文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Society of Jesus

2013年03月16日 18時50分13秒 | 日記
The Society of Jesus

Francisco Javier,one of the foundation member is known in propagating by Japan.

Latin: Societas Iesu is a man monastic order in the christianity, the Catholic Church.

Since the Reformation, the Society of Jesus member was called " the selection corps of the pontificate ", too.

Such an army name is a rider before founder Ignacio López de Loyola enters asceticism and is related to to have spent long in the army deeply.

There are 20,000 members who work at 112 6 continent countries in today.

This is the biggest one as the man monastic order in the Catholic Church.

The main activity of the Society of Jesus member is educational activities such as the higher education and the research activities, and the dawah business and becomes Mimoto pillar of the activity as well as the social justice business.

The protector in the Society of Jesus is one of Blessed Virgin's titles with number " The Holy Mother at the road (Madonna Della Strada) ".

A leader in the Society of Jesus is called a president in the lifelong system.

The present president is Adolfo Nicolas teacher.

Rome has the head office in the meeting and Chiesa del Gesu which a headquarters was placed in formerly becomes a historic building.

The omit the last part

The educational institution ( Japan )

St. Ignatius church
The Society of Jesus which revisited Japan in 1908 takes charge of the guidance on Christianity in the Kojimachi church ( St. Ignatius church ) in the Hiroshima parish ( containing a Chugoku district 5 prefecture in Okayama, Hiroshima, Shimane, Tottori and Yamaguchi ) and Tokyo in Japan at present and engages in the educational activities at following transmission school.

Sophia University
The supreme wisdom junior college
Elizabeth University of Music
Rokkou junior high school and the high school
The Hiroshima academy junior high school and the high school
Sophia Fukuoka Junior-Senior High School
The glorious academy junior high school and the high school

The omit the last part

From Wikipedia


2013年03月16日 18時44分20秒 | 日記


ラテン語:Societas Iesuは、キリスト教、カトリック教会の男子修道会。






イエズス会の保護者は聖母マリアの数ある称号の一つである「道の聖母 (Madonna Della Strada) 」。


会の総本部はローマにあり、かつて本部がおかれていたジェズ教会(Chiesa del Gesù)は歴史的建築物となっている。

略称はS.J. 中国や古くの日本では「イエス」の漢訳が耶穌であることから耶穌会(やそかい)とも呼ばれた。








To The Good Readers especially In Italy.

2013年03月16日 17時52分53秒 | 日記
The Italian missionary who did a dawah activity in terminal Japan in the warlike ages in Gnecchi‐Soldo Organtino, 1533 - 1609/4/22

The Catholic officiant
The Society of Jesus member

It was good-natured, he whom the Japanese liked became an acquaintance with the man of power at the time of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi and so on, too, in spending 30 in Kyoto, being adored from a lot of Japanese, saying "Urugan Bateren" and became a witness in the turbulent warlike ages.

In the Italian reading, it is Organtino GNECCHI SOLDI.

The lifetime

Organtino who was born at Casto in northern Italy in 1533 joined the Society of Jesus at 22 years old.

** Casto, The basic corporation with about 2000 populations which the the Republic of Italy Lombardy state Brescia prefecture has Cast.

It is the hometown of the Society of Jesus missionary and Organtino who visited Japan in the warlike ages.

It was sent to Japan after teaching in Loreto's major seminaries, Goa's major seminaries.

As for the visiting Japan, on June 18th ( Genki first year May 15th ) in 1570, it wrote the first step to Amakusa Shiki.

Organtino took charge of the dawah in the Kyoto area from the beginning and engaged in the difficult dawah activity in Kyoto with Lewis Frois.

It served as the missionary work person in charge in the Kyoto area from 1577 ( 5 of Tensho ) to 30.

The popularity extremely met Japanese at the light of the naturd and the charming man.

Organtino completes Assumption church so-called“Nanban-ji”in Kyoto in 1576 ( 4 of Tensho ).

In case of rebellion of 1578 (6 of Tensho), Murashige Araki ( Arioka castle is rustled ), it was consulted by Takayama Ukon who was made a dilemma between the vassal and Murashige about the attitude.

It built seminario on the land to have asked direct Oda Nobunaga for by Azuchi in 1580 (8 of Tensho) and for it to have been given.

* The elementary education organization (the minor seminaries) for the upbringing of the Society of Jesus officiant and the monk who existed for 1580 and 1614 years with ( Portuguese: seminario ) installed in Japan by the Society of Jesus by the history term.

Organtino worked as the principal of this seminario.

The first enrollee was former students in Takatsuki which Ukon rules.

There was Paulo Miki who is martyred later, too, on the primary period inside of being raw.

However, this seminario was renounced at the time when Azuchi-jo was cremated after being in the transversal death of Nobunaga in Honno-ji.

It had an audience with Toyotomi Hideyoshi and it wished for the land of new seminario to 1583 ( 11 of Tensho ) and it could be given to Osaka but after all, it was established at Takatsuki where Ukon dominates.

When letting out the first prohibition decree in 1587 (15 of Tensho), Nanban-ji in Kyoto was exploded and Takayama Ukon threw away a territory in Akashi.

Organtino guided a believer in Kyoto to Shodoshima of Yukinaga Konishi where there there was an official apostasy with Ukon the territory of him and from there, escaping.

When Ukon was invited to the Kaga country the next year, Organtino headed for Kyushu.

After 1591 ( 19 of Tensho ), the Tensho dispatch to Europe juvenile envoy return home, it has an audience of Hideyoshi with them.

It was again permitted to do Kyoto residence by Maeda Geni's mediation.

In 1597 ( 2 of Keicho ), when a Japanese 26 saint is martyred, when their earlap is cut off in Kyoto, it receives it from the subordinate in Osaka magistrate's office.

Organtino shed tears and received them.

Organtino who sacrificed a half the life to the Japanese dawah was sick in bed in the most sunset, Nagasaki and died at 1609 ( 14 of Keicho ), 76 years old.

...From Wikipedia

The translation is Akutagawa.

Subscribe to photo book of the following, Akutagawa and let's remember Organtino's great achievement.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.


2013年03月16日 10時09分25秒 | 日記









" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/15

2013年03月16日 09時57分35秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/15



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1トップページ58 PV

2理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...48 PV

3大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。⑩40 PV

4流転の子 本岡 典子著…日経読書欄から。33 PV

5大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。④32 PV

6「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月13日。31 PV

7「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...26 PV

8大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。25 PV

9大阪の…大阪を通して知る日本の姿と形。③23 PV

10大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。⑨21 PV

11大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。⑥21 PV

12大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。⑦20 PV

13大阪の…大阪を通して知る日本の姿と形。②20 PV

14プラズマ式の電子黒板 パナソニック…日経新...19 PV

15大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。⑧19 PV

16大阪の…大阪を通して観る日本の姿と形。⑤19 PV

17読者の皆さまに文明のターンテーブル取り扱...13 PV

18「60年代のリアル」 佐藤信〈著〉…2・5、朝...12 PV

19富士フィルム 化粧品で海外市場開拓…日経...10 PV

20資生堂、年内にインド事務所 他…日経新聞1...10 PV




芥川のphoto bookを購読してオルガンティノの偉業を偲びましょう。

2013年03月16日 01時16分18秒 | 日記
グネッキ・ソルディ・オルガンティノ(Gnecchi‐Soldo Organtino, 1533年 - 1609年4月22日)は、戦国時代末期の日本で宣教活動を行ったイタリア人宣教師。



イタリア語読みでは、オルガンティーノ・ニェッキ・ソルディ (Organtino GNECCHI SOLDI) 。
























下記、芥川のphoto bookを購読してオルガンティノの偉業を偲びましょう。

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Alessandro Valignano ( 1539/2/15 -1606/10/20) from Japanese Wikipedia 3

2013年03月16日 01時04分45秒 | 日記
Also, in this first visiting Japan, it sees through affecting missionary work by the posture of the Asian contemptuous looks by Portuguese semi- provincial Francisco Cabral who was a person in charge in the Japanese area in those days and it is opposed intensely.

It made Cabral leave Japan in 1582.

It thought that it does urgent business and upbringing of the Japanese officiant that Valignano evaluated the abilities of the Japanese high and that Cabral didn't admit enriched an educational institution to bring up an officiant.
A minor seminaries was established by Hizen Arima ( the present: the Nagasaki Prefecture Minamishimabara city ) and Omi Azuchi ( present and Shiga Prefecture Omihachiman City Azuchi-cho ) in 1580 ( 8 of Tensho ).

A major seminaries ( the collegio ) was organized by Bungo Funai ( the present: Oita Prefecture Oita City ) in 1581.

Then, it was facilities, a noviceship for the training period which is the 1st step of the Society of Jesus enrollment which was established by Bungo Usuki in 1580.

Also, it corrected the problem of the financial system about the Japanese missionary work and it proposed the plan of the Tensho dispatch to Europe juvenile envoy.

There were two purposes to make know Japan in Europe at the same time as showing the Japanese Europe in this.

1582, Valignano were squired to Goa in India but were separately left there in Goa.

The 2nd visiting Japan and the sunset

The 2nd visiting Japan in 1590 ( 18 of Tensho ) was done with the returning home delegation to Europe.

At this time, it is having an audience with Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Jurakudai in 1591 ( 19 of Tensho ).

Also, it introduces a the first time letterpress in Japan and it is doing the print of the book which is called " the Christian version " later.

It aimed at the solution of the problem to have been being opposed between the Society of Jesus of the starting pitcher set about the Japanese missionary work and Francisco of the late started set and so on in 1598 ( 3 of Keicho ), the last visiting Japan.

It ended the last inspection and it left Japan for 1603 ( 8 of Keicho ) and it ended the lifetime 3 years later by Macao.

The translation is Akutagawa.

Find Akutagawa's photograph and let's remember the great achievement of Alessandro Valignano.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Alessandro Valignano ( 1539/2/15 -1606/10/20) from Japanese Wikipedia 2

2013年03月16日 00時03分54秒 | 日記
The Japan visit

It is on July 25th in 1579 (7 of Tensho) that Valignano arrived at Japan which is situated on the Eastern end in the East Indies province in those days.

This first staying continues until 1582 (10 of Tensho).

Valignano caught the way of being called “the adaptable principle " later as Society of Jesus's dawah policy in Japan.

It was the way of making us be adaptable to the Japanese culture without sticking to the habitude of the christianity in Europe.

His way went in the converse of the methodology of the fakirism monastic orders such as Francisco and Dominican Order which persists in the way in Europe persistently.

Valignano tries to prevent its making this a reason and doing a dawah in Japan by the monastic order except the Society of Jesus and the after Society of Jesus and the fakirism monastic order connect oppositely.

It wrote 1581 (9 of Tensho ), the guideline of the dawah for the Society of Jesus member, " Il Cerimoniale per i Missionari del Giappone ( note and the advice about the manners and the fashion in Japan ) ".

In it, he showed how missionaries were placed in the hierarchy of the society in Japan almost clearly.

He thought that the behaviour of the priests of the high rank to assume that is equal in the social status when the Society of Jesus members behave in the society in Japan resembled and that it should follow.

As for the society in Japan in those days, all was prescribed from the meal the clothes, to the conduct according to the hierarchy, being small.

Specifically, the Society of Jesus members followed them when they ate a good meal like the high rank priests and walked in Nagasaki City, too, they were accompanied by the follower and walked.

It made such a way to be “luxury” and the Society of Jesus members in Japan were criticized in Europe.

However, such criticism was done inside the Society of Jesus in addition to the fakirism monastic order.

Valignano visits various parts of Japan as the inspection teacher and is having an audience with Sorin Otomo, Takayama Ukon and Oda Nobunaga.

The existence isn't confirmed and to be presented with the folding screen ( made Kano Eitoku work ) which pictured Aduti-jo when having an audience with 1581, Oda Nobunaga and that the folding screen was presented to pontificate Guregoriusu ⅩⅢ but that it leads in the present, too, are still missing.

Also, Nobunaga asks for the Negro who was taking as the follower in retainment, can fold up him, presents this, and is named Yasuke and becomes Nobunaga's retainer.

Hereinafter, it continues.

The translation is Akutagawa.

It appreciates Akutagawa's photograph and let's remember the great achievement of Alessandro Valignano.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.