文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The time is 1981.

2013年03月04日 23時22分45秒 | 日記
As for Akutagawa, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan on weekly Sunday referred many times when the world was eminent.

It was completely as it yesterday, too.
From The Nikkei. 2013/3/3.

“Of secret note and the fund of 1,000,000,000,000 yen of Japan and the Republic of Korea”
Written by Ogura Kazuo

The time is 1981.

In the abruptness of Chun Doo Hwan administration who was just now started in Korea, it requested Japan to do huge economic assistance.

Japan, too, seems to have been tendencies such as the appropriate load in Korea which is confronted with North Korea.

The this manual pictured the process that it takes up this story which isn't too much known by the world, and that it repeats a secret negotiation and a string-pulling and that it results in the determination in the drummer style.

It says that the author wrote as " the lesson to the future ".

It gets to want to cry over doing the attenuate of the pipe of Japan and the Republic of Korea in now to have compared with those days.

(Kodansha 1700 yen)

But the grief of this critique person, too, is reasonable

The problem doesn't meet.

As for this story, it accomplishes the financial support that Akutagawa, too, was news but that Japan is very much as requested at Pak Jung-heui at the time of Pak Jung-heui president, too.

The fascism of the name that these grim facts are called anti-Japanese education isn't telling to the Korean people at all as the fact.

It thinks that the Korean people that Ri Seung-man who came in the reclame amount and was a monocrat continued to catch the education of the fascism which filled the very ignominious egoism of his maladministration which was accomplished various and to warp national eyes will not know at all.

Actually, as for the proper world, it should be known be a true problem.

Therefore, Akutagawa extracted as the mission of the god.

As the country which dropped an atom bomb on Japan, the U.S. tells still and a thing, such a fact and should remonstrate on Korea.

Because Japan and Korea are a valuable ally for the U.S., too, the U.S. has a fact and must remonstrate on Korea.

Japan achieved war responsibility to the style which Akutagawa referred to many times.

The fact that U.S. made 127 cities a burned field with incendiary

With the atom bomb in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, the war responsibility of emperor-banzai-fascism made Japan accomplish.

It is necessary to introduce to Korea and China so.

It is necessary to introduce to all over the world.

If not accomplishing the thing, it gets to say that the U.S. braved the historically worst crime of the human race only.

Because of Peace in Asia, the U.S. should remonstrate on Korea.

However, there is a great fault of the U.S. in the place to criticize Japan by being together by believing the persistent advertising campaign of the Koreans with not to do what being but in America innocently completed.

Good meaning however, bad meaning however, as for being wholesale, it never investigates international politics.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月04日 21時23分02秒 | 日記
















「中国は 『国家』なのか「2千年以上前に統一できたのはなぜか」「日本人と漢字の関係」「なぜ近代化が遅れたのか」「日中戦争とはなんだったのか」「『社会主義市場経済』の衝撃」「民主化の可能性は?」等々である。



(講談社現代新書・945円) 加藤出 (エコノミスト)

It presents a wonderful reader all over the world.②

2013年03月04日 21時08分55秒 | 日記
As for Akutagawa, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan on weekly Sunday referred many times when the world was eminent.

It was completely as it yesterday, too.

From The Asahi. 2013/3/3.

It presents a wonderful reader all over the world.

China of the surprise

Daisaburou Hashizume, Masachi Oosawa and Shinji Miyadai 〈 The work 〉

It sees Western countries without standardizing on them.

It says that the number of the Japanese companies which are advancing to China is near 30,000 companies.

It is of the U.S. advance corporation quintuple a little less than.

To keep the relation that 2nd of the neighbor name GDP ( the gross domestic product ) world and 3 countries are good originally benefits.

Also, as it is in the example in the European continent, too, the deepening of the economic relationship can become maximum security.

However, even if the head shows it, it is very difficult to understand China.

Even the person who did business in China is confused.

Learning level however and also common sense level however, as for this manual, the theory and the frame which becomes the basics when “we understand society and a culture maintain that the reason is from “which standardized on Western countries.

This manual is composed of the hot three-way discussion which depends on three sociologists who traveled to “Deep “in China.

“The point which should put the eyes such as the mistake and the pit for which it is easy to fall " was chosen as the theme.

“Whether or not China is “a state” "

“For some reason and it is “that could be unified equal to or more than 2,000 years before.

“Relation between the Japanese and the kanji “

“Why to have been behind in the modernization in "?

What was it with the war between Japan and China?

“Impact of” the market socialism “

“It is “the possibility of the democratization?” and so on.

Hashizume is stating “that the Japanese don't know the fact of China too much ".

The criticism is a home truth but a lot of arguments of the scale are in the this manual that are awakened to the truth.

(Kodansha today newly-published book)

Kato Izuru( Economist )

The translation is Akutagawa.

"The death of the Chinese rise" Tsugami Toshiya 〈 The work 〉

2013年03月04日 20時27分17秒 | 日記
This book is proving the right of Akutagawa's The Turntable of Civilization.

As for Akutagawa, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan on weekly Sunday referred many times when the world was eminent.

It was completely as it yesterday, too.
From The Asahi 2013/3/3.

It presents a wonderful reader all over the world.

"The death of the Chinese rise" Tsugami Toshiya 〈 The work 〉

The day to become “the best in the world ", it doesn't come?

China which jumps out to the main player of the endurance global economy in the crisis with the huge increasing public spending behind Riemann shock.

It pulled out Japan by the gross domestic product and it left but the U.S., too, is most which are international points of view within 10 years, saying that it reverses.

The this manual by the hand of the Chinese watcher which comes from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry becomes probably the book which overrules the “common sense " for the first time.

It says that it doesn't come the day when China pulls out the U.S. at the economic scale.

As the basis, the data to be pessimistic about the non- efficiency of the state-owned enterprise, the darkness of the local government finances, the super aging which comes in the drawing near and so on about is explained in detail.

Only, the author finds there hope, too.

The present Japan and there is composition, Japan which has China which stared fixedly at “the economic superpower who is the best in the world” and was made arrogant and the fear which isn't known to the Chinese huge-ization in the bottom, in the background which China is opposing to.

Saying therefore, both should know that there is not leeway which damages mutual economy each other if knowing the truth of the Chinese economy.

All persons who have an interest in the huge state and the market, China, especially, it is the book to wish to read by all means to the person concerned in both governments in Japan and China.

Hara Masato (The head office editing member of the committee)

The Nikkei Premiere series.

The translation is Akutagawa.

It presents a wonderful reader all over the world.

2013年03月04日 19時55分31秒 | 日記
As for Akutagawa, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan on weekly Sunday referred many times when the world was eminent.

It was completely as it yesterday, too.

From The Asahi. 2013/3/3.

"The earthquake disaster theory from the northeast"

It thinks of the wide area system from the circumference.

Yamashita Yusuke 〈 The work 〉

Of the prolapse system of not being a prolapse nuclear power plant

It becomes fearful when reading a this manual until the last.

It is with " the earthquake disaster theory " but it is " the wide area system " theory actually.

The production of some part is connecting with the production process which is developed in the whole world with the wide area system to say here.

The destruction which occurred to one place has a direct influence on the production activities in the whole world.

It is such a system.

The electricity, gas, the water supply, the expressway, the Superexpress, the telephone, the Internet and so on, too, are the part.

Because it is, we live every day.

However, when the problem occurs to the system once, the individual can not do it at all.

When saying whether the expert and the state do something if being, no one is accounting.

It actually feels that it lives in such situation in vividly.

There are one which the state and so on move, one which the economic society of the corporation and so on moves, a web of the corporation and the human relations, too, in the system but no one can see whole them.

Because there is not main constituent, it isn't possible to do a control and a repair when the rent comes out.

Of each house formerly, each was reviving.

It was reconstructed about the economy and the corporation by the basis in it.

However, now, the house and each life don't stand up when the big system doesn't change.

Therefore, it increasingly drives it into the system more when the disaster happens.

The system for the human being is the one of " becoming a human being for the system all too soon ".

The author notices that a system in the area was used for the system in Central from the verification of the experience in the northeast after the earthquake disaster and the history in the northeast, that the bustle is rare.

It reprehends deregulation of trade, big emporium jumbling-up, resort development, the merger of municipalities in addition to the nuclear power plant, too.

Huge-izing while eating small one, Central takes a profit and wide area system good point's pressing the risk on the area

It is not a prolapse nuclear power plant and it says that the prolapse system is necessary.

Of the system and that to create the will of the small collective in the individual middle is the beginning to the prolapse system, too

It is the book of the important pointing-out.

The comment by Tanaka Yuuko who is Hosei University professor of the modern time comparison culture

The Tikuma newly-published book / Yamashita Yusuke Born in 69
The metropolitan university Tokyo associate professor ( The regional sociology )
" The truth of the limit colony " and so on

The translation is Akutagawa.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/3

2013年03月04日 19時11分32秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/3



32日のアクセス数 閲覧数:12,879PV    訪問者数:836IP

順位: 489 / 1,689,433ブログ中 (前日比  )



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1106  訪問者数:728

FC2のトータルアクセス:422 ユニークアクセス:379




1トップページ159 PV

2理研発VB米国で治験免疫抑制剤 服用短く...49 PV

3私の履歴書 新婚旅行ワガママ同士 佐久間...46 PV

4「芥川の北野天満宮・219日」。36 PV

5私の履歴書 佐久間良子 心の流転、全身全...35 PV

6梅は、蕾の時にも実に良いと芥川は思う。34 PV

7流転の子 本岡 典子著日経読書欄から。34 PV

8「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...34 PV

9三光門・西側の梅32 PV

10「芥川の北野天満宮・219日」。31 PV

11There are many people made wishes to the...30 PV

12at the side of national treasure Main S...28 PV

13Someone made a snowman28 PV

14「芥川の北野天満宮・219日」。27 PV

15219日、午後2時半、北野天満宮。26 PV

16前章の写真から26 PV

17ume trees26 PV

18閑話休題。25 PV

19社殿(国宝)西側の梅。25 PV

20It's been a long time, how have you...23 PV




It was the article of the beginning which proved the right of Akutagawa's referring

2013年03月04日 14時06分49秒 | 日記
But writing that the number of the annual excursionists to visit China to the newspaper yesterday was 60,000,000

In the style which Akutagawa wrote before, too

When Akutagawa re-re-discovered Kyoto , the number of the annual excursionists to Kyoto was 48,000,000.

It was announcing that Kyoto-shi made the number of the annual excursionists 50,000,000 in the plan in 5.

At this time, Akutagawa was saying to the acquaintances.

It becomes 50,000,000 immediately.

2 years later, it was achieved.

The population of Kyoto-shi is about 1,500,000.

China is 1,300,000,000.

It was the article of the beginning which proved the right of Akutagawa's referring when Kyoto was the best in the world.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

2013年03月04日 13時10分28秒 | 日記
Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月04日 01時21分44秒 | 日記





それは昭和56年に刊行された安岡章太郎の『流離譚』 (講談社文芸文庫・上下各1890円)にも当てはまる。



You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.














It tells that “the 3rd new comer " is an eternal “new comer” in the challenge mind well.

2013年03月04日 00時52分56秒 | 日記
The preceding chapter sequel

The preamble abbreviation

To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

While " the pleasure of the novel " refers to the own composition ( and, are review to the own composition ), too, while it touches literature in the all ages when the Kojima reaches several centuries of Chekhov Kafka Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra and so on, " the novel " is the book to have told where by the theme to be free.

It tells that “the 3rd new comer " is an eternal “new comer” in the challenge mind well.

It applies to “wandering story” (the Kodansha literary-writing storehouse and the 1890 upper and lower yen for each) of Shoutarou Yasuoka who was published in 1981, too.

It traces an ancestor at Yasuoka family which was a Tosa yeoman and this thick historical novel which pictured the disturbance (the divine punishment set and so on) of Bakumatsu restoration is pursuing the problem of the religious feelings of the Japanese who were hidden in the modern history.

Via equal to or more than 30 years, “wandering story " continues to grow as the still strange literature.

Tomioka Koitiro is born in 57 who is of The Kamakura literary house curator

Book “to Japanese which is left in 1000 “and so on

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月04日 00時49分37秒 | 日記


文芸評論家・関東学院大学教授 富岡幸一郎が、初っ端に「第三の新人とは」と題して、素晴らしい文章を書いている。










Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

the anxiety which lurks in the dailiness…and the crisis.

2013年03月04日 00時32分31秒 | 日記
It is possible to have barely read a short while ago the reading column which continues to refer which will be because there was a happening not to expect.

The Asahi today had wonderful sentences from the start.

The literary critic and Kanto Gakuin University professor Tomioka Koichiro entitles “the 3rd new comer " to the start and is writing wonderful sentences.

The preamble abbreviation

“The 3rd new comer” is the name of the artists who appeared on the literary world behind Hiroshi Noma's “the first postwar generation ", Kobo Abe's “the second postwar generation ".

The omission

Junnosuke Yoshiyuki's “the room of the courtesan and the sudden happening “of the collections of sketche of the early stages is....

The omission

The feelings and Eros become a theme when saying love but the artist pictures minutely to disentangle one, one thread of the feelings.

It is the symbol of the anxiety which lurks in the dailiness which seems akin to the verism of the modern literature such as the naturalism and the autobiographical story and is different completely and the crisis.

The omission

You who aren't subscribed to still should subscribe to The Turntable of Civilization right now.

For some reason?

It is because it is the serving which it makes a human being in the 21st century.

It says that it lives and that you go without thinking on anything.

To be as " vulgar and feebleminded " in the unknowingness, and to live and to go,
but Akutagawa doesn't recommend subscription to this book.

If you subscribe to " The turntable of civilization ", you should know that there is not an answer above the answer which Akutagawa wrote as the answer to Japan and the world.


Buy This Book

Read This Book For You

To Understand Both Japan And The World.












