I have mentioned many times that 'everything starts from one person.'
My long-time acquaintance, to me, is a manager of a real estate company that is a younger brother in the business society.
He and I met in the early days when we were engaged in the real estate industry.
He is the person who has worked with me as the best rival and currently runs a condominium sales company in Osaka.
He called me 'I don't know but do you know the name of this man' about the criminals in the previous chapter at an interval that wasn't an exaggeration to say after ten years.
I was stunned.
Because this criminal visited our office every day and told various stories (99% was a lie) in that, his name came out several times.
According to an introduction from a bank, a love hotel was purchased at Tennoji for 350 million yen. The next day, he said visiting the criminal's office, 'Please sell it to me because I would add 100 million yen. It was not a bad story, but I didn't reply because it was too steep. However, the next day, he made his employee Push the wheelbarrow and came back. The wheelbarrow was loaded with 100 million yen in cash. It wasn't possible to refuse if it is done there, I sold it immediately'
He might be able to do that. I thought so, and I trusted this criminal.
As I mentioned before, he was saying, 'I can understand if other persons are deceived but I can't believe you get fooled'
One of the reasons this criminal deceived me was that I loved rugby since I was a little boy. It was because Sakata was watching TV broadcasts since he was active as the best wing in Japan.
Criminals were studying in Fukui rugby high school, so they were close friends with Mr. Susumu Fujita, the president of CyberAgent,
The university was either Kyoto Sangyo University or Ritsumeikan ... The person who escaped the case appeared on Facebook with his real name, and he managed a bar in Kitashinchi with a friend of college days. He wrote that he graduated from Ritsumeikan University.
I was disgusted with rugby for a while.
I had watched it so much from high school championships to universities and business associations, and I almost ceased to watch.
I never watched Waseda VS Meiji, Waseda VS Keio, and so on.
In other words, a human being can commit the evil only of it only alone. Thanks to the World Cup for rugby. It is because, from the trauma suffered by this criminal, it was finally possible to escape from the trauma and watch rugby.
The greatness of rugby is that billions of yen will be paid to the winning team of the soccer World Cup, but rugby will be the ultimate game, and all units will be free for the country's honor. So! Fight,
It is symbolized there.
From the time the World Cup was held, the offender's attack became more intense. This criminal came this time in Ameba and goo, removing a visitor number to my blog to 1/10.
An acquaintance who knows this criminal is 'This man is dealt with now by no one. It will be especially so to a rugby companion. It may be beginning to do the evil again by it ...'
With this article, I announce to this criminal. If you really love your daughter as you told the Aunt Prosecutor, take this article and stop all reverse SEO attacks against me immediately.
The fact that he was playing rugby from Fukui's high school at Ritsumeikan University, there should be no lies if I look at the body at that time.
(Though no one may think that it was playing rugby now because it is a different person, carrying a scene that the whole body plastic surgery is doing including a face on facebook of a name)
It is wearing the devotion in the rugby, even few,
In particular, immediately stop the following operations that have started in the past one or two weeks.
You wrote that you graduated from Ritsumeikan University on your real name Facebook, which worked a few years ago, so there should be no lies.
I don't know what level Ritsumeikan University is actually, even if it is the university of the level that isn't worthy of the name of a university, either, with a deficient deviation value, it will be natural to see if seeing the state of that deception.
If you still have a little love for your school, stop all wrongdoing immediately if you don't want to ruin your school's honor and trust. Stop the reverse SEO attacks that have been relentless since June 2011 against the search for 'the turntable of civilization.'
Is this what a human being who graduated from Ritsumeikan University? Does the human being who has a pretty daughter do! Immediately delete the illegal act of Twitter, not just harassment, against my original pen name, Akutagawa Kenji.
Immediately delete the fake search page of 'the turntable of civilization' and quickly restore it to its original form before June 2011.
If the above is not done after this article, I will not allow it anymore. The person who served once, if you commit another crime = felony, you know that the sentence will be massive. Since the other day, precisely the same as in 2011 ... This time, for some reason the nifty company is used to repeat illegal activities,
It is evident that anyone in Japan, no, all over the world, is a crime of the same person with the same trick. I don't have any grudge at nifty, but it would be disqualified as a publisher if it seems to repeat these illegal acts indefinitely.
Below are the search results for 'the turntable of civilization.'
It will be evident to everyone's eyes that it passes from 1 page to page 3, and this criminal makes 13! IDs with an identical trick in the site of nifty and creates the blog of the identical contents and is making a reverse SEO attack to remove the search number of my 'the turntable of civilization.'
If you do not stop all illegal activities with this article, the lawyer I will ask, the police that accepts the criminal complaint, even the aunt prosecutor at the Osaka Prosecutor's Office is a distinct and unmistakable fact.
The following are the first to third pages of the search results for 'the turntable of civilization.'
package00770.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/06
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on ... - ココログ
ぶらうさん、おはよ。アルゼンチン決勝ト | トップページ | 子役時代の宮野真守と高橋一生、遠藤憲一 ». 2018年6月27日 (水) ???? ?????? - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016 ???
surface4467.cocolog-nifty.com › blog › 2018/06
Walau bagaimanapun, China mensasarkan - 文明のターン ...
2018/06/15 - Walau bagaimanapun, China mensasarkan - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. Berikut adalah kesinambungan bab sebelumnya.Pencerobohan perairan dan wilayah wilayah Jepun oleh ...
signal255.cocolog-nifty.com › blog › 2018/06
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on ... - ココログ
2018/06/25 - 2531 ????????. ?. 2538 ????????????????????????? Kobe University Graduate School of Culture?
twitter.com › the_turntable_ › status
文明のターンテーブル on Twitter: "アメブロを更新しました。 『Cos ...
2019/09/21 - 文明のターンテーブル · @the_turntable_. The Turntable of Civilization. blog.goo.ne.jp/sunsetrubdown21_2010. ameblo.jp/sunsetrubdown2… Joined July 2014. Tweets. © 2019 Twitter; About · Help Center · Terms · Privacy ...
examine38114.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/06
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on ... - ココログ
やんのブログ日記 | トップページ | あらためましてご挨拶 ». 2018年6月 8日 (金) ?????????????????????? - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016 ??????????????????????????????????Masuzoe Yoichi ?
complaint167.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/08
O resultado desse reconhecimento foi esta "revis?o - 文明の ...
2018/08/25 - O resultado desse reconhecimento foi esta "revis?o - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. A seguir, a continuao do captulo anterior.Kono anunciou oficialmente o bem-vindo entusiasmo de ...
section41031.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/09
to rally public support?and to distract from domestic problems ...
2018/09/07 - to rally public support?and to distract from domestic problems. - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. American Problem, TooOf course ...
advice5552.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/06 ›
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization ... - 今日のこと
2018/06/03 - Я думаю, что Асахи Симбун - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. Я попытался проверить английский перевод Causeway Bay Bookstore, но по какой-то причине Asahi Shimbun только ...
majority3022.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/07
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on ... - ぼちぼち
2018/07/23 - 秩序なき自由と抑制なき民主が純粋培養されたのであった - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. 以下は月刊誌Voice今月号の掉尾に「文明之虚説」と題して掲載されている渡辺利夫氏の連載コラムで ...
evidence0837.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/07
朝日の社説でも論説の類ね。つまり、そういう事実に基づかない ...
2018/07/14 - 朝日の社説でも論説の類ね。つまり、そういう事実に基づかないことを書くから、どうしてもそれをごまかす屁理屈ばっかり上達してくるわけ - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. 屁理屈機関の名人芸稲垣 ...
attractive300.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/09
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on ...
2018/09/01 - 20年から25年の間に何らかの行動を習氏は起こす、そのための準備がすでに台湾ヤクザを利用して始まっている、 - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. 一昨日、発売された週刊新潮を有数の読書家で ..
www.rechtafichar.tk › the-t...
the turntable of civilization vol 1 PDF | www.rechtafichar.tk
The Turntable of Civilization vol1 , SHORT HISTORIES OF THE FIRST THREE CIVILIZATIONS What are Civilization I Civilization II Civilization III Civilization ...
appear2173.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/05 ›
?果,它?成了一个??理打算的印象的文章 - 文明のターンテーブル ...
2018/05/30 - 以下是前一章的延?。文部科学省6月15日披露了?文件,'??新?'的阿比?瑞?者在6月23日的?面上盖了影子,但它是??写的。如果?通?国家?略特区咨?委?会决定,既然?理是主席,那?它是否会出??理的指示???的?,安倍首相??
nation61068.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/09
文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization ... - 気ままな時
2018/09/23 - この事についても、何一つ言わない国連人権委員会やユネスコの腐敗は問題外である。 - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. 日本の前に文明のターンテーブルが回っている国である米国の値打ち、 ...
x9ieuktm.cocolog-nifty.com › blog › 2018/08
cette situation aura certainement ?t? ?vit?e - 文明のターン ...
2018/08/04 - Ce qui suit est la suite du chapitre prcdent.Aprs la terreur de 9 h 11, la Commission de rglementation nuclaire des tats-Unis a mis un ordre d'amlioration: chaque centrale nuclaire dispose toujours de plusieurs sources ...
nefre94334.cocolog-nifty.com › 2018/09 ›
2018/09/29 - 仕返しにたっぷり中傷してやるか、とラス・カサスの口真似で残酷日本を描いたと見る方が筋は通る。 - 文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization on September 2016. 私は高山正之と櫻井よしこさんの掉尾を飾る連載コラムを読む ...