文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is from the article of 2011/11/19 of The Nikkei

2013年03月18日 23時50分10秒 | 日記
It is from the article of 2011/11/19 of The Nikkei.

It processes a mine-gas in China.

Osaka Gas

It supplies town gas to 18000 families.

It announced that Osaka Gas began the business which processes the coal mine methane gas of the low concentration in the concentration to the town gas in the 18th, Chinese Shanxi.

It unites with the colliery company, Shanx 湖安 mining industry group in the spot and it supplies about 18,000 of the circumference areas with gas.

The 600,000,000 or more yen project cost is New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.
It receives the promotion of (NEDO).

It examines whether or not to continue business after the implementation from 2012 pieces of the end of the year to March, 13.

It introduces one concentrator into Yogo coal mine in Shanxi.

The same coal mine is slipping about 40,000 cubic-meter low concentration methane gas in every hour in the big worrying and processes gas in 7000 cubic meters of the maximum one mentioned above with the concentrator.

Shanx 湖安 mining industry group services the distribution network of the town gas.

The intention of the Chinese side which wants to restrain global warming gas to discharge from the coal mine is based on Osaka Gas and it appeals equipment introduction to the thing except the same coal mine, too.

The translation is Akutagawa.

By the way, how does this become now?

The little bird that a whitecap.2013/3/11,

2013年03月18日 23時39分07秒 | 日記

2013/3/11,Osaka-Jo Park(C)Akutagawa Kenji

to Mr.Horie Yoshito"The day when Mao Tse-tung gets off the household altar"

The Beatles - Revolution (Lyrics)

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Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

"The day when Mao Tse-tung gets off the household altar" Written by Horie Yoshito.

2013年03月18日 12時42分23秒 | 日記
The Nikkei entitled “this one” and carried the following critique on the lead-off batter.

"The day when Mao Tse-tung gets off the household altar"

Written by Horie Yoshito (Heibonsha Ltd., Publishers)

▼Horie Yoshito Born in 44
It served as the editorialist, the editorial member of the committee, Shanghai chief correspondent and so on by The Asahi. In the freelancer of retiring in 2004
It is “the country of the heaven ladder Tibet is now “and so on at the book.

It verifies the voice gathering history of the highbrow and the citizen.

How as for the environment of the check & balance which doesn't function, is the power abused and does crash?

How as for the environment of the check & balance which doesn't function, is the power abused and does crash?
“The party dictatorship " tells that it has a fatal flaw as the political system about the crash and the spoiling of the officials and the people which are daily seen in China.

For example, the local government haggles about the land of the farmer by the low and sells it to the development trader high.

The executive in the party and the government equals the important post of the corporation to normal-ize intervention in the judiciary of the party and to let's arraign the corporation which discharges pollution, too.

The grudge to the government official of the citizen and against the rich person of him was deep-rooted and fell into the situation that a fence is prepared for the shanty town and the high-end housing town.

However, the lobbyist who heads for Beijing for the family who was pessimistic about the compulsion evacuation and attempted to commit suicide by fire opposes interference with the authority in the live coverage in the net.

The old executive who was in the nucleus of the power formerly in that the social movement to have used such a technology got into swing, too, is anxious for the future in the country, and eludes regulation and publishes a progressive magazine.

Previous Xinhua newspaperman “to want to burn up 99 % of the written article “continued a coverage, being independent and exposed the pathetic actuality of Great Leap and the Big Hunger.

The figure which challenges the taboo of the history that the previous Red Guard shrives and that a Great Cultural Revolution museum is established, and so on, shows that the people are acting by the autonomous consideration.

This manual widely gathers the anguish, the right of the highbrow and the citizen and the voice which finds justice and it is verifying the historical background that the worship of Mao Tse-tung was progressional.

It felt that to show a view to “new China which broke with the absolutism” with carrying forward reading wasn't simple so.

The thesis of “the national salvation " which continues from the last years of Qing Dynasty is still flowing through the undercurrent of the Chinese society and the differential that even the price of the life depends on the census register to inherit from the parents, too, is because it is.
The arguing concerning the social right and the free right reaches confusion and the distance between the highbrow and the admass seems to be spreading, too, more.

It appealed for solved 李慎之 to need the enlightenment education which makes “the child people” (the redneck) a citizen to deny absolutism in China to deny the job of the social science hospital vice-director behind Tiananmen Square incident.

This claim affects even now heavily.

The problem is " how does who educate whom " but unless the route of the citizen society can be seen, Japan will continue pains to be confronted with the people as it participated in the anti-Japanese demonstration, putting up Mao Tse-tung's portraiture.

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Waseda University associate professor Ako Tomoko

The translation is Akutagawa.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

The critique is for 30.

2013年03月18日 11時34分08秒 | 日記
But Tatsuru Uchida who chose life as the scholar was arguing about the difference of the quality paper in the Europe and America for the intellectual elitist of the small number and the major newspapers in Japan which is made, wishing that it is subscribed to to 100,000,000.

With the style which Akutagawa referred to many times, the world is eminent about the reading column in The Asahi on Sunday and the reading column of The Nikkei the goal of whom is The Asahi .

Akutagawa's reference reached a nucleus in Asahi, too, or a reading column in The Asahi yesterday was enriched.

Actually, it was crossing page 4.

The critique is for 30.

As for this reading column, the newspaper in Japan will not be defeated to the quality paper in the Europe and America.

In the intellect of saying that 3,010,000, this reading column are subscribed to by The Nikkei about above all, too, when 7,910,000 is subscribed to in The Asahi when the world will be the best, Akutagawa asserts.

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

The little bird that a whitecap.

2013年03月18日 09時51分44秒 | 日記
...From Wikipedia

The little bird that a whitecap (the scientific name: Phoenicurus auroreus Pallas ) is classified into the passerine and Turdidae ( Muscicapidae )

In Japan, it is the visitor which is well seen in the winter.

The distribution

It propagates around the Chinese northeast area, Primorskii, Baikal from Tibet and in the non- breeding season, it stays over winter in Japan, Chinese Minabe, Indochinese Peninsula northern part.

Japan comes to the whole country as the bird in the winter.

In Korea, it is a resident bird.

The propagation example in Japan

Propagation is confirmed in 1983 - the Hokkaido University snow-covered mountain foot.

The chairman in June 21st in 2010 - Wild Bird Society of Japan Suwa confirmed that the whitecap propagates in Hayashi in Nagano Prefecture Okaya City Fujimi-machi.

The propagation by Toyohashi general animal-plant park

It succeeded in the propagation of the whitecap first at the zoo in Japan and in 2002, Toyohashi general animal-plant park won Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums's propagation prize.

It had a territory in the cage, it formed a pair, the chick hatched in the 14th of broodings of egg and the six chick 2nd year junior highschool feather grew.

The form

The body length is 13.5-15.5 The cm, weight 13-20 g.

It is small a little than the sparrow.

As for the male, overhead is white and it is in the characteristic that, the neighborhood of the eyes is black.

As for the female, a head is ecru and is easily discerned from the male.

It makes an orange a male female, too, to the stomach, from the chest the tail.

The wing is blackish brown, but there is a white and spindly fleck as much as the inside and it can distinguish from the related species here.

It is classified into Muscicapidae or Turdidae by the classification opinion.

In addition to preying on the taking-off leaf beetle by the aerial capture from the top of the tree like
the flycatcher kind, it often, too, falls at the ground like the robin kind.

The ecology

It inhabits a grove on the low mountain from the flat to have opened brightly.

Of the park in the human dwelling and the urban area and so on however, in Japan in the winter, being well seen, it is one of near he bird in the winter.

There is and there is a habit to do a solitary life male female together in the non- breeding season, and to make a territory and to reject the same species as much as the attacking to the figure of individual metamerism and it to be reflected in the mirror, too.

It cries out in the posture like the bow and it does territory conflict.
However, the wariness to the human being is 3-4 so often thin It sometimes gets off in the place as much as m, too.

It preys on Insecta and Arachnida and so on, but in the winter, the nut of the pyracantha and so on, too, eats well and is stopping well at the tree which put fruit.

It builds a plate -shape nest using the withered leaf of the boiling of a tree cave, a fold on the cliff and so on and the lichen.
It spawns 5 - 7 eggs and the female does a brooding of egg mainly.

As for the place singing, to have combined the voice which is called " ka " like the shrill voice which it is possible to hear and the light blow sound, saying " hi " and " ki " with the voice as it made the brake sound of the bicycle short is characteristic.

The voice of " hi " reaches to be quite far.

It often sings early morning, too, and 2 degree " ki,ki ", next, " ka, ka " of the blow sound comes.

The name of " the fire burning ( the flycatcher ) " is supposed to have been stuck because it resembled the sound which knocks together the flint when this blow sound starts a fire.

Zhou ( 尉 ) of the Japanese name means silvery hair.

The translation is Akutagawa.

2012/3/15,Osaka-Jo Park©芥川賢治

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/17

2013年03月18日 09時29分09秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/17



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