


2024-07-05 22:39:10 | ソマリア関連
 いやあ、一応、会談しない? と誘われて同じ土地に出向くくらいは修交のつもりはあるみたい。対談はしないそうだけど。まあ出向かないよりは遥かにマシだ。

BBC Ethiopia-Somaliland deal: Can the Horn of Africa rift be healed? 2 days ago
By Kalkidan Yibeltal in Addis Ababa & Damian Zane in London

 今年一月、エチオピアが「ソマリランドさんに港を借りるんだ! これでうちら、海へのアクセスがとれるよ! あ、あとうちのナショナルキャリア、ソマリランドさんとこに飛ばすから! そういう協定むすんだよー」と突如爆弾宣言して、おまえそれソマリランドを独立国認定する気か、とソマリアが激怒。大使をひきあげる惨状。

Tempers remain high in the Horn of Africa seven months after a New Year's Day deal saw the self-declared republic of Somaliland agree to lease part of its coastline to its landlocked neighbour Ethiopia.

Somalia is not happy about the maritime agreement, details of which remain murky.

Firstly, it believes the deal is unlawful and an "act of aggression" as it considers Somaliland, which broke away from Somalia in 1991 at the start of a protracted civil war, to be part of its territory.

It is also infuriated by reports that in return for use of a port, Ethiopia would become the first country to recognise Somaliland as a sovereign nation.


Turkey has now intervened diplomatically - bringing Ethiopian and Somali delegates together for talks in its capital, Ankara.


Ethiopia and Somalia's foreign ministers did turn up in the Turkish capital on 1 July - but they refused to sit down for one-to-one discussions.

Ankara has close relations with Mogadishu - the two governments have signed a 10-year defence pact in which Turkey would help guard Somalia's coastline and rebuild the Horn of African nation's naval force.


Eritrea is also reportedly concerned by Ethiopia's ambitions to gain access to the coast.

Another neighbour, Kenya, which enjoys close relations with both Ethiopia and Somalia, has kept a low profile and has not yet formally commented, while Uganda has also not taken a clear position.

Saudi Arabia and China, two countries with important roles in the region, said they would support Somalia's territorial integrity - something lauded as a diplomatic victory in Mogadishu.

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