文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

He visited Japan for the first concert in Japan.

2013年03月14日 23時56分10秒 | 日記

Bruce Springsteen Dancing in the dark

He visited Japan for the first concert in Japan.
As for Oosaka, the Osaka-jo hall was a meeting place.
Of course, Akutagawa was rushed.
In Bruce Springsteen, it was lifted by the stage and the woman who was in the first row at the end in this music danced together.
At that time, that woman was the happiest woman in the world.

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Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Akutagawa walked at the section bridge on Teizambori which Date Masamune…

2013年03月14日 23時23分02秒 | 日記
Way, Akutagawa walked at the section bridge on Teizambori which Date Masamune who is in the preceding chapter made and went to school to the Yuriage elementary school, the junior high school.

It went to school after fishing a fish at the Yuriage harbor by taking away lugworms in this Teizambori by occurring at the time of the lower grades of the elementary school, being early in the morning.

It is possible to have fished a lot of fish to short time as to not being thought of now then.

In the seaside which the tsunami like that monster pressed against, it does a twist only on the shoal and catching a lot of soles.

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Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月14日 22時45分42秒 | 日記




「日本国の半分」などいわれた。その半分をもって天下の風雲に対し、満を持する態勢をとれば、あるいは機会がころがってくるかもしれない。 (「街道を中く 仙台・石巻」)








*この記事は芥川の「The Turntable of Civilization」の正しさも証明している。






Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

This week's issue met Date Masamune who was a seigneur in Sendai which is Akutagawa's hometown

2013年03月14日 22時35分50秒 | 日記
There is a serialization to be permitted to call a specialty in weekly Asahi.

It is the series “to go in the highway " which began from the time while Ryotaro Shiba lives and is.

This week's issue met Date Masamune who was a seigneur in Sendai which is Akutagawa's hometown about the character, or doing the excellently of the governed country, the services of it.

The preamble abbreviation

Masamune aimed not to give up and for Oshu king to be enough still.

Oshu in those days, it was said to that it does “the half of Japan ".

Masamune aimed not to give up and for Oshu king to be enough still.

Then, Oshu was said to that it does “the half of Japan ".

To catch the condition which has the half and keeps up waiting until the time is ripe to the situation of the world or the opportunity may roll.

(“Going at the highway Sendai and Ishinomaki " )

Exactly in the earthquake in the Masamune times, this time, it is struck at 400 years before by Keicho's tidal bore.

A coastal area in the Sendai territory was wide and there was it from the Iwate Prefecture South half in now to the coastal area in Fukushima Prefecture but at this time, thousands of persons are dead.

It reports a Masamune that situation to the Shogunate and it hangs immediately for the revival.

It moved Oshu-kaido to the side of the part inland, it made Unga " Teizambori " safely and moreover early as the tote style route of rice and in the loading, it serviced Ishinomaki stands at the mouth the Kitakami River, as the accumulation place.

Also, with the development of a new field in the coastal area, in the middle of Edo, Date 62 Mangoku became to the extent that it exceeded substantial 100 Mangoku.

I, too, was the turning point that the outlook on life changed with the earthquake disaster but that it is big for Masamune, too.

It thinks that Keicho's revival business was 1 big project to have stared fixedly at the future.

It may be that the project produces a result and that there is present Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.

The old Sendai clan domain hits Miyagi Prefecture in now approximately.

Date Masamune seems only to have made an original form with the modern times of this place.

Masamune's existence was so big and to do the after death, the surviving retainers completed an ancestor industry.
(“Sendai and Ishinomaki " )

* This article is proving the right of Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization", too.

In other words, the country which is called Japan is in the historic fact that the government can have done excellently.

Korea which didn't have a road in addition to its continuing to exist as the dependency in China.

Korea where the hierarchy as the existence such as both squads which it should hate continued to violate a country and the people

It is a big difference with Korea which was made history in 1000 to the world least less-developed countries as the result.

Of the difference with China which the government continued to alternate with by the contention among the peoples however, may be.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

about Kitano-tenmangu.

2013年03月14日 11時13分36秒 | 日記
It is equal to or more than 1,000 years before.

In other words, in the most excellent person, in the person whom Japan needed and it was useful, the sleazebags, the false elitists who were in the Imperial Court in those days did him the making of the banishment to an island of those days in the false charge in the jealousy, the begrudging, the envy, and so on.

The city in the capital which met with the misfortune in the troubling as the punishment.

The country in Japan

Kitano-tenmangu which was reared to apologize to soothe it,the soul of Sugawara Mitizane.

Kitano-tenmangu where Hideyoshi's great footprint is left on this day, too, today.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

The economic policy of Abe prime minister isn't right only at all.

2013年03月14日 10時18分28秒 | 日記
The economic policy of Abe prime minister isn't right only at all.

It may win a gate of the departments of economic of the Nobel Prize to the previously mentioned、as the readers know.

It finds the reason if reading "The Turntable of civilization".

In the first place, if 80 percent of stock price sag to 25 years, which the problem occurs to the tontine is proper.

However, for these 25 years, the politician and the mass media in Japan came without understanding even such a simple thing.

It for some reason?

It is because a politician was brought up at the tax and the Japanese best salary was perfectly guaranteed about the speech people who belong to the mass media.

Huge fund management organization however, there is to call a tontine in Japan and America needless to say.
It is operating according to each rule but stock market however; it is operating of course at the constant ratio.

Because 80 percent of Nikkei Stock Average continued to sag to 25 years, the operation loss in addition to the investment profit appears and is consequential.

The people who are perusing the newspaper by subscribing to it should have done to the eyes.

Of the article to be probability with the shortage of the tontine which is canceled with the investment profit occurring in the tontine foundation with the rise of the Nikkei Stock Average

The thing that the policy of Abe prime minister was right completely is to be needless to say.

However, in case of being for these 25 years, the editorialists of the mass media which did Japan in the jounce boiling about all the meanings are the disposition not to accomplish deep reconsideration by but for it to be finding fault the economic policy of Abe prime minister.

In the men of intelligence in the world, especially in these 10 years, to be saying that it is too careful about Bank of Japan's policy is the fact of the wisdom of the many.

In other words, as for that Bank of Japan's policy is a too careful mistake, the boiling which is made a historic fact, too, doesn't concern.

It doesn't know but that the mass media in Japan, too, were a same crime, too, is a historic fact about

Being setting Bank of Japan's policy like this, or cramming and being reporting Bank of Japan's intention.

However, there is not a person who took the consequences as one whom of the mass media in Japan.

It is the right policy which Abe prime minister began barely.

In spite of being, they are using all of the aspects of paper for the faultfinding of the right policy.

That they gave to make emperor-banzai-fascism extreme power, too, is a historic fact.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/13

2013年03月14日 09時39分33秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/13



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一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1393 訪問者数:584




1トップページ72 PV

2流転の子 本岡 典子著…日経読書欄から。54 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...49 PV

4日経新聞に寄稿された辺見庸の文章を読む事...45 PV

5Kitano-tenmangu which was wonderful yest...34 PV

6This is the picture of Akutagawa32 PV

72012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。2727 PV

8My prayer is to linger with you.25 PV

92012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。2622 PV

10プラズマ式の電子黒板 パナソニック…日経新...18 PV

11「浜千鳥」15 PV

12最も優秀であった者を、日本国にとって最も...14 PV

132012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。2513 PV

142012.3/11. 北野天満宮、午後2時46分。13 PV

15My prayer is to linger with you at Kitan...13 PV

16そのまま秀吉が造成した、お土居に向かった。12 PV

17「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月11日。12 PV

18住友化学や産総研など 大型有機EL省エネ...12 PV

19カゴメや日本IBM 仙台で温室野菜栽培…...11 PV

20読者の皆さまに文明のターンテーブル取り扱...11 PV






2013年03月14日 00時32分08秒 | 日記








和田 いちばんたちが悪いのは、理系の教授は業績や開発や論文などで客観的に評価できるんだけど、文系の教授はそれがないじゃないですか。





In the back of the merit, that there is a defect is practice in the world.

2013年03月14日 00時15分21秒 | 日記
In the back of the merit, that there is a defect is practice in the world.

Where when the big newspaper in Japan is inferior to the quality paper in the fault... Europe and America which Uchida says qualitatively if comparing, is the fault which he says?

It thinks that it is in the editorialists.

Because there are feelings to ask 100,000,000 for being read, it will not be exaggerated even if it says that it becomes false moralism and easily, it will have gone to the direction as it spreads information from the press club.

There will not been a mistake to have dealt only with the specific intellectual elitist and for the newspaper in Japan to have braved so far.

In other words, it is the mistake lead of the public opinion about the important aspect.

Hideki Wada who graduated from the University of Tokyo medical school appeared on the serialization conversation in weekly Asahi.

As he was criticizing the scholar and the speech people of the liberal arts of the University of Tokyo coming-out, especially, the mistake lead about this economy of 20 years was cruel.

The preamble abbreviation


As for standing being the worst, can the professor of the science faculty evaluate objectively by the achievements, the development and the paper and so on but doesn't the professor of the faculty of liberal arts have it?

Therefore, the professor in the departments of economic in the University of Tokyo becomes the member in the council in the government of the committee, participates in the economic policy and the education policy and has made economy and education crushed.

Now, it wasn't possible to avoid from the deflation in 20.

The omit the last part

In the thing which is the same as this completely, the editorialists in the newspaper in Japan came.