文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

"You have a Big Voice"

2013年03月25日 11時46分56秒 | 日記
This song, too, was one of my durability songs.

When loving and visiting Kapalua Bay Hotel in Maui every time it does a vacation

It was small but at the good arcade of the feeling, the sushi bar opened.

The owner at this shop was a keyboarder.

At night of Friday, by the accompaniment by his band, the visitors could sing a song.

In the lady in the U.S., in Alanis Morissette, while listening to being singing, the poetic turn of mind lifted a head in of course excellent English and the skillfulness.

It didn't stagnate and it decided to sing at the stage.

It sang 3 pieces of music successively.

It is this music of Bob Dylan, and John Lennon's "Don't Let Me Down", "Purple Rain" of the prince.

In the next morning, the owner said to Akutagawa so.

"You have a Big Voice"

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay

Woulud you please click and the subscription, appreciate the following photobook.

Therefore, Steven Jobs went to the yard in Kyoto every time he visited Japan.

He elaborated an idea here.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/24

2013年03月25日 11時20分39秒 | 日記
" today last year " which reaches every day from goo.

" Timetable of the galaxy train " 2012/3/24



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一方昨日のアメーバは、閲覧数:1,391  訪問者数: 522




1トップページ92 PV

2カテゴリー毎の記事一覧66 PV

3理研発VB米国で治験 免疫抑制剤 服用短く...41 PV

4流転の子 本岡 典子著…日経読書欄から。38 PV

5世界のリーダーには逆立ちしても成れないの...33 PV

6芥川と、Newsweek誌の思索は深く正しいので...31 PV

7一昨日、妹が見舞いに来てくれた。26 PV

8当然と言えば当然なのだが、25 PV

9ここで珈琲、ここで読書と決めていて、25 PV

10醜く歪んだ心は矯正できないのである。25 PV

11涙は、彼女の目じりから滝の様に流れ続けて...24 PV

12芸人達が言って居た様な老人たち等、一人も...22 PV

13アーカイブ22 PV

14唯一、田中角栄を除いて。18 PV

15もはや世界は、そういうindecencyを認めない。18 PV

16プラズマ式の電子黒板 パナソニック…日経新...17 PV

17「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月23日。17 PV

18「銀河鉄道の時刻表」3月22日。15 PV

19「世界史(上・下)」ウィリアム・H・マク...15 PV

20提携で誤算続きのVW「レゴ型開発」に本当...13 PV



