


2023-03-30 20:00:42 | Newsメモ

BBC Climate change: England not ready for impact 1 Mar 2023 By Esme Stallard

England is not ready for the unavoidable impacts of global warming, the government's advisers on climate change say in a new report.

The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) said the government hasn't achieved any of its targets and needed a policy "step change" to avoid loss of life.

The government said it would take the recommendations into account.


Over the last couple of years, England has faced a series of extreme weather events, likely made worse by climate change.

Last year was the warmest on record for the UK - temperatures broke 40C for the first time and more than 25,000 wildfires broke out.

BBC Almost 25,000 wildfires fought in England during summer 30 Dec 2022


Fire services in England dealt with nearly 25,000 wildfires this summer, almost four times that recorded over the same period in 2021, figures show.

Some forces tackled more than 50 wildfires a day amid droughts and record-breaking temperatures of more than 40C.

More than 800 wildfires were recorded on 19 July alone.


BBC Climate change: Warming could raise UK flood damage bill by 20% 7 Mar 2023 By Victoria Gill and Kate Stephens

Researchers have produced a detailed "future flood map" of Britain - simulating the impact of flooding as climate change takes its toll.

It has revealed that annual damage caused by flooding could increase by more than a fifth in today's terms over the next century.


BBC Extreme weather: What is it and how is it connected to climate change? 20 Mar 2023

【environmental issues】
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