文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Tonight, it floated suddenly and it is in this music that it came.

2013年03月12日 22時20分56秒 | 日記
Tonight, it floated suddenly and it is in this music that it came.

Torna A Surriento

2012/11/24,Tofuku-ji,Kyoto(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/12.

2013年03月12日 22時11分39秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/12



3月11日のアクセス数  閲覧数:10,917PV    訪問者数:641IP

順位: 744位 / 1,692,779ブログ中 (前日比 ↑  )



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1094 訪問者数:632




1トップページ189 PV

22012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑥51 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...48 PV

4家族離散3割 失業・休業は4割!38 PV

52012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。2436 PV

6北野天満宮とは何か。32 PV

72012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑳30 PV

82012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑤29 PV

92012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。④28 PV

102012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑱27 PV

112012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑨26 PV

122012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑦26 PV

13・・・。26 PV

14つまりは梅を一番愛していたと云う事なのだ...24 PV

15余分な政治屋や公務員を、今すぐに警察に回...24 PV

162012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。⑩24 PV

17目を覚まして直ぐに芥川の脳裏に浮かんだ曲...23 PV

182012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。2123 PV

192012/3/10、城南宮。午後3時。2222 PV

20今日は、まぁまぁの天気であったことと、梅...22 PV




" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/11

2013年03月12日 22時09分38秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/11



3月10日のアクセス数 閲覧数:17712 PV    訪問者数:622 IP

順位: 742 位  /1692400ブログ中(前日比 ↑ )


一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:798 訪問者数:531




1トップページ104 PV

2大阪は、今や世界有数のFascinationの街と...62 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...45 PV

4Osaka Station City の...36 PV

5Osaka Station City の...32 PV

62012年3月3日北野天満宮⑱30 PV

7Osaka Station City の...29 PV

8Osaka Station City の...29 PV

9ニューズウィーク誌が50万部は購読されなけ...27 PV

102012年3月3日北野天満宮③24 PV

11Osaka Station City の...21 PV

12Osaka Station City の...21 PV

13Osaka Station City の...20 PV

142012年3月3日北野天満宮⑰19 PV

152012年3月3日北野天満宮①19 PV

16新聞も、読むべし週刊誌も、ましてや本も読...19 PV

172012年3月3日北野天満宮⑬18 PV

182012年3月3日北野天満宮②17 PV

192012年3月3日北野天満宮⑫16 PV

202012年3月3日北野天満宮⑪15 PV




Craziness however, play however, it was not.

2013年03月12日 21時58分15秒 | 日記
From 2012/3/12.

Yesterday, in the train which heads for Kyoto, our company's senior managing director was the sentences to have forwarded to read the sentences of Yo Hemmi who was contributed to The Nikkei but to be still wonderful.

If called wonderful sentences, in The Asahi which was two days ago or the opinion of The Asahi or is recent, it boiled one of the good corner and the sentences which Kazushige Abe contributed, too, were wonderful.

In case of being a very influential artist indeed, Akutagawa felt.

The description of body (being a drowned body)... that... bulged with the inside of You Hemmi's sentences was especially left in the heart.

As for the reader, as for Akutagawa who grew up on the rough sea of Yuriage like the knowing, at the time of the child, every year, one encountered to the person who dies, drowning on the sea and the river.

It would have hung over the network of the wherry but in some case, the memory which saw the drowned body who was in the fish market was immediately revived.

The following is from the reading guide by Hosei University professor ( the politics criticism ) Atsushi Sugita in the column of The Asahi and the reading yesterday.

...The preamble abbreviation

It says that the poorness stands out even if Yo Hemmi takes up and compares the poverty of the word which argues about the disaster in this time by " of the word from the inside of the rubble " with the atom bomb and Great Kanto Earthquake.

Then, in the background which the media discharged a conventional expression into, it sees " the martial law in the heart ".

As for misery not being conveyed out of the disaster area, that the shadow of the death was excluded from the report, too, is big.

The Ishii Kouta's report “corpse " ( Shinchosha 1575 yen ) does the previous boiling of the countless corpse suddenly and it pictures the experience of the official and the dentists who was chased by accustomed processing work.

It is necessary to listen to the voice in the struggling scene which sings in time to give the sadness, too.

The record ( " the longest day of Kahoku Shinpo " BUNGEI SHUNJU CO., LTD. 1400 yen ) which continued to let out a newspaper while a local paper in the northeast was personally suffered by the meaning is valuable.

The newspaperman who imagined the face of the neighbors and worried about it and changed " the dead person " of the index, saying " the sacrifice "

It was acting there in " the martial law in the heart " but on something.

...The omit the last part

Akutagawa introduced the article about which he thought that he spent terrible time and labor and that he had better know them beforehand in island-position of Asahi and Nikkei.

It referred in case of being the weekly magazine which writes the article of the whole nation which is required reading in weekly Asahi and the News Week.

It continued to recommend when there was a subscription means and it was a weekly magazine.

As for it, on TV in now, the truth is because it isn't conveyed.

It is possible to say the low intellect and a false moralism constitution and with there, truth isn't exaggerated even if there is not it and it says that there is only " the vulgar evil ".

It accomplished to the point of view in the one of you to have watched such television to and you were grown into to make know the fact that there is a problem greatly.

Craziness however, play however, it was not.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Surely, it is " the potential energy of the manufacturing ".

2013年03月12日 09時25分23秒 | 日記
From the evening paper of The Nikkei 2013/3/11

The preamble abbreviation

It was about 10 days and our company's factory in Iwaki City began restoration construction from the earthquake disaster.

It sent a supporter and it began restoration from the national factory.

It thought of what one piece of singleness should do and it carried forward difficult restoration construction at the silent terrible speed.

Surely, it is " the potential energy of the manufacturing ".

In Japan, this scene power is fragrant.

There is power of the person who executes in the right of the rule in any case.

If this executive ability and the vision which the strong reader shows can intertwine, a big result is invented.

This is the strength of Japan.

The deflation avoidance which was a pending problem under the definite vision, Abe administration is wrestling with the correction of appreciation of yen very much.

As for the earthquake disaster reconstruction, too, it wants to wish that a revival is accelerated under the vision that the victim of an accident can cherish desire whole-heartedly.

The Nissan Motor COO. Shiga Toshiyuki

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.