文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

If weekly Asahi and the Newsweek magazine were subscribed to in 500,000,

2013年03月20日 21時48分30秒 | 日記
If weekly Asahi and the Newsweek magazine were subscribed to in 500,000, as for Japan, Akutagawa continued the series to become never a fool already which returns to original.

There was many a article which proves the right of Akutagawa's reference in weekly Asahi of this week's issue, too.

The critique of the book which was the lead-off batter of the Nikkei reading column on Sunday was in the reading column in weekly Asahi, too.

Because there was leeway in the space in the advantage of the weekly magazine, there was the one which is better than the critique of Nikkei.

Does Akutagawa think but will Mr.Horie Yoshito of previous The Asahi newspaperman who is an author not been stimulated at Richard McGregor's book?

Of the reader of Akutagawa's acclaiming Richard McGregor's book before as you know.

From the 3/29 number, the weekly Asahi reading column

"The child makes a profit from the cow." It is an impact to this report.

" Day when Mao Tse-tung gets off the household altar " Horie Yoshito

Heibonsha Ltd., Publishers

The critic: Fukui Prefectural University
The regional economic laboratory head of an office
Takao Nakazawa

While “the virtual image, Mao Tse-tung, " as " the god " or " the emperor " proves a formed process minutely, it is the book which tells to do the dangerous which is social and is political clear which present-day China has.

The force of a lot of data and this manual by the interview survey is overwhelming.

The word to like which the leader in China uses for Japan is ", making history a paragon ".

However, much claim which exaggerated the small part of the modern history between Japan and China occurs and moreover it stands up by not making history in the own country a complete “paragon “with the history.

This manual spells “the contemporary history " of the Communist Party of China control behind the Second World War in detail and tells the difficulty of " the democracy ( the modal control ) " being formed in China.

The contemporary history in China will be how thing.

Wishing to have a this manual in the hand for more information but impact's becoming big only as the reading progresses.

For example, dig up the stiff to eat by exchanging a child in the extreme hunger and for it to have been just now buried
It ate but equal to or more than 36,000,000 made “the world record of the starvation” still more about “Great Leap “to have been starved.
This is the result of the policy to have supposed “that overtook the United Kingdom in 2 “mainly in Mao Tse-tung.

Hereinafter, it continues.

Neither heat nor cold lasts beyond the equinox.

2013年03月20日 21時25分08秒 | 日記
Of the reader of admiring the word of the person in the past from several years before as you know

It was speaking with the acquaintance yesterday, too, and it thought.

Neither heat nor cold lasts beyond the equinox.

Today, Japan was a holiday in the Vernal Equinox.

2013/3/19,Kyoto Imperial Palace(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

Akutagawa, it takes fast.

2013年03月20日 21時08分55秒 | 日記
The Japanese apricot continued at the white-eye in the Kitano-tenmangu plum orchard and this year from the Osaka-jo plum orchard.
In Kyoto Imperial Palace which was visited, being unplanned at 4 p.m. yesterday, that Sakura bloomed is as previously mentioned yesterday.
The titmouse greeted.

Akutagawa, it takes fast.

2013/3/19,Kyoto Imperial Palace(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

The titmouse greeted.

2013年03月20日 21時04分10秒 | 日記
The Japanese apricot continued at the white-eye in the Kitano-tenmangu plum orchard and this year from the Osaka-jo plum orchard.

In Kyoto Imperial Palace which was visited, being unplanned at 4 p.m. yesterday, that Sakura bloomed is as previously mentioned yesterday.

The titmouse greeted.

2013/3/19,Kyoto Imperial Palace(C)Akutagawa Kenji

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/19

2013年03月20日 12時09分57秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/19



3月18日のアクセス数 閲覧数:9,641PV    訪問者数:506IP

順位: 1,060位 / 1,695,859ブログ中 (前日比  ↑)



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:932  訪問者数: 460




1理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...48 PV

2トップページ48 PV

3提携で誤算続きのVW「レゴ型開発」に本当...44 PV

4「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...37 PV

5規制を避けたいIT企業と IT企業で儲け...34 PV

6インターネットの世界では許容範囲を逸脱し...30 PV

7序章…。28 PV

8読者の皆さま…特にアメーバで芥川の文章を...28 PV

9芥川とニューズウィーク誌は、同じ哲学、同...20 PV

10続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...16 PV

11芥川は、言わば「7時のニュース」として、...14 PV

12アーカイブ14 PV

13読書の勧め。13 PV

14世界遺産・醍醐寺、2012年2月12日、午後1時...12 PV

15ルーアンの大聖堂 クロード・モネ。11 PV

16私の履歴書 佐久間良子 心の流転、全身全...10 PV

17ゼネコン、海外受注を拡大…日経新聞11月30日...10 PV

182/12、冬の醍醐寺。②9 PV

19梅田からは歩いて10分以内の中之島公園とも...9 PV

20私の履歴書 新婚旅行ワガママ同士 佐久間...9 PV





worried about Ministry of Railways's passing away

2013年03月20日 12時01分13秒 | 日記
There was a feature article, " Dead 10,000 pig the mystery in Shanghai ", in The Asahi yesterday.

There was introduction of the writing in to 微博 that is a Chinese version twitter in the last chapter.

Akutagawa was reading these and had guffawed in the train which heads for Kyoto.

But writing that the wisdom of the Chinese wasn't dead several times

When Russia is Soviet, it notices to have been told from beginning to end in the form of the small story, too.

The preamble abbreviation

The joke of " worried about Ministry of Railways's passing away and being died a martyr" and so on is written.

The omit the last part

it notices to have been told from beginning to end in the form of the small story,

2013年03月20日 11時50分22秒 | 日記
There was a feature article, " Dead 10,000 pig the mystery in Shanghai ", in The Asahi yesterday.

There was introduction of the writing in to 微博 that is a Chinese version twitter in the last chapter.

Akutagawa was reading these and had guffawed in the train which heads for Kyoto.

But writing that the wisdom of the Chinese wasn't dead several times

When Russia is Soviet, it notices to have been told from beginning to end in the form of the small story, too.

The preamble abbreviation

About the cause of the dying, too, " In the dissatisfaction at the feed which antibiotic was added to, it dived into the river and the group committed suicide ".

" Water in the pig farm was polluted, it went to the drinking in water on the river, it fell and was dead ".

The omit the last part

There was a feature article, " Dead 10,000 pig the mystery in Shanghai ", in The Asahi yesterday.

2013年03月20日 11時23分37秒 | 日記
There was a feature article, " Dead 10,000 pig the mystery in Shanghai ", in The Asahi yesterday.

There was introduction of the writing in to 微博 that is a Chinese version twitter in the last chapter.

Akutagawa was reading these and had guffawed in the train which heads for Kyoto.

But writing that the wisdom of the Chinese wasn't dead several times

When Russia is Soviet, it notices to have been told from beginning to end in the form of the small story, too.

Not to have been sold improves.

Mutter much of the irony

It is the report of the titling correspondent.

The preamble abbreviation

"It is possible to suck a cigarette freely if opening a window in Beijing.

that it is possible to drink the soup of the pig if turning a tap in Shanghai"

The omit the last part

the essence of the cause of the severity of the atmosphere in China 3

2013年03月20日 11時17分25秒 | 日記
The Nikkei is serializing a Chinese special story now.

In being the first time and the essence of the cause of the severity of the atmosphere in China to see by the picture of the television by reading an article today, it understood concretely.

Why does PM2.5 of the fear which has begun to have an enormous influence on our country, too, occur plainly?

The preamble abbreviation

The consciousness " to profit " may be the thinnest in being guidance division itself if doing an environmental protection actually in China.

Though there was various criticism in the petroleum major company which neglected refinement, coming Chun Koma of present Sinopec was under the first on the list deputy prime minister in the petroleum clique.

The personnel evaluation system that the person who sought only economic growth profits.

If not changing this, the environmental pollution doesn't pass away forever.

the essence of the cause of the severity of the atmosphere in China 2

2013年03月20日 11時08分11秒 | 日記
The Nikkei is serializing a Chinese special story now.

In being the first time and the essence of the cause of the severity of the atmosphere in China to see by the picture of the television by reading an article today, it understood concretely.

Why does PM2.5 of the fear which has begun to have an enormous influence on our country, too, occur plainly?

The preamble abbreviation

The local city in the Chinese northeast area

" Is the so high stainless pipe necessary "?

It saw a blueprint in the sewage facility which Japanese manufacturer showed and the superintendent in the Chinese side spoke to others.

" Even if it supposes that it broke in may it not be cheap iron., the executive in the city doesn't worry because he alternates in 2 ".

The consciousness that a profit can be made is scarce about the corporation and the whole society if applying to the environmental protection.

If anything, the expenditure about the environment decreased as as much as possible and it decided that should be given a profit.

The omit the last part

the essence of the cause of the severity of the atmosphere in China.

2013年03月20日 10時59分49秒 | 日記
The Nikkei is serializing a Chinese special story now.

In being the first time and the essence of the cause of the severity of the atmosphere in China to see by the picture of the television by reading an article today, it understood concretely.

Why does PM2.5 of the fear which has begun to have an enormous influence on our country, too, occur plainly?

To do the becoming in the text of the black is Akutagawa.

The preamble abbreviation

61,100,000,000 Yuan ( About 950,000,000,000 yen )

It is the sum of the net profit which national petroleum major, China Petrochemical Corporation ( the Sinopec group ) earned in 2011.

It becomes huge investment if making the refinement factory which removes the sulfur content which causes the pollution and the profit has disappeared.

The national oil company and so on resisted quality standard reinforcement by fuel for many years.

As a result, in China, the gasoline which contains 15 times of sulfur contents of the Europe and Japan is sold.

The omit the last part