Buy Experiences, Not Things(4)
interestingly enough 興味深いことに
exhort 熱心に勧める
wake-up call 注意を促す警鐘
instant gratification 即時の満足
top-of-the-line 最高級品の
assumption 前提、仮定
rain out 雨でだめにする、中止にする
escapade 冒険、とっぴな行為
any number of かなり多数の、たくさんの〜
surf the Web インターネット上のサイトを見て回る、
Buy Experiences, Not Things(5)
expiration date 有効期限、賞味期限
deathbed 死の床、臨終
tangible 実体のある、触れられる
tangibles 有形資産
value 〜高く評価する、重んじる
contentment 満足、安堵、心の安らぎ
fulfilling 充実感のある
not a bit 少しも〜ない
rank as 〜 〜に相当する、〜の位置を占める、〜の部類に入る
in my humble opinion 私の卑見では
live on 生き続ける
Week 4 Special Week English Theater
7月25日 Witches' Loaves by O.Henry Act 1
loaf 一個、ローフ
beard ひげ
stale bread 古いパン
stain 塗料等の汚れ
chop 骨付き肉
light roll ライトロール(小さな丸いパン)
attic 屋根裏部屋
test one's theory 自己の理論を検証する
Q. What was Miss Martha Meacham's profession?
A. She kept a little bakery on the corner, the one where
you go up three steps, and the bell tinkles when you
open the door.
Q. What did the customer always buy?
A. He always bought two loaves of stale bread, never
fresh bread.
7月26日 Witches' Loaves by O.Henry Act 2
Venetian scene ヴェネチアの風景
foreground 前景
chiaroscuro 明暗法、キアロスクーロ
perspective 遠近法
struggle 苦労する
daydream 夢想
crave こよなく欲する、熱望する
meager/meagre purchase 貧弱な買い物
Q. What did the customer seem to crave when he would chat for a while across the showcase?
A. He seemed to carve Miss Martha's cheerful words.
Q. How did she think the customer began to look?
A. She thought that he began to look thinner and discouraged.
7月27日 Witches' Loaves by O.Henry Act 3
take to 〜ing 〜するのを好むようになる
blue-dotted waist ブルーの水玉模様のブラウス
complexion 肌のつや、顔色
tooting and clanging ピーピー、ガチャンガチャン
a generous quantity of 〜 たっぷりの〜
fluttering of the heart 胸のおののき
unmaidenly forwardness 娘らしくないはしたなさ、厚かましさ
deception トリック、偽装
Q. When Miss Martha was reaching for the stale loaves, what happened?
A. There was a great tooting and clanging, and a fire-engine came,
and the customer went to the door to take a look.
Q. What did Miss Martha insert in the customer's stale loaves?
A. She inserted a generous quantity of butter.
7月28日 Witches' Loaves by O.Henry Act 4
rumpled 髪が乱れて
fist こぶし
ferociously どうもうに
spoil めちゃくちゃにする、だめにする
architectural draftsman 建築製図師
ink the lines 下書きの線に墨を入れる
india rubber 消しゴム
ash can ゴミ缶
meddling old cat おせっかいの老いぼれ猫
Q. What did Blumberger, the customer do for a living?
A. He was an architectural draftsman.
Q. When a draftsman is done making his drawing in pencil,
what does he use to rub out the pencil lines?
A. He uses stale bread crumbs to rub them out.