文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2019年12月20日 21時38分18秒 | 全般


Nakamura believed that Article 9 of the Constitution would protect.

2019年12月20日 21時15分48秒 | 全般

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
While searching online, I met Nakamura's following long lines. 'I wasn't particularly aware of Article 9 of the Constitution, but when I went over there, I realized that Kujo has supported our activities as a backbone and that this has protected us. There is a feeling that I felt in my body. Never use weapons to embody peace, and that is a concrete form that exists in Kujo, the peace constitution of the country called Japan. Local people know that. Therefore, both the government side and anti-government side don't meddle with us even about the Taliban. Rather it protects me. Because there is Article 9 of the Constitution, Japan has never shot a gun abroad. That's true Japanese strength' (Magazine 9)
Nakamura believed that Article 9 of the Constitution would protect.
What did he think in the fading consciousness?

Far downstream, her corpse was found with her knees tied in a string to prevent kimono disturbance

2019年12月20日 21時08分33秒 | 全般

The following is from the serial column of Yasunosuke Kudan published at the beginning of the monthly magazine Hanada released today.
I guessed Yasunosuke Kudan would be Masayuki Takayama from his writing.
When I talked to a reader's friend, the answer was 'He's from Kudan High School,' so I think he's probably his pen name.
This month's issue of Hanada and WiLL is packed with papers that are essential reading not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
Japanese citizens must go to the nearest bookstore tomorrow to subscribe.
I want to tell people all over the world as much as possible.
Tetsu Nakamura 'Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution protects.'
Tetsu Nakamura, devoted to medical care and irrigation in Afghanistan, was shot dead on the streets of Jalalabad on December 4th.
Nakamura et al. Are on the way to a waterway construction site that is more than 20 kilometers away in two cars. Four men jump out of a vehicle that blocks the course of the train and shoots two of them with automatic rifles. According to the witnesses of the incident,
“Hey, the Japanese are still alive. I heard such a voice, and I heard three gunshots.”
Nakamura, who received a bullet in his chest, was taken to a nearby hospital for first aid. There is still consciousness. Nakamura died on his way to a hospital at Bakulam Air Force Base, a few kilometers away, for further treatment.
The accompanying five people are also dead. The two suspects were caught, but the investigator says, 'It takes a lot of time to investigate.' The Taliban denies the crime, and the IS remains silent. Therefore, neither the criminal nor the motive of the crime is clear.
Supposing it is the supposition to do, saying 'we wanted to show off its own existence, repudiating a foreigner' that is said solely, in Afghanistan, famous Nakamura must have been a suitable target if taking a criminal and others.
Nakamura was born in 1946. In 1984, he went to Afghanistan to eradicate Hansen's disease after becoming a doctor from Kyushu University School of Medicine from a local Fukuoka high school.
Initially devoted to treatment, but eventually noticed.
The overwhelming poverty that causes various diseases cannot be solved by medical treatment.
How can I make people eat? Thinking about it, he arrived at the concept of irrigation that turns the wasteland into fertile farmland.
Based on the hometown of 'Yamada Weir,' ponds were constructed here and there, and an irrigation channel with a length of more than 20 kilometers was installed.
'Afghan savior' and the locals praise him.
It became possible to eat 600,000 persons by this according to another view.
An unexpected accident hit Nakamura, who was trying to expand the waterway.
A few years ago, when I learned about Nakamura's achievements, I suddenly recalled Hatta Yoichi.
Hatta built a Usanto dam in Taiwan, and from there, laid out a waterway for six laps of the earth, transforming the Tainan area of wildland into fertile farmland.
Next in the Philippines, the ship on which Hatta boarded was sunk by a US submarine, and he would not return.
Mrs. Toyoki throws herself into the dam, spillway that her husband built to follow.
Far downstream, her corpse was found with her knees tied in a string to prevent kimono disturbance.
There was a memorial in the vicinity of the dam, and I went there.
There are photos of the couple.
As you can see, Toyoki is a very beautiful woman.
The story of Hatta and his wife is also described in a Taiwanese textbook.
The story of Tetsu Nakamura must be handed down by Afghan people.
They are unmistakably proud of Japan.
Afghanistan is located in the best part of the Eurasian continent, and it is a must-have for those who aim for hegemony.
However, the Pashtun people here are extremely fierceness and do not accept the rule of other countries and the existence of foreigners.
Once Friedrich Engels (co-author of Karl Marx) wrote in his travels how difficult it is to dominate the land.
Britain also withdrew, and the Soviet defeat even contributed to its collapse.
The United States has been stationed here for 18 years, but it still cannot be controlled. In fact, Trump has difficulty with it.
If China's Xi Jinping took where boarded, it would be the same settlement.
It is a significant thing in the country exclusive ultimately to a foreigner that becomes the existence adored like Nakamura from a habitant.
It took that Nakamura and was struck at, clearly aiming at the broad daylight.
This draft continues.


2019年12月20日 20時25分12秒 | 全般

ネットで検索していて、中村の次のような長セリフに出会った。 「僕は憲法九条なんて、特に意識したことはなかった。でも向こうに行って、九条がバックボーンとして僕らの活動を支えてくれている、これが我々を守って来てくれたんだな、という実感がありますよ。体で感じた想いです。武器など絶対に使用しないで、平和を具現化する。それが具体的な形として存在しているのが、日本という国の平和憲法、九条ですよ。それを現地の人たちも分ってくれているんです。だから、政府側も反政府側も、タリバンだって我々には手を出さない。むしろ守ってくれているんです。九条があるから、海外ではこれまで絶対に銃を撃たなかった日本。それが本当の日本の強昧なんですよ」(マガジン9) 


Ce qu'il souligne avant tout, c'est l'importance d'envoyer en anglais.

2019年12月20日 17時44分35秒 | 全般

Les lecteurs du monde entier, et pas seulement les citoyens japonais, réaffirment la grandeur de ce que fait cette chronique depuis 2010 dans la dernière section de la sélection Sankei dans le journal Sankei d'aujourd'hui. Ça devrait être.
Glendale, Californie, États-Unis, est une ville sœur avec Higashi Osaka depuis 1960.
À partir de 2012, les résidents coréens augmenteront rapidement dans la ville qui a favorisé le Japon.
C'est l'année suivante que la première statue de la femme de réconfort est érigée aux États-Unis.
▼ Le monument en pierre a été gravé d'un mot qui a condamné le Japon, décidant de réconforter les femmes en tant qu '«esclaves sexuelles».
Koichi Mera (86 ans) est le leader japonais local qui a déposé une plainte contre la ville pour enlever la statue.
Hier, la nouvelle de sa mort est arrivée.
▼ Selon «Y a-t-il justice en Amérique» (Heart Publishing) rapportant les circonstances du procès, le véritable «ennemi» n'est pas les autorités de la ville.
Des groupes coréens et chinois sont intervenus dans le procès de cette façon et cela. M. Mera a ressenti un risque pour la sécurité.
▼ Un autre ennemi est un juge américain.
Leur tête est plantée d'une idée préconçue que l'armée japonaise a fait une mauvaise chose.
Il y avait même le juge qui avoue «Je n'aime pas Tojo (ancien Premier ministre Hideki)» parmi eux.
▼ Le procès a été mené devant la Cour suprême et a finalement été perdu.
De nombreux coûts ont été couverts par la contribution, et des dizaines de millions de yens de pénurie ont été alloués, disposant des biens immobiliers de M. Mera.
Mme Mera a évalué positivement que la question des femmes de réconfort est devenue une question diplomatique importante après le procès.
M. Mera et ses collègues n'ont pas obtenu la coopération du consulat local au début, mais le gouvernement japonais a rendu un avis à la Cour suprême.
▼ M. Mera est à l'origine un expert en génie urbain.
Il a étudié à l'Université de Tokyo et à l'Université Harvard et a enseigné dans des universités au Japon et aux États-Unis.
Depuis qu'il a plus de 70 ans, il poursuit ses activités pour «rechercher la vérité de l'histoire» afin de protéger l'honneur du Japon.
Ce qu'il souligne avant tout, c'est l'importance d'envoyer en anglais.
Il y a quatre ans, aux États-Unis, «Les femmes de réconfort ne sont pas des esclaves sexuelles» a été publié et le nouveau livre qui a suivi vient de s'achever.


2019年12月20日 17時37分00秒 | 全般






What he emphasizes above all is the importance of sending in English.



it is a popular page yesterday on ameba



it is a popular page yesterday






Étrangement, ils ont un fort préjugé racial et détestent le Japon et ont






이상하게도, 그들은 강한 인종적 편견을 가지고 있으며 일본을 미워하고 많은









Прежде всего он подчеркивает важность отправки

2019年12月20日 17時36分29秒 | 全般

Читатели всего мира, а не только граждане Японии, подтверждают величие того, чем занималась эта колонка с 2010 года, в заключительном разделе выбора Санкей в сегодняшней газете Санкей. Так должно быть.
Глендейл, штат Калифорния, США, является родственным городом с Хигаси Осака с 1960 года.
С 2012 года корейские жители будут быстро расти в городе, который предпочитал Японию.
В следующем году в Соединенных Штатах была установлена первая женская статуя для утешения.
▼ На каменном памятнике было выгравировано слово, осуждающее Японию, решающее утешить женщин как «секс-рабынь».
Коичи Мера (86) - местный японский лидер, который подал иск против города, чтобы убрать статую.
Вчера пришло известие о его смерти.
▼ Согласно «Правосудию в Америке» (Heart Publishing), сообщающему об обстоятельствах суда, настоящим «врагом» являются не городские власти.
Корейские и китайские группы так или иначе вмешались в процесс. Мистер Мера почувствовал риск для безопасности.
▼ Другой враг - американский судья.
Их голова посажена с предубеждением, что японская армия поступила неправильно.
Среди них был даже судья, который заявляет: «Мне не нравится Тодзё (бывший премьер-министр Хидеки)».
▼ Судебный процесс прошел в Верховном суде и в конечном итоге проиграл.
Многие расходы были покрыты за счет взноса, и были выделены десятки миллионов иен дефицита, избавившихся от недвижимости г-на Меры.
Г-жа Мера положительно оценила тот факт, что вопрос комфорта женщин стал важной дипломатической проблемой после судебного разбирательства.
Сначала Мера и его коллеги не получили никакого сотрудничества от местного консульства, но правительство Японии вынесло заключение в Верховный суд.
▼ Мистер Мера изначально специалист по городскому строительству.
Он учился в Токийском университете и Гарвардском университете и преподавал в университетах Японии и США.
С тех пор, как ему исполнилось более 70 лет, он продолжал заниматься поиском правды истории, чтобы защитить честь Японии.
Прежде всего он подчеркивает важность отправки на английском языке.
Четыре года назад в Соединенных Штатах была опубликована книга «Утешительные женщины не являются сексуальными рабынями», а новая последовавшая книга была только что завершена.

그가 강조하는 것은 영어로 보내는 것이 중요하다는 것입니다.

2019年12月20日 17時35分18秒 | 全般

일본 시민뿐만 아니라 전 세계 독자들은 오늘 Sankei 신문의 Sankei 선택의 마지막 섹션에서 2010 년 이후이 칼럼이해온 일의 위대함을 재확인합니다. 그것은해야한다.
미국 캘리포니아 주 글렌 데일 (Glendale)은 1960 년부터 히가시 오사카와 자매 도시 관계를 유지해 왔습니다.
2012 년부터 일본을 선호하는 도시에서 한국인 인구가 빠르게 증가 할 것입니다.
이듬해에는 최초의 위안부 동상이 미국에서 세워졌습니다.
▼ 석재 기념비에는 일본을 정죄하는 말이 새겨 져 여성을 '성 노예'로 위안하기로 결정했다.
코이치 메라 (86)는 동상을 제거하기 위해 도시를 상대로 소송을 제기 한 현지 일본 지도자입니다.
어제 그의 사망 소식이 도착했다.
▼ 재판의 상황을보고하는 '미국에 정의가있다'(심장 출판)에 따르면, 실제 '적'은 도시 당국이 아니다.
한국과 중국 그룹은 이런 식으로 재판에 개입했다. Mera는 안전에 위험을 느꼈습니다.
▼ 다른 적은 미국 판사입니다.
그들의 머리에는 일본군이 잘못한 선입견이 심어 져있다.
그들 중에는 '도조 (히데키 전 총리)를 싫어한다'고 선포하는 판사도 있었다.
▼ 재판은 대법원과 싸워 결국졌다.
많은 비용이 기부금으로 충당되었으며 메라 씨의 부동산을 처분하면서 수천만 엔의 부족분이 할당되었습니다.
Mera는 위안부 문제가 재판 이후 중요한 외교 문제가되었다고 긍정적으로 평가했습니다.
메라 씨와 그의 동료들은 처음에 지방 영사관으로부터 아무런 협조도 얻지 못했지만 일본 정부는 대법원에 의견을 발표했습니다.
▼ Mera는 원래 도시 공학 전문가입니다.
그는 도쿄 대학과 하버드 대학에서 공부했으며 일본과 미국의 대학에서 강의했습니다.
70 세 이상부터 일본의 명예를 지키기 위해 '역사의 진실을 찾는 활동'을 계속해 왔습니다.
그가 강조하는 것은 영어로 보내는 것이 중요하다는 것입니다.
4 년 전, 미국에서 '위안부 여성은 성 노예가 아니다'가 발간되었으며, 그 뒤에 나오는 새로운 책이 완성되었습니다.

O que ele enfatiza acima de tudo é a importância de enviar em inglês.

2019年12月20日 17時34分11秒 | 全般

Leitores de todo o mundo, não apenas cidadãos japoneses, reafirmam a grandeza do que esta coluna faz desde 2010 na seção final da seleção Sankei no jornal de hoje Sankei de hoje. Deveria ser.
Glendale, Califórnia, EUA, mantém uma relação de cidade irmã com Higashi Osaka desde 1960.
A partir de 2012, os residentes coreanos aumentarão rapidamente na cidade que favoreceu o Japão.
Foi no ano seguinte que a primeira estátua de mulheres de conforto foi erguida nos Estados Unidos.
▼ O monumento de pedra estava gravado com uma palavra que condenava o Japão, decidindo consolar as mulheres como 'escravas sexuais'.
Koichi Mera (86) é o líder japonês local que entrou com uma ação contra a cidade para remover a estátua.
Ontem chegaram as notícias de sua morte.
▼ De acordo com 'Existe justiça na América' (Heart Publishing) relatando as circunstâncias do julgamento, o verdadeiro 'inimigo' não são as autoridades da cidade.
Grupos coreanos e chineses intervieram no julgamento de uma maneira e de outra. Mera sentiu um risco à segurança.
▼ Outro inimigo é um juiz americano.
A cabeça deles é plantada com o preconceito de que o exército japonês fez algo errado.
Havia até o juiz que declara 'Eu não gosto de Tojo (ex-primeiro ministro de Hideki)' entre eles.
▼ O julgamento foi travado na Suprema Corte e acabou perdendo.
Muitos custos foram cobertos pela contribuição, e dezenas de milhões de ienes de escassez foram alocados, descartando os imóveis de Mera.
Mera avaliou positivamente que a questão do conforto das mulheres se tornou uma questão diplomática importante após o julgamento.
Mera e seus colegas não obtiveram nenhuma cooperação do consulado local a princípio, mas o governo japonês emitiu uma opinião ao Supremo Tribunal.
▼ O Sr. Mera é originalmente um especialista em engenharia urbana.
Ele estudou na Universidade de Tóquio e na Universidade de Harvard e lecionou em universidades do Japão e dos Estados Unidos.
Desde que ele tinha mais de 70 anos, ele continuou atividades para 'buscar a verdade da história' para proteger a honra do Japão.
O que ele enfatiza acima de tudo é a importância de enviar em inglês.
Há quatro anos, nos Estados Unidos, 'As mulheres do conforto não são escravas sexuais' foi publicada, e o novo livro que se seguiu foi concluído.

Was er vor allem betont, ist die Wichtigkeit des Sendens auf Englisch.

2019年12月20日 17時33分11秒 | 全般

Leser auf der ganzen Welt, nicht nur japanische Staatsbürger, bekräftigen im letzten Abschnitt der Sankei-Auswahl der heutigen Sankei-Zeitung, wie großartig diese Kolumne seit 2010 ist. Es sollte sein.
Glendale, Kalifornien, USA, ist seit 1960 eine Städtepartnerschaft mit Higashi Osaka.
Ab 2012 werden die koreanischen Einwohner in der Stadt, die Japan favorisierte, rasch zunehmen.
Es war das folgende Jahr, in dem die erste Trostfrauenstatue in den Vereinigten Staaten errichtet wurde.
▼ In das Steindenkmal war ein Wort eingraviert, das Japan verurteilte und beschloss, Frauen als „Sexsklavinnen“ zu trösten.
Koichi Mera (86) ist der lokale japanische Führer, der eine Klage gegen die Stadt eingereicht hat, um die Statue zu entfernen.
Gestern kam die Nachricht von seinem Tod.
▼ Laut "Gibt es Gerechtigkeit in Amerika" (Heart Publishing), das über die Umstände des Prozesses berichtet, sind die Stadtbehörden nicht der wahre "Feind".
Koreanische und chinesische Gruppen haben auf diese und jene Weise in den Prozess eingegriffen. Herr Mera hat ein Sicherheitsrisiko verspürt.
▼ Ein weiterer Feind ist ein amerikanischer Richter.
Ihr Kopf ist mit dem Vorurteil bepflanzt, dass die japanische Armee etwas Falsches getan hat.
Unter ihnen befand sich sogar der Richter, der erklärte, "Tojo (ehemaliger Premierminister von Hideki) mag ich nicht".
▼ Der Prozess wurde vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof geführt und ging schließlich verloren.
Viele Kosten wurden durch den Beitrag gedeckt, und Dutzende Millionen Yen eines Mangels wurden zugeteilt, wodurch die Immobilien von Herrn Mera veräußert wurden.
Frau Mera bewertete positiv, dass das Problem der Trostfrauen nach dem Prozess zu einem wichtigen diplomatischen Problem wurde.
Herr Mera und seine Kollegen erhielten zunächst keine Kooperation vom örtlichen Konsulat, doch die japanische Regierung gab eine Stellungnahme an den Obersten Gerichtshof ab.
▼ Herr Mera ist ursprünglich Experte für Städtebau.
Er studierte an der University of Tokyo und der Harvard University und lehrte an Universitäten in Japan und den USA.
Seit er über 70 Jahre alt ist, setzt er seine Aktivitäten fort, um "die Wahrheit der Geschichte zu suchen", um Japans Ehre zu schützen.
Was er vor allem betont, ist die Wichtigkeit des Sendens auf Englisch.
Vor vier Jahren wurde in den Vereinigten Staaten das Buch „Trostfrauen sind keine Sexsklaven“ veröffentlicht, und das darauf folgende neue Buch wurde gerade fertiggestellt.

Lo que enfatiza sobre todo es la importancia de enviar en inglés.

2019年12月20日 17時31分44秒 | 全般

Los lectores de todo el mundo, no solo los ciudadanos japoneses, reafirman la grandeza de lo que ha estado haciendo esta columna desde 2010 en la sección final de la selección de Sankei en el periódico Sankei de hoy. Debería ser.
Glendale, California, EE. UU., Ha sido una relación de ciudad hermana con Higashi Osaka desde 1960.
A partir de 2012, los residentes coreanos aumentarán rápidamente en la ciudad que favoreció a Japón.
Fue al año siguiente cuando se erigió la primera estatua de la mujer de la comodidad en los Estados Unidos.
▼ El monumento de piedra fue grabado con una palabra que condenó a Japón, decidiendo consolar a las mujeres como 'esclavas sexuales'.
Koichi Mera (86) es el líder japonés local que presentó una demanda contra la ciudad para quitar la estatua.
Ayer llegaron noticias de su muerte.
▼ De acuerdo con '¿Hay justicia en Estados Unidos' (Heart Publishing) que informa sobre las circunstancias del juicio, el verdadero 'enemigo' no son las autoridades de la ciudad.
Grupos coreanos y chinos han intervenido en el juicio de una forma u otra. El Sr. Mera ha sentido un riesgo para la seguridad.
▼ Otro enemigo es un juez estadounidense.
Su cabeza está plantada con una preconcepción de que el ejército japonés ha hecho algo incorrecto.
Incluso hubo un juez que declaró "No me gusta Tojo (antiguo primer ministro de Hideki)" entre ellos.
▼ El juicio se peleó ante el Tribunal Supremo y finalmente se perdió.
La contribución ha cubierto muchos costos, y se asignaron decenas de millones de yenes de escasez, eliminando los bienes inmuebles del Sr. Mera.
La Sra. Mera evaluó positivamente que el problema de la comodidad de la mujer se convirtió en un tema diplomático importante después del juicio.
Al principio, el Sr. Mera y sus colegas no obtuvieron ninguna cooperación del consulado local, pero el gobierno japonés emitió un dictamen ante el Tribunal Supremo.
▼ El Sr. Mera es originalmente un experto en ingeniería urbana.
Estudió en la Universidad de Tokio y la Universidad de Harvard y enseñó en universidades de Japón y Estados Unidos.
Desde que tenía más de 70 años, ha continuado las actividades para 'buscar la verdad de la historia' para proteger el honor de Japón.
Lo que enfatiza sobre todo es la importancia de enviar en inglés.
Hace cuatro años, en los Estados Unidos, se publicó 'Las mujeres de la comodidad no son esclavas sexuales', y el nuevo libro que siguió se acaba de completar.

Ciò che sottolinea soprattutto è l'importanza di inviare in inglese.

2019年12月20日 17時30分41秒 | 全般

I lettori di tutto il mondo, non solo i cittadini giapponesi, ribadiscono la grandezza di ciò che questa rubrica ha fatto dal 2010 nella sezione finale della selezione Sankei sul quotidiano Sankei di oggi. Dovrebbe essere.
Glendale, California, USA, è una relazione gemella con Higashi Osaka dal 1960.
Dal 2012, i residenti coreani aumenteranno rapidamente nella città che ha favorito il Giappone.
Fu l'anno seguente che la prima statua di donna di conforto fu eretta negli Stati Uniti.
▼ Il monumento in pietra è stato inciso con una parola che ha condannato il Giappone, decidendo di confortare le donne come "schiave del sesso".
Koichi Mera (86) è il leader giapponese locale che ha intentato una causa contro la città per rimuovere la statua.
Ieri è arrivata la notizia della sua morte.
▼ Secondo "Esiste giustizia in America" (Heart Publishing) che riporta le circostanze del processo, il vero "nemico" non sono le autorità cittadine.
Gruppi coreani e cinesi sono intervenuti nel processo in questo modo e in quello. Il signor Mera ha avvertito un rischio per la sicurezza.
▼ Un altro nemico è un giudice americano.
La loro testa è piantata con un preconcetto che l'esercito giapponese ha fatto una cosa sbagliata.
Tra loro c'era anche il giudice che dichiara "Non mi piace Tojo (ex primo ministro Hideki)".
▼ Il processo è stato combattuto alla Corte suprema e alla fine è stato perso.
Il contributo ha coperto molti costi e sono state assegnate decine di milioni di yen di carenza, eliminando gli immobili del signor Mera.
La signora Mera ha valutato positivamente che la questione del benessere delle donne è diventata una questione diplomatica importante dopo il processo.
Mera e i suoi colleghi inizialmente non hanno ottenuto alcuna collaborazione dal consolato locale, ma il governo giapponese ha emesso un parere alla Corte suprema.
▼ Mr. Mera è originariamente un esperto in ingegneria urbana.
Ha studiato all'Università di Tokyo e all'Università di Harvard e ha insegnato nelle università in Giappone e negli Stati Uniti.
Da quando ha più di 70 anni, ha continuato le attività per "cercare la verità della storia" per proteggere l'onore del Giappone.
Ciò che sottolinea soprattutto è l'importanza di inviare in inglese.
Quattro anni fa, negli Stati Uniti, fu pubblicato "Le donne di conforto non sono schiave del sesso" e il nuovo libro che seguì fu appena completato.

What he emphasizes above all is the importance of sending in English.

2019年12月20日 17時27分25秒 | 全般

Readers around the world, not just Japanese citizens, reaffirm the greatness of what this column has been doing since 2010 in the final section of the Sankei selection in today's Sankei newspaper today. It should be.
Glendale, California, USA, has been a sister city relationship with Higashi Osaka since 1960.
From 2012, Korean residents will rapidly increase in the city that favored Japan.
It was the following year that the first comfort women statue was erected in the United States.
▼ The stone monument was engraved with a word that condemned Japan, deciding to comfort women as 'sex slaves.'
Koichi Mera (86) is the local Japanese leader who filed a lawsuit against the city to remove the statue.
Yesterday, news of his death arrived.
▼ According to 'Is there justice in America' (Heart Publishing) reporting the circumstances of the trial, the real 'enemy' is not the city authorities.
Korean and Chinese groups have intervened in the trial this way and that. Mr. Mera has felt a risk to safety.
▼ Another enemy is an American judge.
Their head is planted with a preconception that the Japanese army has done a wrong thing.
There was even the judge who avows 'I dislike Tojo (Hideki former prime minister)' among them.
▼ The trial was fought to the Supreme Court and eventually lost.
Many costs have covered by the contribution, and tens of millions of yen of a shortage were allotted, disposing of Mr. Mera's real estate.
Ms. Mera positively evaluated that the comfort women issue became an important diplomatic issue after the trial.
Mr. Mera and his colleagues did not get any cooperation from the local consulate at first, but the Japanese government issued an opinion to the Supreme Court.
▼ Mr. Mera is originally an expert in urban engineering.
He studied at the University of Tokyo and Harvard University and taught at universities in Japan and the United States.
Ever since he was over 70 years old, he has continued activities to 'seek for the truth of history' to protect Japan's honor.
What he emphasizes above all is the importance of sending in English.
Four years ago, in the United States, 'Comfort women are not sex slaves' was published, and the new book that followed was just completed.


2019年12月20日 17時02分43秒 | 全般


it is a popular page yesterday

2019年12月20日 08時36分17秒 | 全般










carbon dioxide emissions, China is the overwhelming first place accounting for 30% of the world






it is a popular page yesterday on ameba.


The impact of the birthrate of 0 in South Korea. What is the background behind it?


it is a popular page yesterday.




emissioni di anidride carbonica, la Cina è il primo posto travolgente che rappresenta il 30%


Como de costumbre, Asahi también muestra el hábito de traer 'ciudadanos'








But the NRA is not even aware that its instructions violate internationally established rules


Los diez países con las tasas más altas de violación 2019




Il n'y a aucun exemple de personnes qui dénigrent les Japonais, y compris Oe lui-même


Comme d'habitude, Asahi montre également l'habitude d'amener


when he runs out of money, sends messengers to catch merchants and farmers


Non ci sono esempi di persone che denigrano i giapponesi, incluso lo stesso Oe


Mais la NRA n'est même pas consciente que ses instructions violent les règles


Male chauvinism, rooted in Confucianism, has permeated society for hundreds of years


hanno poca consapevolezza di provare a servire la nazione e il popolo






Japan is the country that most cherished a woman in the world since history.


Antoine Daveluy was born on 16 March 1818 in Amiens, France. His father was a factory owner


Les dix pays avec les taux de viol les plus élevés 2019


Quando si parla di economia, la Cina dovrebbe avere una popolazione di 400 milioni,




they have little awareness of trying to serve the nation and the people.


Antoine Daveluy è nato il 16 marzo 1818 ad Amiens, in Francia.


Come al solito, Asahi mostra anche l'abitudine di portare i "cittadini" da qualche




Ma la NRA non è nemmeno consapevole che le sue




Stranamente, hanno un forte pregiudizio razziale e odiano il Giappone


Le chauvinisme masculin, enraciné dans le confucianisme


tienen poca conciencia de tratar de servir a la nación y al pueblo


There are no examples of people who disparage Japanese people, including Oe himself


Но NRA даже не знает, что его инструкции нарушают установленные


그러나 NRA는 지침이 국제적으로 확립 된 규칙을 위반한다는 사실조차 인식하지 못합니다.


Mas a ARN nem sequer está ciente de que suas instruções violam regras


Pero la ANR ni siquiera sabe que sus instrucciones


the nuclear power station administration that NRA directs cannot be evaluated at all




Cuando se habla de economía, China debería tener una población de 400 millones,