

WHOトップもdecisive pointと認める様子

2020-02-28 12:05:27 | Newsメモ
BBC Coronavirus: Outbreak at 'decisive point' as WHO urges action 27 Feb 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has reached a "decisive point" and has "pandemic potential", World Health Organization head Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus says.


Iran and Italy have become major centres of infection, with people travelling from there spreading the virus further afield.


Several high-profile Iranian officials have become infected, the latest being Vice-President for Women and Family Affairs Masoumeh Ebtekar.

Globally, more than 80,000 people in nearly 50 countries have been infected. Nearly 2,800 have died, the majority in China's Hubei province.


"This is not a time for fear. This is a time for taking action to prevent infection and save lives now," he added.


The WHO's Michael Ryan said the extent of infection in Iran "may be broader than we think".

But he said the country had a "very high clinical capacity" and the current 10% death rate for cases there probably reflected screening that was not picking up mild coronavirus cases.


Italy's government is in fightback mode, trying a concerted approach to lessen the coronavirus panic. The foreign minister warned that an "epidemic of misleading information" would damage Italy "more than the virus itself", which, he added, had infected 0.1% of towns in the country. "It's time to stop the panic", said the prime minister, asking the national broadcaster Rai to "tone down".


South Korea saw new cases bringing its total infections to 1,261 with 12 deaths.

In Europe, Italy had 650 infections and 17 deaths.

Tehran has announced 26 deaths and 245 confirmed cases.


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