New cases +4207(total cases 35713)、new deaths +475(total deaths 2978)。中国のtotal deathsは3237であるため、その差は259。つまりここ数日の調子なら、明日にも中国の死者総数をイタリア一国で超える見込み。イタリアのserious, criticalは2257ある。
BBC Italy coronavirus deaths rise by record 475 in a day 18 Mar 2020
「The number of people dying from coronavirus in Italy has risen by 475 in one day to nearly 3,000 - the biggest increase since the outbreak.」
total recoveredは4025あり、つまり10%以上が既に回復している。必ずしも決定的な死病ではないのだが、高齢者、特に多少の既往症のある身には耐え難いことが―一定数あるわけだ。
「There are a total of 35,713 confirmed cases in the country, with more than 4,000 having successfully recovered.
Lombardy, the worst-hit region, recorded 319 deaths in one day.」
「Italy has been on lockdown for almost two weeks as authorities try to halt the progress of the virus.」
「Spain now has 598 dead and 13,716 infections. An inquiry is to be launched into the deaths of at least 17 residents of a nursing home in Madrid, where dozens of cases of Covid-19 have been reported.」
死者総数598にいたる。nursing homeで17名以上が死亡したということで、老人ホームの類か。うちの伯母様も老人ホームに入り、面会謝絶だしなあ、いま。そりゃへたにウィルスが進入したら壊滅するだろうからなあ。
「Germany has 12 deaths and 8,198 cases. In a TV address, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to abide by restrictions aimed at combating the pandemic. "Since German reunification, actually, since World War Two, there has never been a challenge for our country in which acting in solidarity was so very crucial," she said.」
BBC Italy coronavirus deaths rise by record 475 in a day 18 Mar 2020
「The number of people dying from coronavirus in Italy has risen by 475 in one day to nearly 3,000 - the biggest increase since the outbreak.」
total recoveredは4025あり、つまり10%以上が既に回復している。必ずしも決定的な死病ではないのだが、高齢者、特に多少の既往症のある身には耐え難いことが―一定数あるわけだ。
「There are a total of 35,713 confirmed cases in the country, with more than 4,000 having successfully recovered.
Lombardy, the worst-hit region, recorded 319 deaths in one day.」
「Italy has been on lockdown for almost two weeks as authorities try to halt the progress of the virus.」
「Spain now has 598 dead and 13,716 infections. An inquiry is to be launched into the deaths of at least 17 residents of a nursing home in Madrid, where dozens of cases of Covid-19 have been reported.」
死者総数598にいたる。nursing homeで17名以上が死亡したということで、老人ホームの類か。うちの伯母様も老人ホームに入り、面会謝絶だしなあ、いま。そりゃへたにウィルスが進入したら壊滅するだろうからなあ。
「Germany has 12 deaths and 8,198 cases. In a TV address, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to abide by restrictions aimed at combating the pandemic. "Since German reunification, actually, since World War Two, there has never been a challenge for our country in which acting in solidarity was so very crucial," she said.」