


2024-02-28 23:08:11 | Newsメモ


BBC Cholera in Cameroon kills 29 people in one week 25 Mar 2022

Health officials in Cameroon say 29 people have died from cholera in one week.

They say more than 300 cases of the disease have been registered in the south-west of the country.

Health officials in Cameroon say 29 people have died from cholera in one week.

They say more than 300 cases of the disease have been registered in the south-west of the country.


BBC South Africa anti-migrant leader detained overnight 25 Mar 2022

The leader of an anti-migrant group in South Africa was detained overnight at a police station in the commercial capital of Johannesburg.

The reason for the arrest of Nhlanhla Lux Dlamini, 33, remains unclear.

His group, Operation Dudula, has been campaigning against undocumented foreign nationals in the country.


BBC Nigeria gang raid death toll rises to 135 11 Apr 2022 by Ishaq Khalid

The number of people killed by gunmen in a series of raids on several villages in Nigeria's central Plateau state has risen to more than 130.

Gunmen on dozens of motorbikes attacked at least four remote villages in Kanam area on Sunday, shooting people dead including children and young men.

 Boko Haramの指導者が殺害されたという2022年8月の記事。

BBC Nigeria's Boko Haram commander 'killed in air strike' 8 Aug 2022 By Nigeria's Boko Haram commander 'killed in air strike'

Boko Haram militant group leader Alhaji Modu, alias Bem Bem, was killed last week in an air strike, the Nigeria military announced on Sunday.

It said 28 militants were also killed in the airstrike carried out on 3 August in the north-western Borno State.

The BBC has not been able to independently verify the report.

Modu is alleged to have coordinated Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria, Niger, and Cameroon from caves in the Mandara mountains.

The Nigerian government says that the military has recorded significant success in the fight against Islamist militants, including the voluntary surrender of thousands of militants in the north-east.

 そういえば最近はBoko Haram自体の大規模活動はあまり聞かない。


BBC Nigerian inflation reaches 17-year high 16 Aug 2022

Inflation in Nigeria has reached its highest level since 2005, at 19.64% compared to 18.6% in June, according to the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

Food inflation was also up to 22.02% in July compared to 20.6% in June.

The cause of the surge is due to rising bread, transport, petrol and grain costs

The figures show inflation in Nigeria continues to supersede the central bank's target of 9%.


BBC Nigeria seizes crystal meth hidden in heads of fish 15 Aug 2022

The authorities in Nigeria have uncovered a haul of crystal methamphetamine that was concealed in heads of fish packed in boxes for export to Dubai.

The haul was found on Friday in a 11.9kg consignment that was presented for export at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport in Lagos.

The agency said the haul was in 442 pieces - each wrapped with foil paper and concealed in the heads of hundreds of smoked catfish. They were carried in seven boxes.



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