Karen Baker, President
PFLAG, Madison, WI
To the People United, sponsors of the Ishiharakougi
On behalf of the members of the Madison WI (USA) chapter of PFLAG (Parents, Family/Friends of Lesbians and Gays), we wish to add our names in support of your protest against the homophobic remarks of the governor of Tokyo, Ishihara Shintaro. We are deeply disappointed and disheartened that the second most important political leader in Japan would have made such discriminatory remarks about a minority among the citizens of Tokyo whose civil rights and human welfare he was elected to foster, preserve and protect. Such uninformed and misguided remarks serve rather to reinforce existing social prejudices and expose the members of the LGBT community to further discrimination. Instead of supporting them in their desire to participate more fully and openly in the life of a great and vibrant city, such remarks serve only to keep them in a social ghetto, forced to live hidden and stunted lives of fear and disguise. If they are "missing something," it is the possibility of having fuller, richer lives under a more enlightened and moral public leadership.
If we could be there to join you in your Ishiharakougi march, we would proudly hold up banners and placards bearing the words that appear on the literature we hand out to our fellow citizens here in Madison:
"Gay Rights are Civil Rights"
"Someone You Know and Love is Gay"
"We Are Straight But Not Narrow"
Perhaps one day your governor, Ishihara-san, will come to appreciate the deep wisdom of these mantras and the full humanity of the LGBT members of his community. For the truth is, if there is anyone who is "missing something," if there is anyone we should "feel sorry for," it is Mr Ishihara himself who, by his discriminatory remarks, has shown himself unworthy to be the leader of one of the great cities of the world community.
As a footnote we note, also with sorrow, another of the governor’s unfeeling remarks. It was reported in the media here in the United States that Ishihara-san viewed the tragic events of the March 11th earthquake, tsunami and radiation disaster as evidence of "divine retribution." If the leader of any other major international city or state were to make such a hurtful and immoral remark, the world would be appalled. We are appalled.
We would feel privileged if you would add our names to your protest march. Gambatte kudasai!
Karen Baker, President
PFLAG, Madison WI