文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It presents a reader all over the world.

2013年03月29日 23時58分09秒 | 日記
It presents a reader all over the world.

It is a present from Tenryu temple which Akutagawa very love and from Akutagwa to you.

2013/3/29,a camellia at Tenryu temples(C)Akutagawa Kenji

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Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

If checking a Sakura letter, 70 % of blooming Tenryu temples resembled and changed.

2013年03月29日 23時44分43秒 | 日記
There are many places above the regulation value in Oosaka today in PM2.5 but all Kyoto was the following of the regulation value.

But will be the relation of the flow of the wind from the continent of China.

If checking a Sakura letter, 70 % of blooming Tenryu temples resembled and changed.

Saying doing good and it would go to photography, it headed for Arasshiyama.

It is approximately 1 hour from the home to Arasshiyama.

Today didn't concern on the weekday, too, and there were many persons in Arasshiyama.

The acquaintance if speaking, saying knowing all well indeed "... because Sakura in Arasshiyama was televised this morning in NHK "

It followed to become.

Knowing about the reader but Akutagawa's referring when Kyoto was the tourist town which is the best in the world.

It thinks that the sightseeing country which is the best in the world was France.

The population of France should have been about 70,000,000 and the number of the annual excursionists should have been about 77,000,000.

The population of Kyoto-shi exceeds about 1,500,000 and the number of the annual excursionists exceeds 50,000,000.

Another reader knows that Akutagawa visits Arasshiyama 50 annual times, too.

It very loves Tenryu temple among them, too.

The following is from the Tenryu temple official home page.

The translation is Akutagawa.

Place of scenic beauty Arasshiyama and Togetsukyo, the Kameyama park which spreads to the west side at Tenryu temple and so on, too, were a precinct place formerly.

As for this place, after the Empress Danrin temple became extinct in the vacant lot at the temple of the Zen temple and Empress Danrin which empress tachibana Kachiko of the Emperor Saga who was called the past, Empress Danrin established, rear Saga retired sovereign built Sento-gosho and the Kameyama retired sovereign ran a more temporary Imperial Palace.

It made Ashikaga Takauji laying a foundation, and it made Muso Soseki the founder of the temple and it is with Tenryu temple that it was opened by the place and the purpose was established by (1339) in 2 of Ryakuou for Emperor Godaigo's Buddhahood to condole.

The omit the last part

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2013年03月29日 22時34分57秒 | 日記



















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Now, if confirming, is there not Barenboim's name on the video?

2013年03月29日 22時32分18秒 | 日記
Hasty type however, it seems that there is Akutagawa somewhere.

This morning, it wasn't known because it slept to be enough too much but this video was fancied to be Furtwangler certainly by it.

Now, if confirming, is there not Barenboim's name on the video?

Did to be careless, too, peak?

Let's present the reader who associated, being careless today with one sheet of photographs.


2013年03月29日 22時21分43秒 | 日記










Next and this " recommendation ", too, are wonderful.

2013年03月29日 12時26分17秒 | 日記
Next and this " recommendation ", too, are wonderful.

But seeming Barenboim's recent concert

To be in us, the scene is still and a thing, the picture to be gladder about for the impossible Japanese.

It is the picture of the recommendation to the person who wants to attempt to listen to Barenboim, the person to listen to Beethoven, any person to want to attempt listen.

Barenboim on Beethoven: The Complete Piano Sonatas, concert 2.

If it is possible to appreciate while " the recommendation to you " from following Akutagawa listens to this music, it thinks that it is good exactly.

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the way of the direction resembles the way of the direction of Seiji Ozawa last night on TV.

2013年03月29日 11時53分15秒 | 日記
By " the recommendation to you " from YouTube, the eyes went to this.

" The time to listen to Beethoven's symphony No. 9 comes ", such a feeling have done from the other day, too.

But being in the comment-field of the picture in case of being the philharmonic orchestra of the Wilhelm Furtwangler direction

There seems not to be a mistake in Wilhelm Furtwangler *of* the sound, but the face is very young and is sturdy.

But thinking that this picture is very valuable but very old if he doesn't have a mistake in this.

Saying the way of the direction resembles the way of the direction of Seiji Ozawa who was televised at " the report station " last night in now, will no one think?

Beethoven Symphony No 9 D minor Barenboim,Quasthoff,Nylund,Schuster,Fritz,La Scala Philarmonic

If it is possible to appreciate while " the recommendation to you " from following Akutagawa listens to this music, it thinks that it is good exactly.

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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/26

2013年03月29日 11時27分51秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/26



3月25日のアクセス数 閲覧数:8,580PV    訪問者数:468IP

順位: 1,210位 / 1,698,650ブログ中 (前日比  ↓)



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1,172 訪問者数: 452




1トップページ50 PV

2「日米衝突の根源 1858-1908」渡辺惣樹〈...47 PV

325年超前、TBSが日曜日の朝に時事放談を放...42 PV

4「電通の殿さま」…前章続き。41 PV

5理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...35 PV

62012/3/25、午前9時前。34 PV

7「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...22 PV

8「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月24日。16 PV

9アーカイブ16 PV

10続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...12 PV

11テレビが新聞と共に斜陽に成りかかっている...11 PV

12CX-5発売 マツダ「社運かける」 他…朝日...10 PV

13賢明にして俊秀な読者の方々なら、痛いほど...10 PV

14今朝の読売テレビ・ワイドショー中のコーナ...10 PV

15アジア通貨危機時の韓国について…ウィキペ...9 PV

16アジア通貨危機について…ウィキペディアから。8 PV

17興和との後発薬合併 テバが完全子会社化 ...8 PV

18それにしても、日本のテレビは酷いね。8 PV

19注目ファンド「OD05オムニバス」167社の大...8 PV

20今朝の読売テレビ・ワイドショー中のコーナ...8 PV


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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/27

2013年03月29日 11時22分01秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/27



3月26日のアクセス数 閲覧数:15,052PV    訪問者数:597IP

順位: 883位 / 1,699,131ブログ中 (前日比 ↑ )



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1,013  訪問者数: 463




1トップページ73 PV

2昨日、聖徳太子は雲龍と成って、芥川を迎え...46 PV

3法隆寺・夢殿の隣接地に在る中宮寺で見かけ...36 PV

4武士の妻とは、かくや、そう思って芥川は内...36 PV

5理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...34 PV

6つまり「聖が聖を知った」のである。30 PV

7Fさんの事。28 PV

8「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...25 PV

9「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月25日。18 PV

1025年超前、TBSが日曜日の朝に時事放談を放...16 PV

11「電通の殿さま」…前章続き。16 PV

12トヨタ社内 SNS50ヵ国で10万人…日経新...14 PV

13「日米衝突の根源 1858-1908」渡辺惣樹〈...12 PV

14「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月24日。11 PV

152012/3/25、午前9時前。10 PV

16賢明にして俊秀な読者の方々なら、痛いほど...10 PV

17今朝の読売テレビ・ワイドショー中のコーナ...9 PV

18続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...9 PV

19有機ELテレビ用駆動素子…日経新聞2月27日11...9 PV

20コバレント、台湾企業に売却…日経新聞8月12...9 PV


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" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/28

2013年03月29日 11時08分38秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/28



3月27日のアクセス数 閲覧数:9,665PV    訪問者数:592IP

順位: 831位 / 1,699,644ブログ中 (前日比  ↓)



一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:872  訪問者数: 427




1トップページ66 PV

2訪れる度に、「法隆寺こそは寺の中の寺」、...45 PV

3TさんやFさんの様な人たちは、国の一隅、...39 PV

4理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...35 PV

5今日の大阪城公園…。33 PV

6Fさんのこと。③28 PV

7プラズマ式の電子黒板 パナソニック…日経新...26 PV

8そう、芥川は祈っている。23 PV

9「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...23 PV

10「法隆寺こそは寺の中の寺」、そういう思い...23 PV

11各・神社仏閣の拝観料が気には成るのである。22 PV

12続くウォン安、日本なぜ為替介入しない?…...14 PV

13「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月26日。13 PV

14読者の皆さまに文明のターンテーブル取り扱...10 PV

15根本特殊化学…週刊朝日「日本が誇る小さな...10 PV

16キッチンで野菜栽培 パナソニックが小型装...10 PV

17提携で誤算続きのVW「レゴ型開発」に本当...10 PV

18アーカイブ10 PV

19シャープ 鴻海と合弁、正式契約…日経新聞7...9 PV

20「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月27日。9 PV


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