死者発生数のうなぎのぼりがとまらないイタリア・ロンバルディア。接触の可能性を低めるため、遂に個々人で行うものであっても屋外の運動を禁止する。vendig machineの使用をも禁じる。つまり自販機のボタンを押すのさえやめさせる。
BBC Coronavirus: Lombardy region announces stricter measures 22 Mar 2020
「The Italian region of Lombardy has introduced stricter measures in a bid to tackle the spread of coronavirus.
Under the new rules announced late on Saturday, sport and physical activity outside, even individually, is banned. Using vending machines is forbidden.」
「The move comes as Italy reported nearly 800 coronavirus deaths on Saturday and saw its toll for the past month reach 4,825, the highest in the world.」
「Lombardy is the worst-affected region in the country with 3,095 deaths.」
「Businesses have been asked to close all operations excluding "essential" supply chains. Work on building sites will be stopped apart from those working on hospitals, roads and railways.」
「Supermarkets, pharmacies, post offices and banks will remain open and public transport will continue to run.」
「Lombardy has been under a lockdown since 8 March and the government had hoped to see results there first.」
「Spain's health ministry has reported a 32% spike in new deaths from Covid-19 with 1,326 confirmed deaths, the second highest in Europe after Italy.」
BBC Coronavirus: Lombardy region announces stricter measures 22 Mar 2020
「The Italian region of Lombardy has introduced stricter measures in a bid to tackle the spread of coronavirus.
Under the new rules announced late on Saturday, sport and physical activity outside, even individually, is banned. Using vending machines is forbidden.」
「The move comes as Italy reported nearly 800 coronavirus deaths on Saturday and saw its toll for the past month reach 4,825, the highest in the world.」
「Lombardy is the worst-affected region in the country with 3,095 deaths.」
「Businesses have been asked to close all operations excluding "essential" supply chains. Work on building sites will be stopped apart from those working on hospitals, roads and railways.」
「Supermarkets, pharmacies, post offices and banks will remain open and public transport will continue to run.」
「Lombardy has been under a lockdown since 8 March and the government had hoped to see results there first.」
「Spain's health ministry has reported a 32% spike in new deaths from Covid-19 with 1,326 confirmed deaths, the second highest in Europe after Italy.」