last.

Maria Callas - Lucia di Lammermoor - Regnava nel silenzio

“Lucia di Lammermoor “The Italian opera that Gaetano Donizetti composed in 1835
It premiered at Saint Carlo Theater in Napoli on same year September 26th.
The script depends on Salvatore can Marrano.
It pictures the tragedy of the sweethearts who were parted by the political marriage.
It is flagrant in “the place of the madness” which the going mad heroine continues to sing forever.
The original
The original of this work is novel “Lama Moore's bride” (English: The bride of Lammermoor, 1825) of artist Walter Scott in Scotland.

The one that the bride who could force to be engaged contrary to the mind made the event which stuck a bridegroom a novel
This event occurred in the fact of it in Scotland in 1669; Scott did the move at the beginning of the 18th century of the stage and made the name of the sweethearts Lucy and Edgar.
The works of Scott were widely read in Europe and became the original of the various operas such as “the beauty is a daughter in Perth” of Gioacchino Antonio Rossini's “the belle in the lake “and Bizet.
It is composing Elisabetta al castello di Kenilworth that Donizetti very person, too, made the novel of Scott the original in 1829.
Donizetti made “Lama Moore's bride” the original in 1835 and finished writing and made Motosaku be complete on July 6th.
As for the staging from September 26th, it obtained to be a big success.

From Wikipedia

The translation is Akutagawa.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

It is “today last year " which reached from goo.2

2013年03月26日 12時17分12秒 | 日記
It is “today last year " which reached from goo.2

At the same time together it with the situation of emperor-banzai-fascism in Japan 70 years before in the completeness.

The reason doesn't lie in reflecting on equal to or more than 70 years previous Japan's accomplishing by the style of countries in something which tied a domestic administration problem in the own country occasion.

It is moreover same in Korea, too.

The fact but, that to be sad came without that anyone could say the proper thing so far.

That the result included extra super in 20, too, is needless to say.

If it does, the president takes out to be anti-Japanese when making an approval rating decline with the corruption and if it does Korea, he evades national consciousness.

It takes out to be anti-Japanese when the riot by the expansion of the difference of the poverty and wealth in the urban area which is the domestic administration problem which is the most important if it does China and the agricultural area occurs frequently and it evades national consciousness.

It takes out and it says a war 70 years before to the impudence.

No longer, the world admits such indecency.

The problem in the hometown is never in the war equal to or more than 70 years before mystery no longer.

The common recognition to be a domestic administration problem in the own country should be spreading to the world.

Only our country which has continued to give a figment game with " the politics and the money " with introversion is only doing from beginning to end the reception that it is possible to have still pulled a hip.

It is " today last year " which reached from goo.

2013年03月26日 11時50分49秒 | 日記
It is " today last year " which reached from goo.

Will not seem person of the reader, too?

Tears were streaming like fall from her outer corner of the eye.

It is to the far completed difference of the feeling of the ugliness of this wife who is 80 percent of the citizen or the hoodlums who are 20 percent of the citizen compared with the waywardness with this husband and wife.
These 20 percent seem to conquer the world in this net ready to the style which Akutagawa referred to many times.

Especially, it thinks that there is much, too, agreement about being exaggerated hardly even if whether or not all are rascal is called to be a front desk corporation or the one of the individual about the rank, the best ten mystery about the finance and the economy.

From where will the difference of the human beings to make a human being like the wife who took Akutagawa's heart by the preceding chapter like the above at and to be inhabiting them come?

But but are the story of the feeling as it becomes far, actually, there is supposition about Akutagawa when the hometown will be in indecency in Asia

That it has no choice but to make spend a lifetime in the detention facility surely, not being in the exaggeration even if it judges when it is impossible to correct a lifetime if manifesting this evil once surely

The heart which was warped, being ugly cannot be corrected.

In the style which is the one that the cosmetic surgery is apparent only.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/25

2013年03月26日 11時14分24秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/25



3月24日のアクセス数 閲覧数:8,836PV    訪問者数:481IP

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一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1,007 訪問者数: 480




1トップページ66 PV

2それにしても、日本のテレビは酷いね。42 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...40 PV

4テレビが新聞と共に斜陽に成りかかっている...34 PV

5アジア通貨危機時の韓国について…ウィキペ...29 PV

6見える風景は、全てが違っていただろう。28 PV

7今朝の読売テレビ・ワイドショー中のコーナ...28 PV

8アジア通貨危機について…ウィキペディアから。26 PV

9賢明にして俊秀な読者の方々なら、痛いほど...25 PV

10それにしても、テレビの威力というか効果と...24 PV

11「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...21 PV

12今朝の読売テレビ・ワイドショー中のコーナ...21 PV

13世界のリーダーには逆立ちしても成れないの...13 PV

14アーカイブ13 PV

15唯一、田中角栄を除いて。11 PV

16小沢一郎すべてを語る④ …サンデー毎日11月...11 PV

17去年、世論調査で小沢一郎は悪い奴だ「YE...10 PV

18もはや世界は、そういうindecencyを認めない。10 PV

19「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月24日。9 PV

20涙は、彼女の目じりから滝の様に流れ続けて...9 PV



