


2020-08-14 11:16:21 | Newsメモ
 食料品の無駄をはぶくため、中国ではClean Plate、食事を供されたお皿をすっかり空かすべきであるぞ、とキャンペーンを始めたそうな。

BBC China launches 'Clean Plate' campaign against food waste 13 Aug 2020

 食品の廃棄は驚くべき、悲嘆すべきものであるとXi Jinpingが言うのである! ちょっと、食糧危機について考えておくれよ、と呼びかける。Covid-19騒ぎのなか、このように語るのは―

China has stepped up measures to reduce food waste, after President Xi Jinping called the amount wasted "shocking and distressing".

The "Clean Plate Campaign" comes after Mr Xi highlighted that Covid-19 had "sounded the alarm" on food waste.

He added that China had to "maintain a sense of crisis about food security".


It also comes after weeks of mass flooding across southern China which left farms wrecked and ruined tons of produce.

 そもそも中国は、食べきれないほど食事を出してこそもてなしだ―という常識のある国でもある。そこで「N - 1」ルールなんてのを作ってみたりしたそうな。つまり、10人で会食するなら、お皿は9つまで、というルール。厳しすぎやしねぇか。

So under this system dubbed "N-1", a group of 10 people can only order 9 dishes.

But it's likely the system will take time to get adjusting to, in a country where it is seen as polite to order more than the amount needed.

In a group setting, empty plates are sometimes seen as a sign of a bad host - signifying that an insufficient amount of food was ordered for guests.

 なんじゃ、おひとり様なら1-1で、ゼロか、食うものねぇじゃねえか! と。

The "N-1" idea faced some criticism online, with some pointing out that it was "too rigid".

"What if one person goes to a restaurant alone? How many dishes can he order? Zero?" asked one person on microblogging site Weibo.


The amount of food China wastes is enough to feed 30 to 50 million people annually. So aggressive tactics have been necessary to reshape the way people think about their consumption habits.


China is also facing a growing obesity problem.

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