コロナウィルスパンデミックを阻止しようとする政府勧告を無視するひとは自分勝手だ―そんな言葉がhealth secretaryから発せられる。そんな具合に政府の統制に人々を服さしめようというのは、いささか好ましくないなあと思うくらいには私は戦後民主主義者なのだが、まあその、イギリス人はイギリス人であって、そりゃあイギリス人だって”君たち、イギリス人らしすぎるのはちょっと遠慮したまえ”くらいはいいたくなるだろう。
「And on Sunday evening, the government issued a further statement, clarifying its advice that "people should avoid travelling unless it is essential".
Essential travel, the Department for Health and Social Care said, "does not include visits to second homes, camp sites, caravan parks or similar, whether for isolation purposes or holidays".」
「うん、隔離されればいいんだな! そして必要な移動はなされるべきなのだ!」そんなわけでセカンドハウスやキャンプサイト(だって屋外で乾燥して風通しは最高だろう)やキャラバン・パークや…隔離の目的、あるいは休暇のために移動するのは、それは必要な移動とはいわんのだ、というご指導。
BBC Coronavirus: People who ignore government advice 'selfish' 23 Mar 2020
「People who have ignored government advice aimed at tackling the coronavirus pandemic are "very selfish", says the health secretary.
Matt Hancock said the government was willing to take "more action" if needed to stop the virus from spreading.
Over the weekend, photos emerged showing crowds of people visiting open spaces across many parts of the UK.」
「Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Mr Hancock said he didn't know why some people were ignoring the government's advice.
"It's very selfish," he told the Today programme. "The NHS is doing everything it can and preparing for the spread of this virus.」
「The proposals - set out last week - also includes enabling recently retired NHS staff to return to work without any negative impact on their pensions, fast-tracking funeral arrangements, and allowing more court hearings to take place by phone or video.」
「And on Sunday evening, the government issued a further statement, clarifying its advice that "people should avoid travelling unless it is essential".
Essential travel, the Department for Health and Social Care said, "does not include visits to second homes, camp sites, caravan parks or similar, whether for isolation purposes or holidays".」
「うん、隔離されればいいんだな! そして必要な移動はなされるべきなのだ!」そんなわけでセカンドハウスやキャンプサイト(だって屋外で乾燥して風通しは最高だろう)やキャラバン・パークや…隔離の目的、あるいは休暇のために移動するのは、それは必要な移動とはいわんのだ、というご指導。
BBC Coronavirus: People who ignore government advice 'selfish' 23 Mar 2020
「People who have ignored government advice aimed at tackling the coronavirus pandemic are "very selfish", says the health secretary.
Matt Hancock said the government was willing to take "more action" if needed to stop the virus from spreading.
Over the weekend, photos emerged showing crowds of people visiting open spaces across many parts of the UK.」
「Speaking on BBC Radio 4, Mr Hancock said he didn't know why some people were ignoring the government's advice.
"It's very selfish," he told the Today programme. "The NHS is doing everything it can and preparing for the spread of this virus.」
「The proposals - set out last week - also includes enabling recently retired NHS staff to return to work without any negative impact on their pensions, fast-tracking funeral arrangements, and allowing more court hearings to take place by phone or video.」