

Caster Semenyaの記事を少々。

2024-02-28 23:02:36 | Newsメモ
BBC Caster Semenya Q&A: Who is she and why is her case important? 15 Nov 2023


For the first time in several years, Caster Semenya has spoken publicly about her experiences as a world famous elite athlete born with differences of sexual development (DSD).

In a series of media rounds in the UK to promote her new autobiography, Semenya has discussed her childhood, her early career and her ongoing "fight" with athletics governing bodies around the rules that prevent her and other DSD athletes with elevated testosterone levels from competing in women's elite races.

Semenya argues that her "human rights" have been infringed, but World Athletics, the sport's international governing body, says that "fairness and the integrity of the female competition" must be prioritised "before inclusion".


Caster Semenya is a two-time Olympic champion and three-time world champion over 800m.


"Biology has to trump gender identity," athletics' governing body said in a statement welcoming the decision.


Semenya said on 7 November that she would be switching her focus away from the track to focus on "fighting" what she described as "injustices" in the sport.

"My future is to fight injustice, fight for inclusivity and diversity," she told the BBC, adding that she wanted to "pave the way and make sure each and every young girl is treated well".


Semenya is not the only athlete with differences in sexual development (DSD) in her event, let alone in her sport.

Francine Niyonsaba of Burundi and Kenya's Margaret Nyairera Wambui, who finished second and third behind Semenya in the 800m final at the 2016 Rio Olympics, were also born with DSD.

All three athletes were ruled ineligible to compete in the rearranged 2021 Olympics in Tokyo.

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