As for Akutagawa, the reading column of the newspaper in Japan on weekly Sunday referred many times when the world was eminent.
“The world's history (Below above) “William.H.McNeill < work >From The Asahi 2012/2/26
The magnificent story at which appeal is overflowed
The critique Takii Asayo(Writer)
The volume at the top and the bottom of the library which gathered the history of the human race compactly.
It was publication in 2008 but it got to come well at the storefront in the bookstore after entering this year.
It is in the Ob with “being 1st of the library rank in the University of Tokyo, Waseda University and Keio! ".
It is the statistical result of the history subdivision from April to September last year.
The elder in the historical science world which the author took teaching from in University of Chicago
The first edition of the original is 1967 but as for this manual, 4th 99 edition which was substantially touched in is an original text.
The book of the Japanese translation of the publication in 01 and the library version to have gone out after that sold steadily.
It was good that the this manual of the place to have put together year before last with the University of Tokyo coop and to have done the fair ball of the history relation book at the Nakako library runs and there was a reaction from the other university, too, after that.
Of the trade book shop which sold a device however, it got high echoing and it started a sales promotion extensively from this year.
The catch phrase " to be the last chance which understands " " OK at only two " " world's history " of the panel which was made, boiling a bookstore, too, arouses a desire to learn.
The readership of Maine is the man of the fortysomething but of many bookstores of the woman customer and the youngster however, it is fine sales.
The history of which a private view is told by exchanging it seems to be a magnificent story.
The causality is explained to how the happening and the invention influenced around and makes notice the functional ranging of the time and the place.
Kakutani Ryoko of the editor who took charge of the library version says.
Because it finds the flow of the technology and the art, the religion, it is possible to read even if there is consciousness which is weak in the history of the textbook.
It is possible to enjoy even if it reads only the part to be interested in.
Also, it refers to the life of the citizen and the change of the consciousness, too, and the place where the living way of the people who lived in each of the times and every country can be seen, too, is appeal.
It is the civilized theory of Jared diamond that it remembered while reading " The gun, the bacillus and iron " ( The 草思社 library ).
This, too, is a topic now.
The person who gets to want to look back to the way of human race's tracing in the present when it is difficult for the civilized destination to be able to be seen once now may be to be many.
( Masuda Yoshiro and Sasaki Akio translation, the Nakako library, 1400 yen for each = 84,500 first volume 10 impressions, 83,000 latter volume 10 impressions )
The translation is Akutagawa.