文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Weekly Asahi asks that it is subscribed to about 500000 numbers of copies.②

2013年03月02日 22時57分47秒 | 日記
The preceding chapter sequel

It thought that the story at me, in Tokyo University of Education, too, is.

Even if the teacher in the college of education where there is an experience at the classroom can have said " that it was different about it " whatever it says whether or not the teacher in the department of education of the University of Tokyo is when the college of education functions, but the college of education has become extinct and has become the sole winner of the department of education of the University of Tokyo.

Tsukuba University was built in the first half of the 70s and a college of education was closed down but the college of education was quite great in the past, the educational circles.

It is the person who has given a teacher at the school as the half of the professor in the college of education but even if a few departments of education in the University of Tokyo have taught in the attached school in the University of Tokyo, there is not one teacher by whom the teacher at the school somewhere was fastening in 2 or1 year however.

The policy to have thought that the such people read a book and that the thing like this would be good by and for it to have come up was " a relaxed education ".

Oh, was it so?

Then, the scholastic ability in Japan fell steadily.

When the college of education functioned, the scholastic ability of the elementary, junior high and high school students in Japan was the best in the world.

Tokyo University of Education, may had better have be restored.

It makes the University of Tokyo and Hitotsubashi University when restoring a college of education as the saying and recruiting the member in the council of the committee half-and-half and originally, the load of a master thinks that it becomes good a little more because he isn't bad if melting and exposing to the competition neatly.

The omit the last part


2013年03月02日 17時00分06秒 | 日記





林 まあ、そうだったんですか。

和田 そして日本の学力はどんどん落ちていったわけですよ。教育大が機能していたころは、日本の小中高生の学力は世界一だったんです。


和田 おっしゃるように教育大を復活させるとか、審議会の委員を募るときは東大と一橋大を半々にするとかして、ちゃんと競争にさらせば、もともと地頭は悪くないから、もうちょっとマシになると思うんですよ。


Weekly Asahi asks that it is subscribed to about 500000 numbers of copies.

2013年03月02日 16時55分42秒 | 日記
The preceding chapter sequel

If saying whether or not the good human being of the result of the departments of economic of the University of Tokyo becomes the professor of the economics, it doesn't become probably.

It enters a civilian and it will become a successful man.

The excellent person as the college of law in the University of Tokyo becomes a bureaucrat from being left at the professor in the college of law when it sees traditionally, and so on, goes out.

The faculty of liberal arts combines that the person who dislikes getting a job becomes a professor.

The omit the last part


2013年03月02日 16時47分27秒 | 日記






2013年03月02日 16時44分29秒 | 日記



インフレターゲットということを言ったのは、アメリカのPaul Krugmanみたいなノーベル経済学賞学者たちで、日本の学者たちはあまりそういう勉強をしてないんです。



林 ガッカリしちゃいますね。


From weekly Asahi, the 2013/3/8 number

2013年03月02日 16時41分38秒 | 日記
From weekly Asahi, the 2013/3/8 number

The preamble abbreviation


It doesn't understand whether or not Avenomics in now is good or whether or not it is bad, but the point of view of Avenomics resembles and it is the people to pretend to do the Aikoku economist of the city of that become if anything.

It is the Nobel Prize in Economics scholars like Paul Krugman in America that said a fact of inflation targeting and the scholars in Japan aren't doing such studying too much.

Therefore, it says that Japan is the farthest from Nobel Prize in Economics well.

Economics theory the reason is, originally, it presupposes an impossible thing but there is an economist who says that it doubts a presupposition from before and that will turn it over, and so on, in Japan hardly.

It has been disappointed.

The omit the last part

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Part6 [Kindle Edition]

2013年03月02日 15時58分03秒 | 日記
Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Part6 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格: ¥ 200 35pictures

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Part6 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price: $2.14 35pictures

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Part6 [Kindle Edition]
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Brazil, too, please subscribe.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

2013年03月02日 13時18分02秒 | 日記
Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part2 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100, 30picturesPhoto Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Ryoanji Part3 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格¥ 200, 30picturesPhoto Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part1 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格: ¥ 200, 30picturesPhoto Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle版]
Kindle 価格: ¥ 100, 30pictures

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price:$1.07 30pictures


2013年03月02日 13時14分34秒 | 日記











降参するという哲学の無かった日本のemperor-banzai-fascismに対して、米国は、人道に反する事は承知の上で、戦争末期の短期間に、日本全国の127都市に  incendiary bombを落として、これらの都市を全て焼け野原とした。











At this time, saying Japan achieved war responsibility…

2013年03月02日 12時52分58秒 | 日記
For example, it is because the world at that time was the times of the colonial rule which depends on the western Great Powers about Japan's accomplishing Meiji restoration.

To cope with the impact of the Black Ship, Japan changed a shogunate system and chose a road to the modern nationhood.

Will the various countries which the Europe and America made a colony be conscious of the victim, the assailant to the style that the new president in Korea made a speech in 1000?

Such a country should be nowhere.

It is only in 2 countries of the Far East of the individual.

Akutagawa asserts the fact to be due to the fascism of 12 years old of mental ages of the name which it calls anti-Japanese education respectively.

By the reason which the fascism is enough for, these 2 countries continue to use to do this anti-Japanese for the domestic politics in the own country.

Why does Akutagawa say that it doesn't end?

Without imitating the U.S. at the time of the Meiji restoration, the United Kingdom and Japan which learned a regime in the Europe in Germany plowed to emperor-banzai-fascism to the middle stage in the 20th century where the fascism covered the world as if they were necessary.

Then, the historically worst war covered the world.

In 127 cities of various parts of Japan in the short time that the war is terminal in case of the agreement about the thing contrary to humanity about the U.S. to emperor-banzai-fascism in Japan which didn't have the philosophy to give up.

It dropped incendiary bomb and it made all of these cities a burned field.

However, the U.S. dropped an atom bomb on Hiroshima, Nagasaki to Japan of emperor-banzai-fascism which didn't surrender.

As for emperor-banzai-fascism, there was an end instantly.

At this time, saying Japan achieved war responsibility, as for Akutagawa, the world referred in the world in the forgetting of the U.S., being the first time.

It, too, was Akutagawa's mission.

In China, because it is being possible to do in the name which is called anti-Japanese fascism... education by 12 years old of together mental ages, as for these people, it never notices to be the fascism of 12 years old of together mental ages with emperor-banzai-fascism with in Korea, too.

Ever, as long as there is not a thing that Japan is the same when an atom bomb is dropped as the responsibility to bringing about by the fascism, the fascism never becomes extinct from these 2 countries as long as it will happen to these 2 countries.

They don't notice even that they are a fascist.

It will continue to raise anti-Japanese voice loudly after 100 and 200.

To notice their ignominious egoism to be doing so from the political reason in the own country, too, sings.

Surely, the new president in Korea said that it continued to raise voice for 1,000 years.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part2 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Ryoanji Part3 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200http://Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price:$1.07

Life of Piでアカデミー賞を受賞したアン・リーの作品を初めてちょっと観たのである。

2013年03月02日 12時49分43秒 | 日記

Life of Piでアカデミー賞を受賞したアン・リーの作品を初めてちょっと観たのである。

computer graphicsを駆使した3D映画という触れ込みだったのだが。

芥川の読者は、芥川が20歳の頃に、J.M.G. Le Clézioに出会い、逃亡の書(Le Livre des fuites)から読み始めて、物質的恍惚(L'Extase matérielle)に至った時、芥川が驚愕した事は御存知の通り。


そのLe Clézioの言葉を借りて言えば、たまたま日本に生れた芥川は、アン・リーのLife of Piの断片的な映像を観ただけなのに思ったのである。







Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part2 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Ryoanji Part3 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200http://Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price:$1.07

It saw the work of Ang Lee which won Academy Award in Life of Pi slightly for the first time.

2013年03月02日 12時32分19秒 | 日記
It was seeing the other day, Academy Awards Presentation.

It saw the work of Ang Lee which won Academy Award in Life of Pi slightly for the first time.

But being advertisement, the three dimensional movie which used computer graphics.

Of Akutagawa's astonishing when Akutagawa's reader came across J.M.G. Le Cl?zio when Akutagawa was 20 years old, and began to read from the book (Le Livre des fuites) of the escape and resulted in material trance (L'Extase mat?rielle) as you know.

It read material trance (L'Extase mat?rielle) and Akutagawa knew that one I was already.

“Because he off to write already isn't necessary. I wrote in this which was good”

“It was released from the hard work to say that writes and I am good in my life if living “Of thinking so.

Akutagawa who was born in Japan by chance thought to have seen the fragmentary picture of Life of Pi of Ang Lee only if borrowing and saying words of the Le Cl?zio.

Of Oriental thought's there being in this picture.

It thought at the same time.

In case of being Asia's arrival in the times in the aspect of the economics, it suggests the world.

Why isn't Asia still familiarized with the area which decides a center in the world = the model of the things?

It thought of the fact whether or not it becomes the center where the Europe and America makes all models about the sport in addition to the economy and so on, too.

It is because the fascism of 12 years old of mental ages of the name which is called the anti-Japanese education which China and Korea continue to still accomplish continues to be able to look down upon Japan.

Because that this fascism in 2 countries is investigated will are not 100 years of that places, meanwhile, Asia never becomes a center in the world.

Hereinafter, it continues.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part2 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Ryoanji Part3 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200http://Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price:$1.07


2013年03月02日 12時30分40秒 | 日記


The Turntable of Civilizationが何故日本に回ったか。




米国と並列して世界をリードして行くThe Turntable of Civilizationが何故日本に回ったか。



Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part2 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Ryoanji Part3 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200http://Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price:$1.07

This morning, Akutagawa thought suddenly.

2013年03月02日 12時11分36秒 | 日記
That Bill Gates became the lump of the egoism and to have ruined Ken Sakamura's TRON revolution connected with 9.11 in the U.S..

This morning, Akutagawa thought suddenly.

Why did The Turntable of Civilization go around to Japan?

Accidentally, there will not been that Ken Sakamura appeared in Japan which could give the role which stands in the row and should become a reader in the world with the U.S., too.

Needless to say, not being in " lost 20 " in Japan, too, if his TRON revolution is ruined by the egoism of Bill Gates and so on and there is not it.

It should have known the world.

Why did The Turntable of Civilization to stand with the U.S. in the row, to head the world and to go go around to Japan?

Of that the first time civilization of the human history which is called classlessness, without an ideology, irreligion was sprung to Japan

Saying that it is bad in the bad religion principle in the bad ideological fascism in the class, the world should have had a feeling silently.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photograph.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Ryoanji Part2 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2013 Ryoanji Part3 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200Kindle 価格:¥ 200http://Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle版]Kindle 価格:¥ 100

Photo Book by Akutagawa Kenji Nov.23 2012 Part4 [Kindle Edition]Kindle Price:$1.07