BBC How distress call to BBC led to rescue of six women trapped in refrigerated lorry in France 28 Sep 2023 By Khue B. Luu
「Six women have been rescued from the back of a lorry in France, after the BBC helped track them down and alert the police.
The four Vietnamese and two Iraqis, thought to be migrants, were trapped inside, panicking and struggling to breathe. One of them spoke to the BBC from inside the lorry.
The BBC then helped to contact the police, who stopped the lorry.
French police have arrested the lorry driver.
They have also opened an investigation into a suspected human trafficking operation.」
「"Are you in Europe? Please help, it's urgent," a panicked voice rang out.
I felt cold all over. The tragic story of 39 Vietnamese migrants found dead after suffocating in a lorry trailer back in 2019 in Essex was still fresh in my mind.」
BBC How distress call to BBC led to rescue of six women trapped in refrigerated lorry in France 28 Sep 2023 By Khue B. Luu
「Six women have been rescued from the back of a lorry in France, after the BBC helped track them down and alert the police.
The four Vietnamese and two Iraqis, thought to be migrants, were trapped inside, panicking and struggling to breathe. One of them spoke to the BBC from inside the lorry.
The BBC then helped to contact the police, who stopped the lorry.
French police have arrested the lorry driver.
They have also opened an investigation into a suspected human trafficking operation.」
「"Are you in Europe? Please help, it's urgent," a panicked voice rang out.
I felt cold all over. The tragic story of 39 Vietnamese migrants found dead after suffocating in a lorry trailer back in 2019 in Essex was still fresh in my mind.」