BBC Climate change behind South Africa's devastating floods 13 May 2022 By Pumza Fihlani
「A report by the World Weather Attribution (WWA), an international group of climate scientists, released on Friday has found that climate change led to increased rainfall that caused devastating flooding in South Africa last month.
It's one of the first reports on the devastating floods that hit KwaZulu-Natal in April ? described as the worst in 60 years.」
「It said initial assessments show that the floods disproportionately affected poorer communities. The report also found that historical injustices that continue to affect communities such as apartheid-era housing planning, old infrastructure and a lack of clear early warning systems all worsened the impact of the floods.」
BBC Record number of polluters set CO2 emissions targets 13 May 2022 By Roger Harrabin
「A record number of big polluters are committing to cutting CO2 emissions, a UN-backed report has said.
But firms in Asia, Africa and Latin America are lagging behind Europe, the US and Japan, the Science-Based Targets Initiative said.
Separately, a report cast doubt on whether oil companies can all deliver carbon cuts they've promised.
Big oil firms are relying on unproven technologies, a think tank said.」
BBC Lancet study: Pollution killed 2.3 million Indians in 2019 18 May 2022
「Pollution led to more than 2.3 million premature deaths in India in 2019, according to a new Lancet study.
Nearly 1.6 million deaths were due to air pollution alone, and more than 500,000 were caused by water pollution.
The latest Lancet Commission on pollution and health report blamed pollution for nine million - or about one in six - deaths globally.」
「The study found that more than 90% of pollution related deaths occurred in low-income and middle-income countries, with India topping the list with 2.36 million and China at number two with 2.1 million deaths.」
BBC Climate change behind South Africa's devastating floods 13 May 2022 By Pumza Fihlani
「A report by the World Weather Attribution (WWA), an international group of climate scientists, released on Friday has found that climate change led to increased rainfall that caused devastating flooding in South Africa last month.
It's one of the first reports on the devastating floods that hit KwaZulu-Natal in April ? described as the worst in 60 years.」
「It said initial assessments show that the floods disproportionately affected poorer communities. The report also found that historical injustices that continue to affect communities such as apartheid-era housing planning, old infrastructure and a lack of clear early warning systems all worsened the impact of the floods.」
BBC Record number of polluters set CO2 emissions targets 13 May 2022 By Roger Harrabin
「A record number of big polluters are committing to cutting CO2 emissions, a UN-backed report has said.
But firms in Asia, Africa and Latin America are lagging behind Europe, the US and Japan, the Science-Based Targets Initiative said.
Separately, a report cast doubt on whether oil companies can all deliver carbon cuts they've promised.
Big oil firms are relying on unproven technologies, a think tank said.」
BBC Lancet study: Pollution killed 2.3 million Indians in 2019 18 May 2022
「Pollution led to more than 2.3 million premature deaths in India in 2019, according to a new Lancet study.
Nearly 1.6 million deaths were due to air pollution alone, and more than 500,000 were caused by water pollution.
The latest Lancet Commission on pollution and health report blamed pollution for nine million - or about one in six - deaths globally.」
「The study found that more than 90% of pollution related deaths occurred in low-income and middle-income countries, with India topping the list with 2.36 million and China at number two with 2.1 million deaths.」