It reached by the e-mail from goo today, too, "today last year". 2012/3/19
The true elitist is the person who lives surely for the person for the world without thinking for himself.
Therefore, when super of 10,000,000 yen of annual incomes was promised from the beginning, Akutagawa referred many times.
The human beings whom the boiling, too, doesn't concern and as them the mass communication in this country adopts retire from the big businesses which represented Japan in 3 months or within 3 years and the state of the big businesses includes without reflecting on uttering, saying it isn't current already, and so on.
In the great part of such a tribe, to have said was that the Korean corporation is more advanced and to be and nonsense.
There is a thing including the professor in it.
For example, the reason why of Samsung's rear dust the electric appliance manufacturer which Japan is proud of in the world the obeisance made is mainlly only one.
This super in 10, Korea dashed to do 5 big financial combines roughly as the state if they said extremely.
That the rival who stood in front of them and was blocked was a group of enterprises in the country where be needless to say.
With the exchange poor policy where even great Toyota doesn't come in the comparison continuing to be able to be prepared
However, what one government in the country of us in those days could not have that it could come and very, boiling struck an effective hand.
What is the effective hand?
It should say so and it is of... too, too, too cruel.
If not correcting, Japan continues to buy Wong thoroughly.
Barely, saying America interfered when the thick Bank of Japan started, it was reported with the newspaper to appreciation of yen of the recentness, the remainder but the words were extraordinary actually.
of "... that the revelation isn't on especially to the country like Korea if Japan does such a thing "
Appreciation of yen is of this super in 10 thoroughly brought it and the big businesses which represent Japan suffer from the difficulties one after another, Japan sank into the depression, the deflation and there is it.
The growth strategy of the Japanese company becomes by the market player who is called saying this or that and so on but when a feebleminded way, too, is peaked, Akutagawa thinks of it.
...It continues more.