文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Hasn't the Sakura begun to bloom?

2013年03月19日 21時51分07秒 | 日記
It went to Kyoto Imperial Palace, being unplanned today and it was surprised.

To do the excellently of the weeping cherry in Kyoto Imperial Palace is needless to say.

Hasn't the Sakura begun to bloom?

It was really surprised.

Because, it is because it came just now to only see a Japanese apricot the other day.

But seeing by the news, saying Sakura's blooming in Tokyo from the other day

It concluded that Kansai still was.

It might be putting a camera in the bag.

2013/3/19,Kyoto Imperial Palace(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

"today last year"

2013年03月19日 21時47分43秒 | 日記
It reached by the e-mail from goo today, too, "today last year". 2012/3/19

When the recentness, the EU economy were jouncing, of course of..., it became a strong weak Euro but NHK was reporting the look of European every country these days.

...which will be good if saying the person who belongs to the layer of 5,000,000 yen of annual incomes with the laborer working in the lifetime in the place where... Akutagawa refers many times wherever in Germany it sees that it was strongly in Akutagawa's impression left in it from.

It was saying in a voice charged with emotion.

"... Where the business conditions is as good as not to be believed”

Germany is the country-of-manufacture nation in Europe 1, the manufacturing state which equals Japan worldwide.

There was the Germany in only in the weak Euro in that case.

The following of the prime minister, it is in the place which is still fresh in memory that it composed an investment delegation to Asia which made China the first on the list only with this time.

In other words, all is exchange.

"today last year". 2012/3/19

2013年03月19日 21時33分22秒 | 日記
It reached by the e-mail from goo today, too, "today last year". 2012/3/19

The politics, the diplomacy in the country and so on are the ugly extremity.

It is not the one which it is possible to assume to the hands such as the professors as cultivated purely and the editorialist of the newspaper and so on.

Because this charges with Akutagawa's self-discipline, too, and say it, but the high place has this water by their being able to do and that water is in the low land, and it says that water comes in the amount and that it flows only through the coming low putting-on, and so on, and it ponders low water only.

This becomes only a fatal wound about the governing, the diplomacy in the country.

When it is true essence in “Japan’s lost 20 ", today, Akutagawa points out.

Not to still subscribe to following my book on everybody's inside should run right now to the purchase.

Needless to say for some reason now

...It continues more.

It reached by the e-mail from goo today, too, "today last year". 2012/3/19

2013年03月19日 20時44分09秒 | 日記
It reached by the e-mail from goo today, too, "today last year". 2012/3/19

The true elitist is the person who lives surely for the person for the world without thinking for himself.

Therefore, when super of 10,000,000 yen of annual incomes was promised from the beginning, Akutagawa referred many times.

The human beings whom the boiling, too, doesn't concern and as them the mass communication in this country adopts retire from the big businesses which represented Japan in 3 months or within 3 years and the state of the big businesses includes without reflecting on uttering, saying it isn't current already, and so on.

In the great part of such a tribe, to have said was that the Korean corporation is more advanced and to be and nonsense.
There is a thing including the professor in it.

For example, the reason why of Samsung's rear dust the electric appliance manufacturer which Japan is proud of in the world the obeisance made is mainlly only one.

This super in 10, Korea dashed to do 5 big financial combines roughly as the state if they said extremely.

That the rival who stood in front of them and was blocked was a group of enterprises in the country where be needless to say.

With the exchange poor policy where even great Toyota doesn't come in the comparison continuing to be able to be prepared

However, what one government in the country of us in those days could not have that it could come and very, boiling struck an effective hand.

What is the effective hand?

It should say so and it is of... too, too, too cruel.

If not correcting, Japan continues to buy Wong thoroughly.

Barely, saying America interfered when the thick Bank of Japan started, it was reported with the newspaper to appreciation of yen of the recentness, the remainder but the words were extraordinary actually.

of "... that the revelation isn't on especially to the country like Korea if Japan does such a thing "

Appreciation of yen is of this super in 10 thoroughly brought it and the big businesses which represent Japan suffer from the difficulties one after another, Japan sank into the depression, the deflation and there is it.

The growth strategy of the Japanese company becomes by the market player who is called saying this or that and so on but when a feebleminded way, too, is peaked, Akutagawa thinks of it.

...It continues more.

From today last year 2

2013年03月19日 11時28分01秒 | 日記
From today last year
Every day, it entitles today last year from goo and the e-mail reaches.

The Newsweek magazine has the same philosophy, the same viewpoint with Akutagawa.

“ which is useless if Newsweek is subscribed to about 500000 of being minimum and there is not it”

The series which Akutagawa continues to say

The index of the Newsweek magazine of this week's issue is Silicon Valley rapacious white paper in the upper part.

Mark Pincus of Zynga
Mark Zucker Berg
Sergei Boleyn of the gurgling

The big photograph of the whole body that these three covered a bowlerhat

It is under it mainly with Silicon Valley rapacious white paper in the index which is the same as the upper part completely.

But in other words, are putting together a feature

The index in the text of the beginning had been so written.

" The young putting-on reader of the e-corporation but saying that it wants to improve the world
,the substance is the same as the businessman in the 19th century who is greedy that struggles to make pursuiting profits.
Lob Cocks ( The business columnist )

It omits the whole text.

The translation is Akutagawa.

From today last year

2013年03月19日 11時22分22秒 | 日記
From today last year

Every day, it entitles today last year from goo and the e-mail reaches.

By the person to have grown into the happy home, to have made the brain which is more excellent a reception elitist than a person and to have gotten a job in the going big businesses in the highest educational institution.

It resigned from the company without being in 3 and it secured the employment of the Japanese and there was an article to be criticizing the big businesses to continue to accomplish great contribution by the improvement of the strength of a nation.

There is not that the electric appliance manufacturer in Japan is suffering from the difficulties in the reason for frolicing which you are saying.

By the actually, simple and sharp thing

Because China and Korea collected this several years of 10, an extreme exchange poor policy, it is only it.

...The omission

In the other day, Japan continued to float down a dementia television and if saying the mass media in many ways, it continued to take up the word of the egoist like you as if to be true just like.

But to have been in the shiftless limit is needless for Japanese Government to say


2013年03月19日 10時38分03秒 | 日記



















The Asahi today is composing a special story about Panasonic's evacuating a plasma television.

2013年03月19日 10時04分07秒 | 日記
The Asahi today is composing a special story about Panasonic's evacuating a plasma television.

The preamble abbreviation

Thin-screen television however, Japanese manufacturer which swept over the world in the cathode-ray tube times secured approximately half with world Shear until the middle of the 00s.

However, in 12, the Japanese power is 25 % to 43 % of Koreans.

The cause of the ruin is “making a commodity (homogeneous) “of the digital product and the double-punching of appreciation of yen.

The cathode-ray tube which changes an analog electric wave into the picture in " the prescription " was the one-man show of the Japanese power which is good at the careful manufacturing.

Who however, on the other hand, the thin-screen television which films a digital signal just as it is can make a high quality product with characteristic if arranging for the high quality panel and the semiconductor.

Rapid appreciation of yen behind Riemann shock in 08 struck at there.

In the temporary I dollar = the 75 yen level of appreciation of yen's moving ahead rapidly about the exchange rate which was changing at 1 dollar = about 105 yen

When selling a 2,000 dollar television in the U.S., the sales of the conversion into yen are computation with the decrease of 30 percent from 210,000 yen to 150,000 yen.

The Koreans such as Samsung electron received a Wong poor fair wind oppositely and the Japanese product became more expensive.

Sony fell into the continuation in 8 and as for Panasonic, the television business fell into the deficit with the continuation in 4.

The omit the last part

The government when striking no measure to appreciation of yen like the above

The mass media not to have added no criticism to this but to have grown impudent, saying " the way of exchange poor competition's coming sometime " and so on

The tribe who bit a meal in the economic criticism

It isn't exaggerated even if it says world however, that they were the fools who don't see a kind.

They had better say that they were not all the member Japanese and that they were a fool person.