読売新聞 対日強硬路線、文政権内で勢い…米の懸念逆手に 2019/09/10 07:23
個々の層の動向を見るべき必要があるぞ、と示唆されているわ . . . 本文を読む
BBC Rohingya crisis: Villages destroyed for government facilities By Jonathan Head 10 September 2019
「Entire Muslim Roh . . . 本文を読む
BBC Amazon fires: Seven countries sign forest protection pact 6 September 2019
「Seven South American countries have agreed measures to protect the Amazon river basin, amid global concern over massive . . . 本文を読む
BBC Bangladesh 'to be tougher' on Rohingya refugees 24 August 2019
「Bangladesh has said it will harden its stance towards Rohingya refugees currently in the country.」
「Foreign Minister . . . 本文を読む
BBC Nigeria's Boko Haram crisis: Military denies detaining thousands of child . . . 本文を読む